Matpat, please stop

Matpat, please stop.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Sans's real identity is Gaster

If you don't like it, prove him wrong then.

Autism gets views

Undertale, Earthbound, FNAF, Mario, Minecraft. Although, I'm honestly surprised he hasn't done more Sonic stuff because that fanbase is ripe with autists who would listen to any deepest lore shit he'd spew at them.

user, stop watching garbage.

Sans can't be Gaster if he's also Ness, Purple Guy and the Pope.

GameTheory has the worst thumbnails on Youtube

At least this one makes more sense than the first one. It's still just drawing imaginary lines over the games and going "SEE?!"

How is Mario autism?

Can't even remember when I stopped watching his theory videos, probably around the time of the FNAF videos they turned to shit

No wonder he failed as an actor.

Oh right my bad, I meant Nintendo in general. Seriously, have you ever been on Miiverse? What a fucking cesspit.

Yet for some reason, people try to brush over Nintendo autism and Peach-Rosalina giantess vore, but they shine a bright light on Sonic autists. It's some weird double standard.

It's not autism, it's children. Kids don't have very developed social skills so you may be confusing that with autism.

I get the strangest feeling that it's not children wanting to sniff Yoshi's feet

Matpat knows he's producing garbage. He's not a video game enthusiast, he's not le epic smart man, he doesn't give two shits about anything he's talking about.

He's an entertainer, and he knows his audience. He is literally just a pretty face with the the ability to monologue. He and his writers exist to generate revenue for the channel.

Stop acting like he's some kind of thought leader.

>double standard
Not an argument.

Matpat is smart and before he got into this whole race of bullshit it was just supposed to be him teaching science and shit through vidya. Some of the earlier episodes are just that.

Dude Undertale retards lap up anything vaguely related to the game.

Why would he not market his shitty videos to them. It's easy money.

>Peach-Rosalina giantess vore
Porn catering to fucking weirdos has always existed and will always exist. How can autists get this but you don't?

This. You're literally retarded if you take anything he says seriously. It's like getting your news from Buzzfeed.
I understood that he does research on youtube's algorithm and user behavior to find the best way to get money and views and sells that info to other youtubers,

>stop liking what I don't like

Not by a long shot but yeah definite clickbait shit.

>Due to many worlds theory, (Insert terrible explanation here), and therefore, this HAS to be true. Like/Sub/Comment!

Gotta admit though that's a pretty smart move

Sup Forums talks about mario all the time

Who gives a shit about this game anymore

>sorry guys this will be split into two parts
>sorry guys I meant three parts
What did he mean by this?

This guy is right, however Nitrotitan is still his own kind of autism.

4 parts and youtube money

Social skills have nothing to do with deviant sexual desires, except perhaps from being the result of real-world social isolation combined with grooming by autistic fetishists on the internet for ERP.

If i can fap to it it's not autism, Nitrotitan included.

Of course it is.

And everytime someone like OP posts a thread about Matpat it just exposes the OP for being one of the retards falling for his shit.


>if you take anything he says seriously
He makes theories, they're just supposed to be thought provoking. If You genuinely dislike him for that then you have a problem.

>Dude Undertale retards lap up anything vaguely related to the game.

except he got the biggest backlash from his "Sans is Ness" video that he had to break the 4th wall just to chill people the fuck out LOL IT'S JUST A THEORY! XD. It's like he is unaware there are people that treat his musings like they are fact.

I miss when he was just teaching random vidya related shit like where Adventure Island could really be on earth based on it's topology and fruits, the Punch-Out! how to to beat Tyson video, or how fast a bullet bill is. Now every other video is five nights at fuckbois or undermeme fan theories or clickbait titles that have nothing to do with the video.

>that completely innacurate for honor video with little to no research about knights, samurai or vikings

>Muh Vikings

>tfw I was actually looking forward to this video because he said he was going to solve everything with the shitty word search but he didn't talk about it at all

It's not like I dislike him. he's entertaining but comment sections and Sup Forums are always full of little fuckers that take everything he says by the face value.

I mean, it's a "interesting" theory but what are some better theories on who WD Gaster is? Anyone know?

But all those mad people watched the video, and then watched the video of him explaining it.

He knew exactly what he was doing.

And then he was BTFO by several other youtubers including blue puppetfag and some swedish autist.

Anyone here watch this video from yesterday's cringe thread?

I called him autistic in the comments and now he's gone and proven me right by blocking all comments because of 'nastiness', despite having a second video where he mocks comments he disagrees with.

>when Gaster shattered across the multiverse, pieces of him gained sentience as their own identities and become ness, sans and the pope

Notification Squad! xD





I'm a fat autistic virgin NEET, and even i think he's pathetic.






The MatPat formula
>cringe inducing intro
>jokes about FNaF
>meta joke about how he knows he is an annoying content creator
>a game 'theory' that is just a guess and holds no value
>splits an episode into thirds

>want to explain how Gnoggin is better than MatPat
>suddenly have flashbacks to the Pokemon SM videos

All of this is true but
>meta joke about how he knows he is an annoying content creator
Fuck that is the most egregious part. It's so predictable of him, does it do it to seem self-aware or something? Because it has the opposite effect and makes him look even more formulaic and unfunny

Is there actually any youtube video that has a decent theory as to who WD Gaster is?

I's probably because Sonic fans are the kind of autists that would get mad at him because his theory doesn't reflect their headcanon

It's one thing to deal with children and autists.
It's another to deal with hyperactive children and degenerate autists.

what would a boss fight against matpat be like?

I feel like most people don't understand how modern Youtube works. There are very few "one guy and his gimmick" channels anymore. Matpat has a team of writers and editors behind him. You can't honestly believe that he researches, writes, records, and edits all that shit every week, right? The network he's a part of has almost 400 channels.

Stop thinking of youtube as some sort of indie thing for Internet nerds. It's a huge corporate monstrosity, financed by other huge corporate monstrosities.

Sonic doesn't try to have any mysteries though

It's a self-defense mechanism. If everybody is under the impression you're a faggot doing this for laughs rather than pretending it's all set in stone, you cannot criticize him for inaccuracies or lack of research, despite him saying multiple times how heavily he's researched things and how much time and effort he puts in to make it as accurate as possible.

>He doesn't know about Shadow's TRUE origin

pretty fucking easy. the guy was practically in tears after the Sans=Ness debacle. Even the weakest user could destroy him

How long until he makes a theory about Gensokyo being a mental hospital and cause a huge shitstorm in the Touhou fanbase?

I don't like the hate Matpat gets, but I understand where it comes from. The people that preach his theories as fact can be annoying. That said, I still enjoy his videos and admire the retarded research this guy puts in.

He was right about the vikings though. They would've been demolished.

>his writers

>Sans is a part of Gaster
>but Gaster's last message is directed at Sans and Alphys
Same. That was the only reason I watched the 2nd part. It doesn't seem like he's planning to talk about it in 3rd part either.
Fuck that guy.

The Touhou fanbase wouldn't give a shit. However, the "Touhou fanbase" that has never played a game and spouts memes all day while jerking off over the EoSD cast in the comments section would flip a shit.

i just wish this channel can fucking die already, im so burnt out with this shit in my recommended

why do i go on youtube


>15 minute video

People that do this are literally the worst.

God British people are disgusting, Just nuke us please

holy fuck why does he do this

Yeah I'm British too and I agree. Some of the accents can be dreadfully unattractive and beta :S

>It doesn't seem like he's planning to talk about it in 3rd part either.
He will release it after the third part of his Doctor Who theory.

bruh, just take it off your recommened.

Literally nothing factual would back that up, but it'd certainly get viewers.

He could do an actual theory, like Renko = Yumemi, x (Dragon God, Yukari, Shingyoku, etc) is the Hakurei deity, Gensokyo is Maribel's dream, but all of those would require actual knowledge of the series.

He'd pander to the "fans" who roleplay as Cirno and Flandre in the comments whose only knowledge of the series is watching the "Flandre Scarlets theme full version" video.

Let's be honest, save for Chris Chan the most autistic thing fans care about are fan characters and fan fiction. They aren't even that autistic by today's standards.

The former appeals to the fanbase, those who were here to stay from the moment they got hooked. The latter appeals to a fandom, those who are here for a ride whenever it comes around and quickly leave the second popularity wanes. Guess which one is more common on YouTube?

>Literally nothing factual would back that up
Welcome to Game Theory
CTRL+F "mental hospital"

This theory is infamous in the Touhou community.

>hey, do you know what would happen if we explained this fancy vidya thing with science?
>Sans is Ness, Steven Universe, and also Gaster because they're all kinda chubby and their source material has some easter egg hidden somewhere
>remember to rate, subscribe, comment and share this on Sup Forums

But OP is complaining about the video, meaning that he doesn't like it. is right.

Today's theory is on the Touhou Project, a series known for being the inspiration behind UNDERTALE.
You'd have to be a BAKA to not know about it.
>9 ball is stamped onto a picture of his face while making the death noise

Everything that's not the South-West should be wiped off the map desu famalam

Been going on /jp/ for years now, only heard it brought up as a joke in the occasional theory thread. No idea people seriously believed it.

>tfw Sheffielder

g-goodbye user

>Sans is Ness
I honestly don't get this. It's obviously not true since they're from two different franchises created by different people.
I know it's just speculation but how do you even entertain the thought that they might be the same characters?
He's trying to answer a question that no sane person would ever ask himself.

>9 ball

I've watched a few of his videos breaking down some stuff on a scientific level (giant leaps from Assassin's creed, how dangerous a bullet bill is based on size and speed) and those were actually interesting, this is all just speculative bullshit now to bring in them sick youtube dollars that people spout as fact so they can seem smart

His entire theory hinges on a fangame that Toby Fox made years before working on Undertale, as well as minute details with wild logical leaps that are self-referential.

It's actually really funny since Toby himself outright deconfirmed MatPatt's theory, but that didn't stop this smug faggot from defending himself aggressively.

I will personally burn down Yorkshire and salt the earth you smelly poortherner.

Friendly reminder that MatPat is ITT right now and is shitposting himself more viewers.

Burn the whole fucking country please. It's so fucking shit, I want to leave

New game when?

Nice theory you got there. Mind if I "borrow" it?


FUCK, why did that get me?

You could always come to Burgerland

That or become a Fucking Leaf

>Implying Gastor isn't Grandpa Semi.
This guy.

Yeah planning on something like that. Worst part is how 90% of British people think Americans are morons and think we're so much better than them (especially edgy teenagers). Most haven't even visited, it was always aggravating in school. This country is no smarter honestly