ITT: Games Sup Forums universally agrees are good

ITT: Games Sup Forums universally agrees are good

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but i fucking hate it

Easily the worst universe in the entire Mario franchise. The beans are ugly, unfunny and all the stages look like clownvomit. The enemies and bosses are as basic as they get, and the "dungeons" require way too much tedious use of your special moves.

My retard alert immediately goes off when people tell me they preferred this game to Dream Team and Paper Jam.

It's alright but it's easiness kills it

My favourite game, of course.

I absolutely loved it. I played it when I was 10 though.

Your post was good up until
>dream team
>paper jam

They're the exact same shit game with the exact same shit coat of paint, if you said bowsers inside story you might have had a point, but good job invalidating your entire post


>Wario is exploring some ancient ruins in the Bogart, with an ancient pyramid-like thing behind him
>in the actual game you're always inside the pyramid.
What a bunch of cowabonga shit. Didn't they test this site boxart before they released it? Game and Wario is a lot better


1. Good gameplay
2. Good enemies
3. Good bosses
4. Good dungeons
5. A game which provides some manner of challenge, especially on hard mode
6. Memorable

>Nintendo trash

It's one of my favourite games just because it's so goddamn absurd

You're traveling to get back the princess' voice (but you're not) then you have to go to the woods to get an ancient cola a mad barrel man has to tell jokes to to mature it, then you're surfing around on Luigi's body around an arcapelago where millennia-old gods give you fire powers, then you're playing a puzzle game with Donkey Kong's skeleton.

What happened to games just being weird for the hell of it?

Awesome, another thinly veiled "hate on this game for me" thread!

I've heard even SMTfags like it

>itt someone posts a game
>another user responds saying the game sucks

>mario games

>shallow waifushit

This is a real man's game

Bullshit, I can totally see someone preferring the cleaner artstyle of DT to SSS' more messy and off-model one.

The soundtrack for this game was GOAT

Space pinball

Name one memorable thing from dream team

Dreamy Bowser.

That coinflip is the greatest moment in vidya.


I actually liked Game and Wario.

The nightmare text bit

>Paper Jam
I returned that shit after the fucking Toad fetch quests. I'd take any beans over those fucking faceless cunts.

You aside from Inception: The Boss Fight?

More like you got your shit pushed in by paper petey and wiggler

Every giant battle, but especially the last three, the Massif Brothers, most of the music, Dream's Deep, the gay bedsmith, Wakeport in general for being the comfiest town ever, the numerous cameos and references from the previous games like Popple and Kylie Koopa.

I really liked the part where Mario explored the deep dream (or whatever it's called, been a long time.) It made the dynamic between big and little brother a lot more impactful, and as someone who has a big brother they respect and want to impress I can only sympathize with Luigi's desire to push past his cowardice in an effort to make Mario proud.

Why do we always have threads like this?

The only two games Sup Forums will admit are good are the following:

• Super Mario Bros. 3
• Cave Story