4X Thread

Picked up Endless Legend the other day, really enjoying it, don't see many people.talking about it though? Also, as you can guess by the subject, 4X thread

I like Endless Legend a lot too OP

Only major issue I had with it is how fucking aggressive the AI behaves sometimes, especially when I tried playing Roving Clans

It's my favourite 4x since Call to Power 2. Really puts the civ games to shame. Did you get all the DLC user?

The Roving Clans are the one faction I can't bring myself to play anymore. Fucking around with mercenaries and market bans got old fast and they're so lackluster otherwise.

complaining about aggressive ai in a 4x game? really?

we got a civ 5 player here, boys

While yeah, I enjoyed V, the AI in this is notably over aggressive. Even the "peaceful" factions are out to fucking annihilate you.

Endless Legend is a good game. I feel like most matches start off pretty slow, though. It could just be the fact that I came to Endless Legend from Endless Space, but it feels like your empire is weak as hell until you get to turn 100 or 150 or so. After that, shit just ramps up and there are no brakes on the train.

My engineers are geniuses!

They will literally mass buy mercenaries and siege your shit then run away to heal
Its very difficult to kill a fleeing squad

I uninstalled the game after it softlocked when ending my turn several times across a few days.

just slide the game length slider to "short", makes turns actually matter.

Love it, but I wish they would give more control to the player over each hex, like in Civ. I'm not too fond of building a district = automatically exploit 3 tiles around the district.

I never quite got the combat, ended up just autoresolving everything.

>tfw you can't build no more

Is this the power of cheat engine, or am I missing a way to get tens of thousands of pearls?

Playing Vaulters and turtling up during the winter is comfy af.
I played it a lot when it was first released, but haven't tried any of the DLC's. Which ones are the best?

It's usually possible to get up to 5k pearls if you play on bigger maps. Beyond that, nope. Pearls are very easy to engine, though.

Must have? Guardians, Tempest.
Would be a big mistake not to have? Shifters.
It's ok? Shadows.
Might as well get for 0.49 on a sale? Both dlcs.

Get it all, it's on sale right now desu

the music is nice and inviting. that composer is fantastic

Thanks for the quick rundown.

It's great but unfortunately is pretty shallow if you are a very experienced 4x player. It's WAYY too easy. Also the combat is utterly terrible. Too bad because the game beyond the AI and combat is goat

Speaking of Endless Legend, Make war not love is on it's final day, Too bad Endless Legend isn't on the final day. I have some codes that are up for grabs because I either have them already or don't have the game in DOWII's case.

Golden Axe II (MD & G Classics): (Four)N(Four)ED-BBKE(Zero)-VGZFM
Shining force (MD & G Classics): (Four)CVMC-NZVKZ-ND(Eight)NK
Alien Soldier (MD & G Classics): (Zero)QJIW-NALWN-(Twenty)AGF
DoWII Ultramarines DLC: (Zero)RVTF-MNNEI-WNRW(Seven)

Everything's 75% off, but if you don't want everything, Guardians, Shadows, Shifters and Tempest are the ones I would recommend prioritizing over any others. Especially the latter three as they add another faction as well as something else to the game as a whole (respectively - Stealth, better winters and making the sea worthwhile)

This. Flybyno is one of the few video game composers that consistently makes great soundtracks. Endless space's is fantastic.

Is there a mod that changes combat. I just really hate it and the auto resolving isn't always a good idea