Well....that was fast

Well....that was fast.

Other urls found in this thread:




She looks fine. I don't get the memeing about her looks.

Still looks awful.

She looks a lot better, but it almost looks like all they changed was the lighting. Unless I'm missing something.

she looks fine for a single mom who works at walmart
not for a power fantasy from the future of space

She objectively looks fine. But people like to exaggerate.

now she has a giraffe neck

Scotty too.

>Yes see, everything is fixed now, we have said before that all the face animations were bugs, and we definitely fixed it 30 days before launch! :D Now be a good customer and go buy the 200$ special edition (actual game not included)

>nigger lips reduced
>neanderthal skull touched up a little

She's still ugly as sin, but Bioware aren't allowed to make attractive characters anymore.

She looks slightly less retarded, but still retarded.

The smile still looks fake as fuck - like picture related but I don't think Bioware is INTENDING Mexican Shephard to come off as disingenuous

Ok I don't get this. One of the things people criticize about her is her thick lips.

Faggots, that's a good thing.

>game needs significant fixes a month before launch
uh oh

That was never a game edition, just a fucking toy. How did you retards manage to whip yourselves into a frenzy over such a nothing?

She looks fine, cute even.

Edge lords want another TORtanic and newfags are just trying to fit in.

A toy and a case for the game which isn't included. Literally an empty case.

Full lips on a white person is one thing, she's Angelina Jolie tier and her lips look god awful, too.

Game's fucked.

>The two Ryders are twin brother and sister
>the one you don't pick goes off on their own
>might become your rival
this is gonna get really goddamn stupid isn't it

>yeah such a cutie

>not just equivalent to a real world 8/10


Yes, it's a tacked on "collectible" they used to try and get retards to buy the toy so they have a steel case to go with their game. That's dumb, but you know fucking well that isn't what Sup Forums thought it was when you were spamming this image left and right.

It's nu-Bioware, how is it NOT going to be stupid, cringe or otherwise forced all over. Every person working for that dev team who had any talent has left the studio.

I assume this game has a character creation system because if they expect me to play as those two retards, I'm not even getting this on a sale

Post Yfw the other Ryder's crew is better than yours

She looks fine, but the facial animations we've seen so far look horrible.

>what they are

Eyes still look weird

Villain teams are always better. It's why Tales of Rehashed Assets ended up being so good - they let you play as the baddies.

Doesn't really look terrible when she's like this, but when she starts moving it gets bad.

Yes, that's what 10s are treated as by the idiots making reviews. Do you have reading comprehension problems?

Would Modern Bioware have this gag?


Does manveer still work there?

If yes then bioware can go fuck itself :)

go away underageB&

focal length changed.

she would block you and throw you on the ground and say "This is why I take self defense classes" or so now.

hes still got lego hair

She looks kind of like...Ashley Burch?

I like how in ME3 she will TRY to do that, but you can react to it and counter if you see the prompt.

Vanderloo Shep mod when

changes aren't exactly huge though

She a cute. CUTE

I'd say they're non-existent and that shills and/or idiots post here to pretend that this fugly ass anita-face has been ''fixed''

Can they not get proper eye textures?

Sup Forumstards gonna tard

That's because the problem was the camera angle, idiots.

Review ratings out of 10 are arbitrary. 1,2,3 all mean the same thing. Three different ways of saying the game/movie is bad. 5 is better with no half stars/points

Polished turd stays a turd.

Why does she look like a teenage boy?

>she looks like curry
>head developer is a curry who hate whites

The most blatant since the new Donte self insert.


>ingame model
what is this new meme

That final shot....Koksal Baba?!

Do you know what FOV is?
Did you know you can change that FOV in a lot of games?

>new meme
Please, Reddit, I know everything is an epic as fuck meme to you, but stop referring to absolutely everything as ''meme''.

Sarah is cute Cute CUTE!!!!!

ummm i don't understand the butthurt, aren't the MC's customisable?? why do their designs matter

If they got rid of the dumbo ears, and gave some expression to her eyes she would actually look fine.
She just has that creepy, psychopath look in her eyes, which can be hot depending of the situation, but it's mostly eerie.

Fuck off Reddit.

Don't forget no controller is included either for the Nomad, gotta download that shit as an app. They sure have cut so many corners and jacked the price on that thing, £280 here for something that has no game and no controller for the main item.

>assigned male

Your sperging is as cute as teh dickens and all, but show some animation and kick this shit up to 11.

Still looks like shit, though.

dem cock sucking lips

>kids discovering limited editions are a scam
Always adorable.
Yes goys, that metallic case is totally worth those extra $40.

Can you bang her if you pick male MC?
Is there incest?
BioWare seems very ''progressive'', so at least something good should come out of this.

ummmmmmm still not answering the question

Copy that

>starting to find her cute
im beyond help

just embrace it my friend

>Fuck off Reddit.

So if you have the capacity to make an ugly character the game is worthless? Not enough like the magical girls and your dōjins desu senpai?

The game isn't shit because of any of this. You want to see the problems with ME:A just try to make a character that moves properly.

The animation is an abomination.

The new one's kind of cute in an 'athletic milf' kind of way, I guess.

Of course it was fast, they just had to change the camera.

It astounds me that people didn't realize the original images were taken from a bad angle and FOV. It was obvious the second I saw them.

That's what makes it worse. At least a model takes hours to design. There's no excuse for fucking up the angle and FOV of your promotional material; you should be able to see it immediately and it takes seconds to correct.

I'm not talking about the game itself.
In fact, gameplay wise, it might not be bad at all, it certainly will be better than ME2 and 3.

I'm calling him a Redditor for typing


That's something I've actually noticed about the Andromeda videos... they use high FOV, even in wide shots of the environments making everything look like a shitty let's play. Concurrently they use it even in character portraits to the extent that it gives fisheye effect.

Can these terrible game devs do anything right?

kek can't wait to see her in some sfm gangbang porn

sick burn

Oh, OK then...

theres nothing wrong with wanting to see bioware crash and burn but shut the fuck up if they are actually listening to feedback once

There is always a guy who posts this.
Are you a fucking paid shill?

She looks fine, like a normal human, the people sperging are just overdosed on anime

yeah, how else are you meant to see the fucking game?

They would probably have more. Mass Effect 3 sucked ridiculous amounts of Shepard cock. In Andromeda you probably won't even be able to avoid these pointless, unearned and unsatisfying displays of power.

I'd say there's a 50% chance you even get a chance to NOT pull off that gun disarm that's been reposted to death.

But they are not.
It's just those character shots were taking with a low FOV.

That image is older than ME Andromeda threads.

It would take them a lot longer to fix this game's horrendous animation.

>pointless, unearned and unsatisfying displays of power.

There is literally nothing wrong with punching journalists.

We will fix it!

No matter that the game will reach gold status soon

>shitting on high FOV in action games about situational awareness
Fuck off reddit

>3 Jan
why post old tweets?

this is fake

Because they haven't fixed shit judging by the last trailers.

No you MOTHERFUCKING MORON, I mean in promotional videos of the GAME ENVIRONMENTS, not the gameplay itself. It doesn't look right, you don't film a cutscene with an FOV of 100* unless it's some fisheye spoopy speed shit going on.

Kill yourself for misreading my post you fucking insufferable autist sperg, and never fucking reply to me again unless it contributed to the thread.

You are a literal retard

In the first Mass Effect it was amusing because Shepard didn't do it that often, even if you went full Renegade. It had impact.

By the time of Mass Effect 3, Shepard was snapping necks and kicking people through windows all over the place. It never felt significant because it never felt earned.

Stupid biocuck


(Game Sold Separately)

So a bug with her talking animations still isn't fixed and you can tell this by viewing a video where she doesn't talk?

The ponytail is still in stasis, I suppose.