Why do we think the switch can't have GameCube virtual console again...

Why do we think the switch can't have GameCube virtual console again? The lack of analog triggers don't really matter since we have two extra buttons.
ZL and ZR buttons are used as the fully pressed GameCube trigger while the L and R buttons at the top are used to register a half press of the GameCube analog triggers

Why wouldn't this work?

I don't think it works that way.

What's going to be used for a quarter press?

Did any game use quarter presses?

What would replace the Z button? Clicking the analogs?

Minus button.

Well both Sunshine and Mansion had very subtle presses with your FLUDD/Poltergeist 3000 that you probably can't replicate with just a full and half press.

>half press


Sunshine only ever uses two stages of press. A full press and a not full press

But are those necessary to beat the game?
I remember playing sunshine on an emulator and I had problems with fludd in the section to beat shadow mario, because 100% press makes you spray in place, but a 50% press allows you to run, even if you can't spray much water.
So 50 and 100 is enough

what fucking games even use that feature besides shitty racing games?

just dont release gc racing games on vc.

super mario sunshine, one of the most played games on the gamecube

the switch isn't powerful enough

Wait for the new New Switch.

I hope they go with Super as the prefix next time for nostalgias

Resell the GameCube controllers or allow compatibility for the adapter.

I'll answer that particular question for you, retard. What if you're playing a game that uses the "Z" button? Additionally what about the games where the point of the game was to apply the right level of pressure? Idiot

Or sell GameCube joycons

I'm just glad they didn't call this thing the S"Wii"tch for maximum idiot consumer confusion.

Why not just another adapter but with full compatibility?

Just thinking like Nintendo

Switch has one extra shoulder button, two clickable sticks, and four buttons instead of that microscopic d-pad. I'm sure they can figure something out for the two games that made real use of the analog shoulder puttons.

minus button for Z

Name a game that uses a pressure system beyond "fully pressed" and "slightly pressed"

Meleefags still believe there will be a port of melee.

I feel like they could just create a cable to allow you to use your own GC controllers. If they didn't it would ostracize the entire autist smash community.

an analog press is an analog press
you can't say it's only half

>Gamekek as virtual console
>not having wii as the virtual console

step it up nintendo

Nobody likes the wii