Dont get this. The god awful servers and the need for it to always been online makes it literally unplayable, as in, the game wont let me even start up since yesterday evening because "the servers are unreachable at this time"
And before that, EVERY game I played with the exception of maybe 3 shit out half way through and I lose any progress I may have made. Or sometimes, while the game is loading, EVERY single player will just get dropped, so Im only playing against bots. And I doesnt let you quit the match then. You have to wait through the long as load time for the match to start and only then can you drop out. Also, everything takes forever to load.
So thats the game. IF it actually lets you start up, then you have to sit around and wait through the long as load times, pray to god that it doesnt drop everyone, and then once the game starts, hope that it doesnt just shut down half way through.
And the gameplay is fun, but its LITERALLY unplayable bullshit because the servers are probably the worst thing I have ever seen. And this is a AAA game to. Ubishits should kill themselves and Im an idiot for actually expecting anything better from them.
Carter Miller
t. ubishill
Jayden Fisher
wait you actually bought into hype when every thread had >p2p really? lmao you have no one blame but yourself. Ubisoft will get away with this, and then some. Fuck you normalfaggot.
Henry Bell
>i-its your internet!
Its literally saying the servers are down you retarded shill.
Grayson Anderson
Hey OP I bought this game too after trying it out during open beta. I will try logging in and If I manage to, I will call you a tremendous faggot.
Liam Rogers
>The For Honor Servers are unreachable at this time
stop being retarded you stupid shill.
Henry Richardson
Even my third world internet connection can connect to Ubisoft, you tremendous faggot. How about you try fixing your internet?
Aiden Turner
>Dont get this.
Cameron Carter
>The For Honor Servers are unreachable at this time
Seriously, why are you this retarded shill?
Juan Perez
Kayden Collins
actually eastern europeans have better internet. its fast and unlimited. prob a spic or an aussie
Nathan Flores
user I just finished one game while you were bitching and not fixing your internet.
Nathan Lewis
I just found another. user you are a piece of shit who does not deserve to play video games
Samuel Carter
Is that why there are people on their forums right now bitching about the exact same problem from Sweden? Im able to connect to every other game I have except this one.
Stop pretending this isnt the fault of ubisoft
Ayden Sullivan
I had similar shit when palying AC2 after purchasing the game. Lost 10 hours of progress thanks to the wonderful servers and anti-piracy policy. Nice to see Ubisoft is still on the same track.
Nolan Walker
>0.50 ubibucks have been deposited into your account
Jonathan Torres
I've had like 3 crashes and they've only been on Dominion
Just play duel
Brayden Green
>not gonna get other replies from me
yeah because you realize how fucking retarded you are for defending this god awful game.
Samuel Scott
>dude just dont play the best part of the game that you paid for!
kill yourself ubicuck
Grayson Hughes
What is this and how does it work?
Jackson Parker
memes. It has contracts which is shit like "win 3 rounds in a row and win 200 in game dollars (whatever they are called)"
Michael Howard
>Sweden >is butthurt about a game not connecting from his shit teir internet. >instead of the muslims and blacks raping his GF. Never change
Jonathan Long
Sure thing buddy
Robert Torres
you seem lost
Lucas Cruz
>he thinks Dominion is the best part of the game
Jayden Foster
Jamals calling cuck. Better go prep him.
Bentley Bailey
>youre a piece of shit for pointing out a glaring problem with this game! Im totally not a ubisoft shill though, I just get really angry at anyone who complains about this shit tier company that has a track record for being crappy.
Jacob James
Don't you mean "Orders"? Isn't it a different thing? you could imagine that "events" means that there's going to be some special game modes that appear from time to time, I just want to know what those game modes are and when they are coming.
Zachary Jenkins
>This is Bill >Bill had a problem connecting to a server >Bill relised his internet was shit so he make a call and got a new one >Bill now can connect to the server. Please user be like Bill.
Jordan Lewis
I'm not even angry, personally I think Ubisoft made extremely questionable choices with their products before they started getting their shit together .You're the only one mad enough to actually propose a solution. Anyway, I wish you luck oh and if I actually can, give me some of those Ubibucks so I can have some more fun playing video games
Joshua Reed
>tfw still can't counter guard break consistently
Joseph Harris
mad enough not to* whoops fuck me
Ryan Ramirez
This would be a good point if it werent for the fact that I have NO problem with ANY other game I have considering I played them all for a bit just to check, and the fact that Im not close to the only one experiencing this problem.
It sucks and youre objectivly stupid for saying other wise.
Lucas Morgan
Continuously mash the button as the animation starts and you'll be successful every time
Caleb Barnes
yet thousands of people are playing with no issue right now
they changed it from the alpha so you cant mash it out anymore
and you have to do it just as soon as you get hit
its still not hard though
Gabriel Cruz
and 10s of thousands cant play because of ubishits awful ideas.
Nolan Bennett
78K people online and playing.
Henry Hill
1 has shit connection. says 10s of thousands are just as shit as him. come on senpai
Cameron Thomas
why do people do this? we knew its gonna be p2p long time ago we've all had the opportunity to try out the closed/open beta for more than a week we've all experienced the horrifying matchmaking and the game simply not working half of the time yet people still bought it...
Juan Harris
works on my pc
Luke Martinez
>1 has shit connection. >says 10s of thousands are just as shit as him.
thats literally your logic though user. I have no problem with any other game besides this piece of shit. The forums of the game are flooded with similar post saying the same thing
you are objectively retarded if you think this is just one user and not the fault of the game
Colton Reed
p2p is indead unforgivable, but you're either baiting or there's something wrong on your part.
I played the beta for 30h and the actual game for around 20. I've never been unable to access the server, never got disconnected from a match, never lost any progress, never experienced lags, teleports and rollbacks, and the rare times when the host disconnects, it takes like 2 second to find a new one. I've never seen someone who doesn't have full green connection bars.
As for the loading times, 90% of the time they last less than 10 seconds.
The game does have many issues, but it's not the game's fault you're playing on a console/a toaster and have shit internet. I got it for 35 bucks on release and I'm having fun, stay mad with your shit internet lmao.
Ayden Butler
What's wrong with dominion? I play all game modes, but mostly dominion, why shouldn't I?
Jeremiah Lee
Anytime think they should change the grab tech timing? It shouldn't be after they've grabbed you which contradicts every other game where you can tech a throw.
Connor Perez
Fuck off. I like the game but i should punch you for telling us such lies.
Luis Miller
>find the English voices goofy >want to go through the story mode in German instead with English subtitles >go to settings >only language options available are English and Russian >even when the beta had all the languages available
What the fuck is it with Ubisoft and arbitrarily limiting options like this. First there's no way to play The Division on PS4 with the Japanese dub, and now this shit.
I just wanted my German Knights.
Jace King
just because you have issue, doesn't mean he is lying for having none.
Chase Ross
I heard they were planning to open the window to when the icon appears.
Austin Reed
it wouldn't be that bad if the custom matches would give out rewards
Nicholas Young
>Got game >Got 60 hours already
Game is great.
Ryder Russell
if you are not from a russian country and bought a key from a key site, then you deserve this. the game is waaaay cheaper in RU thats why they have to do this to prevent keyresellers
Luke Fisher
you understand thats not possible because it will open the game for reward exploit? you would just invite your "friend" and they let you kill them for rewards
Zachary Long
i'm pretty sure that multiplayer would also have its own exploits, i'd much rather grind my nobushis level against AI than other players.
Jaxon Sanchez
I bought the game for PS4 from Amazon at the regular price. I know the Russians only get Russian & Chinese options. Normally in the UK you get at least full EFIGS but it doesn't even have that.
Kayden Morgan
then play against AI in the multiplayer map (everything beside 1v1 gives rewards)
Owen Nelson
they're pretty hard so it's just same to go against other players.
at custom match you can at least buttrape lower level AI
Hunter Young
>japanese price
Why they have to pay more for a shitty game?
Hunter King
so you just want to get easy levels? this is not how the world works kiddo
Parker Peterson
because they are rich (they get more salary compared to the rest)
Parker Flores
Does Ubisoft still use Uplay for this shit? Because I'm not buying it if that's the case.
Grayson Hall
hurr durr I only suck gaben's dick grow up, uplay is not bad at all
Brandon Long
Of course ubisoft uses their drm for their game you weirdo. What kind of question is that?
Zachary Rogers
>uplay is not bad at all If Ubisoft spend as much time actually improving their garbage service as they are shilling on Sup Forums then maybe Uplay would be decent.
Landon Turner
you seriously think ubi spends money to shill in this shithole? uplay has less outage time than steam in the last 3 months, so go figure
Benjamin Cox
Don't they teach basic economics in schools anymore?
Angel Thomas
Is there more to this game at full release compared to the Beta? It feels like there's more engaging combat in Sengoku Basara than this game.
Angel Reed
no i want to grind the levels, i want to just play the damn thing and see as my nobushis level rises to maximum.
it's about the satisfaction, not easiness.
Daniel Hill
What's your problem with UPlay? Give us examples
Jeremiah Jenkins
don't you think you would get more satisfaction from actually winning against good players and owning the levels?
Asher Bennett
Some countries have higher salaries therefore everything is more expensive.
Benjamin Wilson
it would be same satisfaction against AI, also AI is more predictable and it's nicer to battle against them.
Tyler Turner
>look at how bad uplay is compared to steam guys.. look please
Leo Bell
Crashed my entire PC during the download of the For Honor beta, swapping the Play button with the Download button, asking me to activate the game during uninstallation and so on. It's garbage of the highest caliber. Fuck, you can't even use the service while verifying game files, a thing that steam fixed AGES ago. inb4 works for me / ur pc is just shit Oh nice, Steam actually goes down to do maintenance. A thing Uplay has never seen in its entire, miserable lifetime. Kill yourself.
Jayden Smith
Going by that "It's not working for me!" button, It relies on users to report outages Since barely anyone uses uplay, it's outages go unreported
Ethan Gomez
ok ubisoft shills, I'm interested in this game so sell it to me:
A)can I make the following builds -Samurai jack -Zatoichi -Musashi -Sauron(big black armour, big fuckoff mace) -Guts
B)how detailed is the create a character? compared to say, dark souls, MGSV or the WWE games
C)do my assassin creed, far cry and division playthroughs unlock anything for me?
Jace Harris
>crashed my entire PC How does that work? Your windows crashed?
Anthony Torres
I'm not a shill so I won't be as in depth. Sorry.
NO you can't make those builds because you play as set classes. Go watch the class videos to watch gameplay.
However I guess Orochi is samurai jack and maybe musashi like.
Warden uses a big sword but not "glorified slab of iron" huge like Guts.
Create a character is literally just skin tones and gender so it's not detailed at all. You can give your character armor and ornaments you unlock and paint it, etc.
Probably, it has that ubisoft club bullshit
Did someone tell you this game lets you do a lot of shit or something? I will say that I'm having a lot of fun with it where's my fucking lunch money ubi but I don't think it's worth $60.
Adam Moore
So can we conclude that:
The Good: The Game itself The Bad: Ubisoft
At least that's what I'm getting from these threads. The only complaint are peer 2 peer, always online, microtransactions. The only criticism about the gameplay itself that I am hearing is "it's shallow" which is only a valid point when compared to actual fighting games, it actually has more depth than Souls, Mount and Blade or Max Anarchy.
Don't get me wrong: I hate what Ubisoft is doing and you shouldn't support them at all but I also think it's a shame because the Game itself is really fun.
Landon Turner
You don't create characters, because you can't really see them. You just customize your gear (armor, helmet, weapons, etc). There's a sizable selection to choose from, and you have emblems and whatnot. It's not bad. I don't think you can re-create characters from other franchises though
Jaxson Scott
Nobushi users are cucks
Ian Miller
>Did someone tell you this game lets you do a lot of shit or something?
no, I just kind of expected you could make your own character and builds, can you dual wield?
Jonathan Brooks
pc freezes and you need to hard reset or bsod probably
Julian Lewis
Jayden Watson
>Steam actually goes down to do maintenance So by that logic, the reason why FH goes offline from time to time is also maintenance :^)
Andrew James
One class can and it looks like a later one will. Gotta go watch those videos, man. Or you could always go to the ubisoft(tm) website to look at the heroes :^)
Caleb Lewis
>He still thinks Vanguards are somehow the holy grail of skill even tho Warden has the best Lights in the game and 90% of Raiders just fish for throws.
Zachary Rivera
no, I wanted dual axes or 2kat, I'll think give this a miss
Logan Collins
Oh I'm a complete moron there is a dual axe character but I don't play as the savages.
Jace James
Anyone else have to jump through a bunch of hoops just to launch the fucking game? Fuck this shitty fucking uplay bullshit.
Aaron Perry
What's the cheapest place to get this game? Does the base version include all the gameplay content?
Henry Evans
It's $50 on GMG still
Eli Ortiz
>play the beta for 30 minutes, get bored as shit, drop it
>try to tell friend i can get him in the beta
>"lol dude really a beta? what a waste of time, why would you waste your time with that you loser, they're always full of glitches"
>beta was perfect, ran flawlessly on my computer
>mfw i go to his house and he and his brother and his friend all bought copies of this piece of shit garbage that gets boring in 2 hours max and he thinks its the greatest thing ever
Wyatt Russell
everyone gets all gameplay content. all DLC maps & modes are free and DLC characters can be unlocked with in-game currency
Logan Morris
>I also think it's a shame because the Game itself is really fun.
no it isnt its like a demo for a game, it blows my mind that this is a finished video game in 2016, maybe we should start paying more than $60 if inflation has fucked up the value of a $60 game this badly
Andrew Wood
holy fuck people have different opinions?
Looking at how much the outfits cost I wouldn't be surprised if the classes costed a fucking fortune.
Lucas Butler
please tell me how this is not a finished game, go one!
Parker Adams
if a had to guess, i would say 15k to 20k per character. so like 2 weeks of normal playtime
Hunter Ward
How come? It has like 10 Maps, 12 Different Characters, 5 Different Modes, a kind of okay single player (well, at least better than most fighting game single players) and the combat is pretty fleshed out.