Games that killed their respected franchises

I'll start

Other urls found in this thread:

every sequel released in the 7th gen

But Burnout Paradise is the best racing game ever made.

>Dead Space 3
>Medal Of Honor: Warfighter
>Ultimate Alliance 2

Most Ape Escape spin offs, why couldn't they just keep it a platformer series?

wtf wass with all the fanfiction?

romans and ncr??? bad writing

That's not SF3, but it damn sure is trying.

I want stryker back god damnit



At least SF3 tried in the art department, with some of the best designs and the best animations in the entire series.

SFV is just bad in any way or form.

hard to call it "killed" when it's still being supported. Now, if it stops getting supported after 3 years and then the franchise takes a powder for 8 years like what SF3 did to the series, then yeah that's a killer.

Or are we using some fun, arbitrary, subjective version of "killed" that just means "was a game I didn't like"?


Man, this game sure has some very defensive fans.



You shouldn't expect any better from this board though.

He btfo'd you though

Reminder that a Pokemon spin off fighter outsold it.

I like this game because of the models it provided.

At least nothing. SF3 fucking dumpstered SF for a long while, and that's all OP was asking for.

I give it until the hypothetical Season 3 of SF5 before the same thing happens.

Perhaps we are using some version of "killed" that means "sold less than 150k since march last year".

The series is too big for its own good, ever since this fucker strutted in.

SF3 didn't cause the franchise to recede. That was the downturn of the entire genre and the slow death of the arcades that shelved SF for so long.

I'm not disagreeing that NG-SI-3S were that popular though.

Yeah. It's Pokémon. You thought you had a point?