Battleborn thread

battleborn thread

make this post get replies more than the playerbase

Consider it done with this post


you have my (you)

there we go



if you want

let's do this bois


someone post the how dare you speak to me screencap

This is the part where OP goes ape**** (only the best writing in my hero shooter)

Why are you doing this you jerk. Does it nake you feel happy bashing on other people's hard work and being another jerk in this world. God I wish I had a badass way to stop all the jerks like you from playing games and commenting on them.

Bought two copies during the Best Buy daily deal the other day.

Here ya go

Already done

God this game is dead ;_;





Didn't enjoy watching a game crash this bad since DmC.



we need more replies

bb needs more players

Holy shit did the circus come to town or is that battlebornes shitty character design

i feel so sorry for the developers that i think i might actually buy their game

that hawkman looks kind of cool
not his colors though

>mfw this happens on a daily basis
>mfw people are still harassing pitchford about it

>far right

What in the holy name of fuck is wrong with her feet?

I was playing Battleborn a couple minutes ago, and there are more people in this thread than players online.





I honestly would play Battleborn if someone gifted it to me

please make a man happy(sad?) today

>[email protected]
sent :^)

>more like BUTTleborn LOL!


I'm doing my duty as a badass 4channer


Put me in the screenshot

All units be advised, this user is awesome!



Surely this will convince 2k to hire Sup Forums, right?

Reeeee mysoginists none of you will be able to buy dook nook 4d:tittularfartfunny when it comes out AND I'll write a song about it.

A thread that could've been of great knowledge and wisdom was deleted in order for this thread to be made. Fuck you OP



Literally what. Fucking furry filth.

>great knowledge and wisdom
>Sup Forums

i came to this thread to say " i bet this thread gets more replies than the number of players" but i see you beat me to it

fuck i didnt even notice that

H-Hey user. You learn something new everyday. I learned about a shit ton of easter eggs in the MGS series off of Sup Forums

I'm just here so that I can be in the screencap.

Can someone throw Randy Pitchford into the middle of a war zone and leave him there with a rusty spoon to fight or scoop his ass with?

>Don't forget you're Princess forever
Makes sense to me!

Oh boy, here we go.

Currently 377 people playing

>mfw reading the steam discussion and gearbox forums

This dude.


damn,this bird is acutally prety cool,i like his design



What the fuck is this?

hes like the only remotely symmetrical character which helps

It's a bird in military colors with a prosthetic wing. Easily the best design.

>60,566 all time peak
>45,422 24-hour peak
how the fuck does it retain so many players? and looks like it's stable too.

its overwatch for poor people
theres a lot of poor people

It's the poorfag's OW. Chinks have their knockoffs and the west has Paladins.

you got it

And kids.

Adding one (you) to the pile.

I thought BB was the Overwatch for poorfags

It's a 7/10 f2p game, Russians and BRs love that stuff.

This post needs about 380 replies to beat battleborn right now. Better try between 9-10am (uk time) when the playerbase drops to

Overwatch = Coca Cola
Battleborn = Pepsi
Paladins = free supermarket knockoff brand

if overwatch was a five guys burger BB would be the burger that the all natural full vegan diner next to the five guys serves. paladins would be like a big mac or something

>Not labeling Baron as McCree

Fix this shit

There were some legit shilling for paladins.

They ALMOST got me too.

helping out here

By your will

This is just sad, not even 20 people wacthing a multimillion dollar game, plenty of indie games get more than this and are pixel crap that costed a few hundred bucks to make.

I mean they should pay some semi popular streamer to play their game at least.

I would fucking stream it for ramen and a t-shirt.

How can they neglect their competitive scene so much?

Battleborn and Paladins are on the same tier in my opinion. They're the same quality of games grandma buys you for Christmas by accident.

copy that

They probably thought the game would be so popular at launch they wouldnt need to bother.

Take my power Randy!

>those fucking tabs

There's someone streaming Battleborn right now. Let's watch, or even play with him if any of you anons have the game on PS4.

their user is: lillith_kei_san


It shall be so


I'm pretty sure that's how normalfags use their computers too. I have no idea how they cope with all those tabs.

>tfw I have more tabs than that on each window

>no hilarious tabs
come on, son

Close some fucking tabs you filthy animal

dont shill

Only if someone tweets Randy about it.

wut u got open in the hentai tab user

I ain't shilling unless I'm drilling

It ain't even my Twitch

dont shill

You gotta admire how dedicated Battleborn's playerbase is. Almost 90% of them liked that tweet.