GOTYAY, furfags


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wasn't this game just a bunch of stolen assets made by some random wetback loving spaniard or some shit? I heard there was some ruckus about it

It's pretty fun. I'm sure all that stolen assets shit are lies.

Yes, a famous Spanish youtuber did it with stolen assets.

go away Dallas shill

As far as I know he just provided some publicity and voice acting.

Other thing is if he's claiming to have stolen it himself.

There's no proof about these stolen assets. Anyone can edit a screenshot.


Anyways, here is the thing

El copyright no va a ser una denuncia falsa :^)


Dalas you can't block us here, you're a moron and "your" game is trash.

Like I wasn't answering that same comment, wtf.

Sup Forums kino

> stoling assets
> blatant copy of banjo kazooie
> dalas

>Implying all of you can do a better game than me.

Yeah sure.

there is proof all over the web you nigger


and the cockmuncher is deleting all the negative reviews of his hellspawn of a game, no that it matters since the game's target audience is that horde of south american kids and furfags, you can't go any lower.

I think Dalas is just trying to see how far he can get being an asshole

That's fake. You can buy and see the assets by yourself.

Another victory for the PC """""master race"""""

>I.Q. in 2017

Nice try, faggot.

looks cute

where can i pirate

>Buy that shitty game

So are we playing this or what?

Of course.

>buying copyrighted assets


Read again you nignog

>wetback LOVING spaniard

As fake as the accusations from that minor that Dalas fucked, am I right?

Fuck no

Minors are legal in spain.

Isn't this Kewpie-Jazzy?

Wasn't there a ring of like 9 furry child molesters that were raped one 13 year old boy recently? Why do people still associate with this terrible degen lifestyle


Fucking furries, I swear to god.

Not if they're under 16, or if they're bribed into it or abused.

"Artículo 182 (1) - 1. El que, interviniendo engaño o abusando de una posición reconocida de confianza, autoridad o influencia sobre la víctima, realice actos de carácter sexual con persona mayor de dieciséis años y menor de dieciocho, será castigado con la pena de prisión de uno a tres años."

He used his position as a "star" to get it.

So....this....is....the power.....of the.....PC..............woah

WAIT... So the dev is an ACTUAL PEDOPHILE?


There is absolutely nothing wrong with stealing assets.

yeah he has some weird history about abusing minors

He's the worst of the worst, a pathological liar

jesus christ

Find the differences

>t. Dallas


Tecnically the game was made by a friend of Dalas not by Dalas, he's just putting the voice and shit

Yeah, he is. He's in many legal issues right now but Spanish justice is slow as hell.

and name... that means loads of underage money.


He's still claiming it as "his game" just to get more sales and get more cash. So I'd say he is at least 50% responsible.

>Spanish justice slow

Really nigga?

More like the power of a furfag.

The same fag here:
Maybe more, about a 60% he has around 4.000.000 subs

AND animal abuser.

Who cares about that game when there's this gem in the making?

>Animal abuser and pedophile
>Still free
>Spain please

I love steam greenlight. gonna miss it when it's dead.

it gave me HOURS of shitty games to laugh at, and then despair as better ones couldn't ever get a chance.

you can do whatever you want in Spain and stay clean if you have money/influence

its like in the movies, shit's fucked up

I know that, I live in Spain

Spaniards are just a bunch of cultural thieves that defends themselves with the "fair use" mantle because they prefer to waste all the money on alcohol and parties instead of paying for useful things. They still thing that you can do a 3d model or a game in an afternoon because how cultural retarded they are.

t. a spaniard.

And don't forget that he is a batterer.

And from a personal experience, a toxic and horrible egomaniac.

>A child abuse rmakes a crappy furry videogame

I'm not even surprised.

Also, from the same dev as fur fun:


a shitty spore ripoff.


And his ex is even worse, she's so childish

Oh boy don't even start talking about this because it'd be horrible to see how wrong you are. Let's keep it to shittalk his game.

Can't find anything in english for it, but basically the guy was asking girls their nudes via mobile phones. Also, her ex-gf, and some other girls, acused him of battering, which seems really likely as he's a really violent guy.

Dalas salaD

I don't like Dalas and Miare they are like the shit of youtube and twitter

He didn't even bother to change the names of the files, that's some next level lazy stealing.

More about this neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1345540

>the reviews

So how do you chuklefucks know so much about this game and dev despite never being brought up on Sup Forums before?

Is it stolen assets or store bought assets?
there's literally nothing wrong with premade assets as long as the game is good

>Product received for free
GOOD GAME VERY FUN, but make shure you have a gaming computer so it runs smuthly

Its a e-celeb that panders to south american kids

let that sink in for a moment.

Twitter is full of shitposters and this just happened so theres that.

get out


They should've included a moddable character creator instead of the shitty pink faggot.

it's a hot-topic right now maybe?

how's that game even allowed to be on Steam if it has gay shota porn in it?

He's a known rapist and youtuber here in Spain, and his whole channel is dumb polemic and clickbait

Welcome to Sup Forums newfag i won't be your guide

Just a pedo, sex offender and drama whore when he's been reported to the police due to woman/underage abuse; he's so rodiculous he even faked his death for views. He's just a fucking clown but somehow gets 4M subs which are mostly kids. So he's well known, but mostly for being a fucking moron

>gay shit

There's no porn in the steam version

this niggas have no shame holy shit

the first name they came up with

Where's the porn?

quit whining start drawing

>This Youtuber is famous for pretty messed up stuff, and also uses the word feminazi which should tell you a lot of stuff about him

just that line almost makes me want to buy this shitty game out of spite. almost.

>implying i can draw fappable art at my current level

what the fuck are you here then? stop shitposting start learning

that furry asshole is not going to get drawn alone



I thought I recognized this shit. So I guess they dropped the Yooka-Laylee shit when people called them out for being so blatant.

seriously this guy is the most repugnant being that has ever existed

After I saw a Furry wearing a strap-on in a public park near a playground these people just can't surprise me anymore. And yet it always gets worse and worse.

Furfuckers have been making porn games for years, this one is the only one arrogant enough to slap a coat of CLASSIC 8BIT paint on it and sell it.

The Kewpie-Jazzie kickstarter failed so my guess is that Dalas put all the money so he could say that it's his game.

Holy shit, you guys talk about this guy like SJW...

Is he really THAT bad?

Why did they need a strap on?

Jesus fucking christ.

>actually defending this human trash
He's an abuser, thief, liar, general douchebag and worst of all he made a shitty game. He's beyond defense.

>Fur Fun is a 3D platformer to play up to 4 friends Online-LAN and having fun fighting enemies and exploring a lot of different worlds!

>A multiplayer 3D platformer FUN Game!

>Welcome to Fur Fun!

>Fur Fun is For Fun... Get it?
>Game is Ready! Will be published when approved on Greenlight!


Golly, what a great sounding game.

Did you mean to quote someone else?