Guys, I just figured out a major Dark Souls plot point

Guys, I just figured out a major Dark Souls plot point
The purpose of ringing the two bells of awakening at the beginning of the game was to wake up Gwyn as a lord of cinder. Gwyn was dead for the first half of the game until we rang the two bells of awakening. We know this for a fact because the purpose of the bells was explained in DkS3 with the bells awakening the previous lords of cinders as well as the unkindled (unsuccessful lords of cinder)

Thoughts ?

>The purpose of ringing the two bells of awakening at the beginning of the game was to wake up Gwyn as a lord of cinder.


Just a test of strength. Same as Sen's.

The purpose of ringing the bells was to open the gate at Sen's.

OP is correct but lazy researchers will inundate you with effete counterarguments like "nope doesn't mean more than open tha gate xd"

good observation

You've fallen into the Dark Souls lore trap.

There is no depth to be found there.
Only intentional obscurity.

Making up your own fan fiction is neat and fun and all, but it's still just fan fiction, and still not worth a thread on Sup Forums which has low enough standards as is.

The bells are literally labeled "bells of awakening"
Dark Souls 3 proves two things :
Linking the fire is very painful and kills the subject
Ringing the bell of awakening wakes the lords of cinders first, then the unkindled if the flame goes unkindled for too long

At that point in time, Gwyn had been the only one to attempt to link the flame, and succeeded, thus becoming the first lord of cinder. The purpose of ringing the bells of AWAKENING, therefore, was to AWAKEN Gwyn.

it awakened the giants to open the gate to sen's fortress buddy

Nice meme argument my dude but your platform is a bit shaky. No they don't sit you down and hold your hand through exposition but does that mean there isn't a story to be told and connections within? No. You have to actually find the information for yourself.

Sure people come up with retarded head cannons but a big reason people discuss the lore is the legitimate, sometimes hidden connections in plot, like op's.

Right so the cutscene post bells is the entire story, makes sense.

>Gwyn was dead for the first half of the game until we rang the two bells of awakening.

>First half of the game
>bells of awakening

fucking get good already jesus fucking christ

yup, sorry but your fanfic isn't real buddy
fromsoft doesn't plan ahead that far nor do they prioritize story over gameplay so... they'll do what they want

Every single person in this thread is dangerously mentally ill. You Fromfags are all cancer, and you should kill yourselves and let us all speculate the deep lore behind your mental deficiencies that led to your suicide.

So this is what actual autism looks like. Fucking scary knowing I share a board with disgusting subhuman trash like you.

just out of interest how do you know?

very well spoken there champ can you do me a favor and be any more bitter than you are now?

what's the point in debate when you ignore the argument clearly laid out in front of you? it just seems embarrassing.

Your notions on the inner workings of FromSoft's design philosophy is truly riveting, but don't expect me to believe you just because you bitch and moan that it's the case, because it isn't.

Not him but look up how the development of Dark Souls 2 ended up happening. They scrapped what they had halfway through and had to find new purpose for everything. Completely new roles and personalities for characters and finding some purpose for the already made assets. That does not sound like a series with careful planning to me.

>tfw friend is an unrepentant lorefag and won't stop pulling shit out of his ass like "Yulia is an invisible creature in the pot next to the merchant because he holds his hand over it when he says the name."

It's so annoying to hear this shit constantly as if it's truth when it's all so much scrap-based conjecture that will never be confirmed or denied.

>dark souls 2

literally not relevant to the discussion at all, made by a different team and under the pressure of being the sequel to a surprisingly popular game. Just by playing das2 you can tell that its an exception to the rule of development at FROM. You are a fucking idiot and i have no idea why you are trying to defend another fucking idiot in this thread.

>Caring about Dark Souls' story

The bells woke Frampt up.

Well, I mean, I've always wondered why Gwyn was alive and just hanging out in the Kiln when he was supposed to be cinders. I haven't heard a better explanation yet.

just start egging him on with some bullshit theories

Like how are children made?

If humans are the result of the first flame, is sex even a thing in the Dark Souls universe? Where do babies come from?

Isn't Yulia just his sword?

ringing the bells just wakes up the giant so he can open the gate to sens

This is true, same for C0DA fags from TES.

What's C0DA stand for?

if you perform the right skips you can kill gwyn without ringing both bells

gameplay wins

Well they also woke up Frampt.

I can however see the brainstorming session where someone on the design team mentions an idea like the OP's and everyone goes with it.

I don't know, probably nothing.

but who rang the bells in DS3?