
So this is the Atlus 3DS project

Other urls found in this thread: Megami Tensei&tag=cmprd2-21

>jeux vidéo

>French Megami Tensei&tag=cmprd2-21


this means literally nothing

This makes literally no sense. This isn't a fucking project, this is just porting a PSP game to the 3DS. Hell, if anything this is a 'ds' project.

Why are you sending me to a site full of omelette du fromage words?

It's the store page for this apparent 'leak'.

It's a PS+PS2 port.

friendo do you think they'll port the PSP version or the PS version. think on that

this might mean P2:EP will get a port
I'll buy it, not like they can fuck up the gameplay or models from the original given how old the game is
They better be using the PSP port though, Black Mark gives me horrific uncanny valley


This is the same site that leaked a fanmade Crash Bandicoot PS4 exclusive 3 years ago.

So, SMT: Persona won't be exclusive to PlayStation platforms?

same thing happened with MGS3

The first Persona game was also available for PC in 96.

Depends if this leak is garbage or not. I'm fairly certain it is; no way the '3DS project' is just a port and not even a remake.

>mediocre sales on PSP
>port it to the fucking 3DS now that it'll be replaced in a month

Nintendo probably asked them for a Persona title and they shat this out just to meet the status quo.

why the fuck would or should that matter
God, I fucking hate you consolewarring shitfuckers
fucking kill yourself already, fucking scum

>Atlus game leaking on a European distributor of all places

Yeah, right.

If the leak is real, and it's not Persona 1 and 2, I'll be pissed. No way I'm spending 50 dollars on Persona 1.

>port instead of a remake

Why would they make a new Persona game with no number on it? Whatever, if the social links are as good as they were in 4 then this game will be good

>The best Persona

Good, good.

3DS is the SMT machine.

If this is real, it makes sense, 3DS players are used to true SMT games like P1 and P2 were, maybe the original Persona games would finally find their audience.

Isn't Persona 1 one of the best selling MegaTen games ever in Japan? It already found its audience where it matters.

mainline fans will flip shit if this is actually their SMT 25th year anniversary project

>true SMT games like P1 and P2 were
"Not having social links" is not enough to make these clusterfucks "true SMT games".

They have two projects: a 3DS one and an HD one.

This. The HD one is a presumed Switch exclusive, while nothing has been confirmed for the 3DS exclusive.

Didn't they leaked the bloodborne pc port and the nioh pc port?

>switch exclusive
Nintendo would have said exclusive

I am aware but to mainline fans SMT isn't fucking Persona. Persona is advertised as an SMT title only in the West and they stopped doing that with P4G, after the series achieved considerable popularity. Doing this in Japan and to the fans of the mainline in the West would cause grave disappointment.


That listing is most likely wrong. I googled around and found a French forum that links to that same listing from 2013.


This is probably not the 3DS project.

P5 isn't even out yet and it's the best selling Atlus game in Japan of all time. I'm so fucking mad.

That's why I said presumed. We can't know yet. There's a good chance for either side.

>P5 isn't even out yet

Only for eops

where is P3? I can understand the other P2 not making it saleswise but P3 for sure has to be on par with those others in terms of sales

It really isn't. It is the 2nd worst selling Persona title after P2:EP.
Now it's PSP port is right after P4G as the best selling one.

Japs hated P3.

I always heard P3 did gangbusters which is why they reformulated the series to be more like it? Is that only worldwide or something?

>Sonygger this buttblasted over simple fact-stating.

Judging by the fact it's UE4 I'm guessing multiplatform. Switch/PS4 is a given, who knows about XB1/PC.

I guess they just where happy with sales and tried a sequel which did end up being their biggest success.

Most of P3's sales are from P3P while EPP literally sold as badly as the niche SMT games (SJ, Soul Hackers) do in the US.

Huh, learn something new everyday I suppose
Never realized P1 did so well

Revelations is better than that shitty j-pop PSP version. I hope this is fake.

SMT was a much more popular name in the 90s so P1 had a lot more momentum going for it. The 00s was full of games underperforming (or time and money wasted on an Xbox-exclusive offline MMO) and Atlus struggling to find another hit title. Now things have switched around, SMT gets more exposure from the popularity of Persona and IV ended up selling over 600k and is the best-selling SMT game in the US.

That's sad.

>Persona 1 on 3DS
If this is real they should do the same with Persona 2. Maybe they'd finally be able to bring over both versions of that game to the West

>I'm so fucking mad.
Why? isn't that a good thing?



>Revelations is better than

>Not a Devil summoner port
>not a SMT 1 or 2 remake
>not a devil survivor game
Fake m8



Persona Q

i guess that explains why shit went downhill

The OST for Revelations is better than Persona 1

That's subjective and you can't defend that godawful localization

Why? P5 looks really slick

>ITT: SMT = MegaTen
It's SMT's 25th year, fuckwads.

I liked the localization decisions for Revelations. It was easier to relate to the characters compared to them all being dark haired Japanese students.

>Defending a 4kids tier localization
I bet you think Digimon is better dubbed


People really will defend shite with a straight face as long as they can be contrarian.

It was funnier at least. As were all early 90s dubs. The Japanese version is boring and dull.

>It was funnier at least. As were all early 90s dubs. The Japanese version is boring and dull.
Holy shit the shit taste is real

Persona 1 and 2 have some of the worst lazily made dungeons of its era

Its laughable how people try to shill for the first 2 games as if they're any better than those garbage 3rd and 4th games

Pokemon, Dragon Ball/Z, and Sailor Moon are funnier dubbed than subbed.

Persona 1's dungeons are good, not incredible but they were fine.
Persona 2's dungeons are pretty bad, boring hallways full of trap holes so you spend more time in boring hallways. Anybody that unironically shills for P2 gameplay has no taste, it's atrocious considering Soul Hackers came out years before.

>Shin Megami Tensei:Persona isn't a Shin Megami Tensei game


>Megami Ibunroku Persona isn't a Shin Megami Tensei game
Indeed, that's why it's not called Shin Megami Tensei in Japan.

>Final Fantasy Legend is a Final Fantasy game

>SMT Anniversary project
>Game isn't SMT
>Leaked in frog

>Soul Hackers 20th anniversary
It will obviously be a SH sequel.

They're saying preferring the game to be funnier then how it was intended is shit taste. They're not calling the sub funnier then the dub.

>Super Mario Kart isn't a Mario game

> funnier dubbed than subbed.
The only show that gets a pass is Ghost stories

That dub is a work of art.

Games in general sold better in Japan in the 90s. Tales of Destiny on PS1 is still the best selling tales by far wth something like over 700k LTD.

Literally 10x better then the sub in every way.

This even applies to modern shit. Danganronpa v3 was garbage except for the dub's Valley Girl Junko.