Bloodborne killer? Kek

>What world design?
>What Atmosphere?
>What Difficulty?
>What Variety?
>What Level design?
>5 Main weapons?

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The combat on the player's end is ironically too good for the game's own good. It's so much more responsive than anything in Soulsborne but the enemies don't have enough going to make the most of it. Hopefully they'll fix that at some point and remember to put NG-tier enemies in the DLC or something. Or at least in the sequel.

The nioh fanbase has been trying to further the game from the souls formula since long before it was released. but all y'all niggas keep trying to pull it back.
>What world design?
Feudal Japan.
>What Atmosphere?
Feudal Japan.
>What Difficulty?
Staggering, then moderate, then Staggering again.
>What Variety?
Tell me the variety in a souls game first. All these so called "unique" enemy's you have are mostly pointless one offs or reskins of older enemies over the course of 4 games.
>What Level design?
Pretty standard. Shortcuts. All in various Japanese local aesthetics. During war times.
>5 Main weapons?
Each weapon has at least 5x more unique movesets than bloodborne does. Custom to your liking.
In souls games most weapons share the exact same attack animations with weapons of the same category. give or take a select few that have a different R2.

3 DLC. 3 new regions, new bosses, new equipment, new stages, possibly new spirits, hopefully more enemies.

No one doubts the combat, it's pretty good but the rest of it just isn't up to Bloodborne.

It's better than Souls though.

>get ps4 pro
>turn on boost mode
>get bloodborn
>still get a silky smooth 30 fps

lol sony idiots will eat this up too. at least neo gives you the option to play at 60 fps. good on them. from fags can suck my chode

>staggering after a certain point

How fucking garbage are you, you have to avoid most of the game to not be overpowered as fuck

Nioh is easy as fuck, like that's actually the worst aspect of the gameplay

>Each weapon has at least 5x more unique movesets than bloodborne does

BB weapons have like 15 moves each, and there's 20 or more weapons in the game all unique


>Feudal Japan.
>Feudal Japan.
>Staggering, then moderate, then Staggering again.
Boring, it gets old.
> Tell me the variety in a souls game first. All these so called "unique" enemy's you have are mostly pointless one offs or reskins of older enemies over the course of 4 games.
BB has more variety than Nioh and you know this if you have played them both.
>Pretty standard. Shortcuts. All in various Japanese local aesthetics. During war times.
Not up to DS1 or Bloodborne's standards.
>Each weapon has at least 5x more unique movesets than bloodborne does. Custom to your liking.
In souls games most weapons share the exact same attack animations with weapons of the same category. give or take a select few that have a different R2.
I can pick up 40 swords, it does not matter, they perform the same, it's just like DSIII.

I didn't play with people at all. Did all the side content by myself.
Late into region 5 shit was getting pretty hard for me. Namely the frog. I wasn't abusing Slog talismans and shit.
Way of the strong is kicking my ass because I refuse to play with other people.


I know these threads are just shitposting but man it seems like there everywhere lately


even ds2 is better than nioh

>15 moves each

Which means Nioh weapons have 75 moves each, can you not read?

Well the combat is what I wanted from it. I don't know about a so called "Bloodborne killer" (which sounds like falseflag faggotry if ever there was one), but a kind of Souls-esque environment with quality gameplay is what I hoped for and it met my expectations. Moment-to-moment gameplay is more fun than Bloodborne for me and it does remind me a little of the better parts of NG.
It's a good game. Could be improved (more weapon variety, harder enemies, better level design, etc.), but as a whole it's great fun.
And I hope Fromsoft are taking notes, because going back to Soulsborne now is going to feel sluggish as shit. Both parties need to up the stakes now and learn more from each other's strengths and weaknesses.

>game hard locked to 30fps
>surprised when more power doesn't make it 60fps

Bloodborne is locked at 30fps. Throwing more power at it just gets rid of the frame drops some areas experience.

Also I'll take steady 30 over unstable 40-60 any day of the week.

So surprise here, DS2 is the best game in the series

nioh has by far the best combat

If i go for a full sword run leveling up heart the whole way in Nioh I'll be using the same shit for the whole entire game, even if i pick up 30 swords and keep it in my inventory, it doesn't matter. THEY PERFORM THE EXACT WAY.

If i only level up strength in Bloodborne I'll still have access to many weapons that feel different, Saw Cleaver, Kirkhammer and The Holy Blade are just examples.

>hurr it's not better than something it's not even trying to compete with
fuck off, if you knew anything about nioh's development, you'd know that it only took from souls because a straight up action game would be a guaranteed flop in current year

Not an excuse. That is the world design and atmosphere. Not everything has to be absurd fantasy with choir music playing at all times.
>Boring, it gets old.
To you maybe. Dark souls 2 and 3 bore the fuck out of me. at varying points in their games.
>BB has more variety than Nioh and you know this if you have played them both.
I own both of them I also own all three dark souls and demon's on ps3. And guess what. They don't.
>I can pick up 40 swords, it does not matter, they perform the same, it's just like DSIII.
It's not though. In DS3 you are confined to the small selection of attacks from that weapon. In Nioh you can switch out whichever moves you learned to best fit your situation. While your dark sword is only going to have is swipes nioh's 1kat will have it's swipes, pokes, escape attacks, multiple parries, maneuvers, and other more flamboyant attacks such as the one that makes you walk slowly torwards an enemy and ready a heavy damaging attack or the one where you you sheath your sword, charge it, then either release one power slice, run forward and release one powerful slice or a barage of attacks. all of this at your dispoasal to mix and match at your own discretion. And that is just a 1kat.
All the souls games have on Nioh is magic. Magic in Nioh is entirely supportive.

>mfw it's a snow level
comfy af

I'm loving the fuck out of this game, but difficulty is just not there. You have to severely gimp yourself to experience any kind of challenge after the first region.

Also OP is a faggot.

Yes. The exact same 75 moves the whole game. Opposed to the exact same 15 in bloodborne unless you switch weapons.
Same with Souls.
Except if you wanted a ever so slightly different set of 7 attacks in souls you would need to get a weapon that does that slight different attack.
While in Nioh you just need to equip the different attacks you learned.
Also you can have two different weapons equipped with special attacks for switching to other weapons mid combat. combine that shit with different moves for each stance and combat is always fresh.

Yes but even without unlocking skills it has more moves than any weapon in Bloodborne. I know you are just trying to start some shit and shitposting here, but combat/gameplay is straight up better and more in depth in Nioh. Bloodborne is impressive for being closer to an action game while still keeping everything that makes Souls unique, but the combat is limited compared to straight up action games. Nioh is a straight up action game and as such the action has a lot more depth and variety.

In totality I think BB is the better game, but if we're going to compare combat depth it goes to Nioh no question. Nioh could potentially be better if they add more challenge to it. I think Souls has an upper hand with challenge due to there being more games in the series so the devs can use player data to craft enemies around how people play the game as well as Soulsborne being more limited in gameplay options so there isn't as much stuff to balance enemies around.

You can just summon in any soul game and make other people beat the game for you, the gimp yourself argument is always retarded

I didn't use magic. I tried to main ninjutsu and didn't realize that putting more points in skills didn't make that ninjutsu cheaper but instead gave me more of the ninjutsu. so I avoided getting like 21 Kunai because I didn't realize that fact.
Even so The frog is a fucking bastard.

Nioh has better combat than Dark Souls and arguably better combat than BB, but barely. BB, ironically, made much better use of it's stances, and shit like charged R2s are still satisfying as fuck, while the enemies and bosses are better imo (aside from some Nioh standout shit like Muneshigy). Nioh's biggest strength isn't the shitty ki pulse system, it's the stamina system is much more involved.

That being said, everything else from music, enemies, bosses, atmosphere, level design, etc is better in BB, while oddly enough there are incredible quality of life features in Nioh that are nice.

>It's a duel in the fields at sunset level.

I didn't even mention summoning you idiot. I haven't summoned once in my whole playthrough.

Gimping yourself = intentionally keeping your level low, refraining from using certain skills, equipping worse gear etc.

Exactly, not summoning IS gimping yourself because it's an intended mechanic

One you get to region five you start getting quests that are over your level.
You won't be level 130 by the end of the game unless you do online shit to boost you level.

But the Ninjutsu becomes cheaper too if you level it up, you just have to ready the new cheaper version.
Don't know about Kunai specifically though, never used them.

What the fuck is this logic

Try applying logic next time.

I already beat the game, I finished the last region at about level 110, even so it was easy because the gear I had was in the range of level 120-135

He is right though. Nioh is hardest at the beginning when you are trying to get a grip on the mechanics. I played the beta and Onryoki and hino enma pushed my shit in until I really got good, then Shiggy made me get even better. Playing the full game I have beaten majority of bosses on my first try. Even the dual boss fights at the end of the game didn't take me as many tries as the first bosses in the beta.

That's what I said. I didn't realize leveling it up gave me more charges. I thought it just made it cheaper so I didn't care to put points in it until region 6.

All ninjutsu you can equip gives you more uses. You just need to equip ready multiple.
You can have 9 of ain't status ailment shuriken and like 6 power pills and so on. Same goes with the magic.

>hurr game is ez
How many deaths?

I was too Attached to the Iga and Yagrasu sets.
They became increasingly hard to find in late game and they cost so fucking much to soul match.
I don't like using non-set equipment.

>Nioh has better combat than Dark Souls and arguably better combat than BB, but barely
I respectfully disagree. The sheer responsiveness and smoothness of Nioh's combat is sublime, the stances and skills are just the cherry on top. But they are nice.

That said, they really need to up the enemy AI. It's like TN forgot how to make decent enemies after Itagaki left and they still haven't sorted it out properly.

Are people forgetting the left hand weapons and arcane magic in BB if you gimp it to only trick weapons yea NIOH is deeper but the gun parrying alone is better than anything NIOH brings to the table

Leveling up is an intended mechanic, so you are automatically gimping yourself if you don't grind out 200 levels to clear the first boss

So then Add guns bows and canon.
Look still on top.

This looks like shit the enemies just lets you hit him for like a solid minute

Just projectiles in nioh no more innovative than throwing a rock at the enemy just pressing a button to launch damage at an enemy no mechanics to it and dark souls been had bows

Nioh parry moves are 100x more satisfying than gun parrying.
Pulling off a Haze feels orgasmic as fuck.

Not to mention health rallying

>gun parryinig is better than anything in Nioh

How so? Parrying in Nioh is more precise and riskier than BB, I like it more personally. Nioh has magic and ninjutu which offer a wide variety of secondary equipment/weapons to your main loadout. I dig magic in BB but it isn't anything crazy and even though there are only so many spells some of them are pretty shit and worthless ie the one that puts arcane on your weapon.

Guns are also very limited in movesets.

>the enemies just lets you hit him for like a solid minute
Watch a speedrun of Bloodborne if you want a good laugh.
But yeah, like I said, they need to step their game up with the enemy design. I almost miss the incendiary NG ninjas at this point.

>gun parrying alone is better than anything NIOH brings to the table
Considering that Nioh has Souls parrying, guard crushing AND just guards, among other things, not really.

The spear is a relatively slow weapon. Mostly used to attack at a distance and to clear surrounding enemies.
The 2kat is fast, unrelenting, and he has it tipped with poison so during the beginning of the battle Ii is poisoned.
He starts the battle off with a parry, floors him, and stabs him on the floor. Never letting up on his attacks because if he gave Ii a inch he would fuck him up royally.

It's called getting gud and becoming proficient at game mechanics

Souls bosses are not any smarter

How so when they only have 2 ways to end either success and you see a cool animation or failure and you get hit where in bloodborne if you are a split second off you can activate the parry while still getting hit and have to quickly decide whether to get back in parry and get the health or if you don't have enough time getting out of there to heal nioh it's just Oh I did it or I didn't it's just basic timing

>BB fags shit on souls
>"haha ur geam is shit mine is the best ever"
>Niohfags shit on Bloodborne
>"uhhhhhh why can't we like both?"
You faggots deserve this.

Can you please stop shilling Edge souls 4 ?

I can't fucking stand it anymore.

You goddamned band wagoners or fucking millennial tmcum gobblers keep screwing with the Internet culture and lingo.

Lol. That's all there was in the beginning and all there needed to be. Like gender shit there's no need to 'reinvent' yourselves, the internet, or the fucking wheel.

Take your kek shit and suicide. I want you gone. Immediately. Off the face of this planet.

Don't get reborn either.

I hate you all. I do. From the bottom of my heart. If it was Legal none of you who bastardized what I built would even be around. Alive. Or just anything. I can't stand you. Jesus fucking christ.

be careful with your inventory mangement, lads

Nigga either way the enemy couldnt even swing back looks like shit game design

>tfw enjoyed all dark souls games
>tfw enjoyed bloodborne
>tfw enjoyed nioh

man is it good to like things from time to time

Kunai/Shuriken deal fuck nothing for damage.
But they do deal Stamina damage signifucantly and can be flung on the fly.
ass for the projectile weapons if you are fast and good enough you can get a headshot or shoot a weak point to stagger a enemy and open them up for more punishment.
Bloodbornes offhands are used primarily for parrying give or take like 3 or so weapons like the torch and flame thrower and cannons.
You can already parry with almost any weapon in nioh. why have a dedicated weapon to do it.

Jesus fuck user, learn to form proper sentences and use punctuation.
Also your argument is stupid as fuck. You are saying BB has better parry mechancis because you can slightly whiff it and still get the riposte?

Damn user i wish i has had your ability to always see the truth through the internet


Guard crushing you mean kicks?

I am also proud of being able to see the obvious, user

The internet culture and lingo constantly changing and becoming a mockery of itself is exactly what everyone created.

I'm saying it's better because it takes skill and isn't just some drakengard guitar hero rhythm game

Nowhere in this did I read anything that disproves what I said

That is what the 2kat is for.
suppression. Continuous unrelenting attacks until the enemy is dead.
2kat wouldn't fair so well against a more heavily armored foe like Honda.

Kicks just do stamina damage. Nioh has DaS2/3 guard crushes in that depleting the enemy stamina makes them go into a collapsed fatigued state so you can get a crititcal on them.
But it also has dedicated guard crush moves too.

Throwing knives exist
Headshots exist in from games
You can use guns for pure damage on certain builds
What's the point of this post?

Is the online stuff integral to experiencing Bloodborne? I was thinking of picking it up but then learned even async stuff like messages don't work unless you have PS Plus.

>Nioh only has 2 options when you parry it works or it doesn't

Isn't that exactly how it works in BB wtf? In BB you either get it or miss it, what are you trying to get at here? Are you saying that BB has better parrying because you can fuck it up and get hit but still get the parry? How does getting hit and getting your health back differ from getting the parry and not losing health? Who would get hit while also getting the parry and back off like a retard instead of getting the riposte for their health back?

You guys are just taking anything and pretending like it is deep now, Nioh parrying is still riskier and harder to get I guess the main difference is that you can't fuck up in Nioh and still get the parry and your health back.

>asks for world design
>gets answer
>"thats an excuse"

are you fucking retarded?

It's shit man just admit it stamina bar but oh this weapon type is meant to be spammed because it's fast nigga dual swords ain't new! They shouldn't stagger so much if they are so fast it's shit design just get with it bruh

What does a offhand in Bloodborn do again?
Oh, right. Parry and virtually nothing else outside of a few gimmick offhand weapons.
While the bow guns and canons in Nioh are used to pick off people from a distance. Instant stagger a variety of enemies. I'm not talking flinching. I'm talking about the enemy wincing in pain or falling over to get fucked up.

Nioh just removed the pointless use of a off handed item.

Yeah and it's obvious you are just trying to start shit

Not clicking that to watch some lame nioh game play sorry

Did you not notice that the guy was dodging and weaving around the guy to hit him on the back where he couldn't defend?

I couldn't find a webm, but it's literally 16 seconds long.
Serves me right for trying being helpful, I guess.

You can't always get back in fast enough to get the parry in fact most of the time you cant but it's the flexibility of the few times you can which makes it cool it's actually skill based not some ddr you hit the button exact right time here is some free i-frames like nioh

There's a cannon in bloodborne there is the repeating pistol and the Evelyn which can do ridiculous amounts of damage with bloodtinge builds even the basic pistol can get pretty strong if you upgrade it just because all you've seen them do is parry don't act like there aren't gun only runs on YouTube to go look at right now

>trying to start shitflinging between 2 great games

Nice try Petition Race.

>you hit the button exact right time
You mean like shooting the gun at the right time?
>here is some free i-frames
You mean like Soulsborne reposting?

Whatever nerd

Just like everyone else. Why try to salvage this garbage thread?

>Shitflinging already in play
>Trying to get another party involved

You're welcome, faggot.

What are you trying to say my man? You get iframes in BB when you riposte as well have you played the game? I'm gonna go ahead and say it, I'm a bigger BB fan than you 100% I have probably played more of it than you and I have probably experimented with it more than you. As a whole it is a better game than Nioh. But combat in Nioh is much better, now you can keep trying to pass off dumb shit in BB as combat depth but it isn't and you dont know what you're talking about.


Who's fooling who over what now?

Exactly my friend, exactly.

Shooting the gun doesn't make you invincible
Parrying with a shield doesn't make you invincible
Your invincible as soon as you hit the parry button in nioh
Simple as that

Your wrong af my man

Combat is more than just what your character can do its also what your opponent does and nioh has great moves terrible enemies and boss fights bloodborne has great moves and boss fights so it's combat is better

>Bloodborne killer?
Only said/assumed by retards like you.

You take the "It's like DarkSouls, but..." meme too seriously (well you START it after all).

I'm glad many Souls fanboys bought NioH and were severely disappointed by stuff like no connected world or deep lore behind every single rock. I remember when Dragon'sDogma got ported to PC (Why do game communities go to shit when a game gets the PC version? It's literally always the case) a lot of people got butthurt over it because it somehow didn't match Souls in many aspects, I'm not sure why some people thought it would in the first place, but they most certainly did. NioH takes the Souls checkpoint and leveling system, and arguably takes the very core of the combat (which Souls didn't invent, that's why it's only arguable) but that's it. Everything else is VERY unlike Souls.

If Diablo was as popular in this board as Souls everyone would be buttshurt that the game isn't quite like Diablo, even though it has the same loot drop system, reforging, gear stat micromanagement, gear sets (5 or 7 of the same named armor/weapon pieces give you exclusvie set bonuses), visual transmog, etc

All of that being said I like Souls and FromSoft games, but this ain't Souls.

Watching stupid people being affected by their own self-inflicted stupidity is hilarious.

>Shooting the gun doesn't make you invincible
No, but you're invincible as soon as you enter the reposte animation, so it amounts to the same thing, the only difference is when the i-frames ocur.
And regain renders your point meantingless, a successful shot in Bloodborne is almost a guarenteed reposte or at least a free hit, so any damage you might sustain during the parrying attempt can be instantly nullified when you heal from hitting the enemy.

See BB has less depth to its combat and therefore the enemies are easier to design in relation to this. There are only so many options in BB so it's easier to design enemies around reacting to those options, whereas with Nioh there is so much shit you can do it's very difficult to design enemies around it. On top of that BB had the benefit of Souls games accumulating player data for the devs so they already knew how people would play the game. Nioh is the first and the devs don't know what the typical methods are.

Nioh has worse enemies than Bloodborne in some ways, or at least easier ones and less variety.
Nioh has much better and smoother combat than Bloodborne, but severely reduced weapon options. That said, what you can do with one weapon in any given point in combat in Nioh is significantly greater.

Overall, I'd call it a wash, though Nioh's combat is just fundamentally more fun for me.

Your just wrong how many times have I gotten the reposte shot only to get hit by another enemy as I'm going in for the r1 or even just gotten hit by a hit box from the enemy I just shot. And just as you said you aren't invincible until you start the riposte in nioh there is no shot no parry it's just instacounter just dance 2017 perfect timing parappa the rapper simulator

Top kek this so so true Nioh his bad fame made for E rated Kingdeom hearts babbiea and casual Normie's but bloodborne is so much better not like the just dancing and guitar hero game lol

>playing dumb rhythm game

lmao BB is so much better no just button mashing rhythm timing lol only a idiot thinks otherwise lmao rhythm game from 2002 here want my gamlay back cuz that's all neo is lol

>I fucked up so the mechanics are better
Okay. You can fuck up parries in Nioh, too. The spear parry is fucking miniscule, for one.

Also, unlike Soulsborne, you can only backstab unaware enemies (after you get the skill for it, too). So that's a whole extra bit of exploitation and i-frame abuse that Nioh dosn't have that Soulsborne does.

so basically you're saying it's a stupid idea to give the player 75-ish different moves he can use at any given moment because it clutters the game and makes it difficult to create interesting combat and gameplay designs?

I feel like nioh is just moving the souls gameplay concepts and combat style closer to shit like devil may cry, when a large part of the appeal of these games back in 2009-2011 was their slower and more grounded controls. It was a game about timing blows, not chaining them.