BEAST 7 Final Day

Big european smash tourney with Leffen, Armada, Ice, Moon, Crush, Slox, DruggedFox, Android, SFAT, Prof, all the top euro players, etc etc.

Top 32 starting soon, doubles on now @GeekyGoonSquad
Sm4sh doubles 8 finishing on @BYO_Controller, followed by melee singles

Also liva's final big stream before he retires. RIP

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Any word yet on the guy that had the heart attack? I really hope he's okay

Wonder if DKB will get top 8, he got knocked into losers early by Jeapie. But he did dodge Prof Pro so maybe it's a good thing.

Leffen Ice will get the reset and win this shit.

They're playing incredible plus loser's always has the momentum

What are some results that really make you think?

ice is really gonna blow this lmao

come on Leffice


>"Adam, let me go fox."
>"No Bradder! We are the Lindgrens and you must do as I say."

Leave Leffen to me.

NA Top 7 in the world can't even make it into GF of European tournament

WOOOOAAWWW - what did he mean by this?

Why doesn't he shave that facial hair? Serious question.

Does his Asian boyfriend like it when it tickles his bunghole?


> Dead on arrival.

> Android gets to eat tonight


who /ggscasino/ here?
100 big ones on UGS


Why does Leffen seemingly have to carry Ice so hard? But Armada and Android make it look equal and easy?


1. Teams Armada
2. Loser's mang0at
3. Clutchbox
4. Full autism m2k
5. Meditative PP

>2. Loser's mang0at

Spotted the underage b&

not to be a dick but Ice, while an amazing teams players, chokes so hard sometimes.

armada was choking hard on losers game 1 / 2, android is just mad good.

That's not being a dick,iIt's the truth. He chokes all the time.

honestly see Ice losing to nintendude round 2, what high level ICs are there in germany lul

I don't see any ICs beating big leff

Disregard this

I can't see and I chug cocks

Thoughts on this handsome man getting into Summit?

Have you seen him without facial hair? He looks like a literal 10 year old

oh so still 5 years older than pewpewu :^)

Doubles top 8 was sick

Lice vs UGS is always entertaining to watch

>Big european smash tourney
Shouldn't that be BEST and not BEAST?

Filling the "guy that has no business being there" quota.

wonder what its like to be that guy who no one likes at the place where no one wanted you while already having a preexisting bad reputation for shit gameplay

Ice did just recently get double eliminated by ARMY and DKB.

>EVO winner is american
>Big House winner is american

fuck off eurokek

This. PewPewU looks like the most typical Asian ever boy.


What about those 2 randoms that pay the incentive to get in EVERY Summit. They pretend to be friends with everyone when playing Mafia and end up getting ignored most of the time and their names forgotten.

scar deserves much better, he's hot af


>top 32 already started
>no stream up yet


Really gets the noggin joggin....

He's a good looking dude. Shame he's an SJW.


People in the GGS chat getting angry because Mango is asking where Melee is.

his hair is really dumb now, i wouldnt mention it except he always fucks with it whenever hes on commentary camera

>full autism m2k that low

let's be real, m2k never wins the big tourneys, last big thing he won was big house 3 i believe

He raped literally everyone at UGS while at 90% autism, he's getting there.

Come on Moon, send this ugly spic home

For those that don't read the OP. Melee Top 32 is being streamed from byo_controller - For some reason

based fucking team beer

yeah it makes no fucking sense. i'd understand if sm4sh was stacked but it's just mr. r and istudying and a bunch of giga-whos

Trif can do this. He's pretty damn good

stream monster mang0 is actually pretty entertaining. i just hate the fags that spam mang0 emotes literally EVERY TIME he's mentioned

>he thinks m2k has been near the peak of autism yet
Hahahaha, he'll get to it if he keeps training with the autist lord Wizzy though, Wizzy is literally so fucking autistic that he has to play Falcon to limit himself.

Why is Smash 4 scene so weak in Europe?

I like Mang0. But I can't stand his fanboys.

because smash4 sucks dick and shouldn't be played competitively

just the way he plays falcon, it's so funny how he'll do the same edgeguards over and over again, and just camp on the top platform spamming stomp and shit.

his autism is so endearing

So Dizz lost to Daydee


The Mang0 nation is like Mang0 without the humor and charm

good question, japan > america in sm4sh tho. europe still seems to be focused on melee more like the US

>the city of my fantasy team
Not too sad about dizzkid tho


who? guessing some euro fox who knows the ICs matchup and nothing else.

Daydee is a swedish samus player

Apparently considered the second best player in Stockholm behind yung leff

Crush beat Nintendude 3-2 so that's a freebie for Ice

fuck yes

New England we out here

tfw Chu 3-0ed Crush at Genesis. Is Chu just that good, or what? I know Crush knows the ICs matchup cause he plays Infinite Numbers all the time.

RIP my guy.

>it's a moon loses a 60-40 matchup yet again episode

for fuck's sake, he's by far the worst top marth vs peach

Chu is actually that good
Been playing the game for a decade and he can still take a game off Armada today

>shroomed calls the bts show to plea his case eloquently
>chu calls the show and literally spends 5 minutes going super sayan
Is he our guy?

On a side note. I actually find it funny how people make fun of M2Ks autism. But he actually makes it funny. Wizzy on the other hand is truly the pinnacle of autism and can barely speak or make eye contact.

his stream is basically him just awkwardly answering questions his skype friends ask him (usually from chat) while he practicies tech skill


wizzy has an asian gf

is she cute? can't find any pics of her

She's autistic too. She said on her Twitter.

I fuckin love wizzys stream. He's got friends he chats with, hell hes even got a girlfriend he plays vidya with.

Also the way wizzy acts on his stream is reserved like he doesn't want to expose his true self because why would you for stream.

M2k's stream is literally only good because he has other top players and a host to carry it. If it was just M2k it would be absolutely dog shit

It's a shame that the novelty of him streaming has worn out. He probably won't ever get a large amount of subs because he doesn't engage in chat and often ignores questions altogether.

Even Armada's stream is more interesting. And all he does is practice against a CPU Falcon all day.

post it

m2k's stream sucks desu, it used to be better back in the day when he'd get drunk and it was more random but it's too professional and boring as it is

>doesn't want to expose his true self
What is this supposed to mean? It's not like he has a completely different self. He acts like that because it's the way he is.

i feel like fountain would be the best stage in this matchup because of the platform heights. not saying it's not working out for trif tho

Scar deserves jack shit because he's one of the most annoying people in the Smash community along with other "top" commentators.

I'm happy he got some ugly bitch that looks like she's 4 years older than him pregnant.




Can't wait for my guy Slox to pound this sweet german ass

What's her twitter?

He's acts more like a kid and fucks around a lot more when not on his stream. It's actually pretty funny. Sometimes it leaks through on his stream.

I don't watch his stream much but occasionally I'll tune in to see some top player. Wizz needs to stop playing with m2k it's actually making him a worse player. You can tell he formed habits by playing against M2k that show in tournament against other players

I'm shit at Melee. How cans practicing against M2K make him a worse player? I noticed he fell off a bit near the end off last year. Was that because of M2K?

It feels like every EU player except Armada and Leffen are chokemasters. Maybe it's because I've been burned too many times ;_;

Ice and Trif i definitely see choking a lot, idk about Prof.

This. Prof's level is top 20. He doesn't choke because he doesn't get as far as Ice.