What videogames are you playing today, Sup Forums?

What videogames are you playing today, Sup Forums?
Are you having fun?

I'm replaying Hitman Contracts and playing a little bit of Thief Gold too seeing as I got 1 and 2 on sale the other day. I'm having fun.

I miss when DFO was actually fun

Unless endgame has changed significantly the game feels pretty much identical to what I remeber from years ago.
The new filter looks nice though.

Playing Tales of Berseria and yes user i'm having fun.

Tried that overhaul mod for the bootleg X-COM and man, that shit makes Long War look like 11/10.

playing ds1 and being called nigger when I dead angle someone

Shadowrun Hong Kong

Yes, pretty fun and good writing, but I'm not sure what I'll play when I finish it.

Please dear user, fix your game, that looks stretched.

I mean before all the power creep, when you couldn't one shot a room with just a single cube.
And honestly I think hell mode is one of the worst things to happen to DFO. "Fight this extremely easy encounter, and hope you GET LUCKY and your BiS weapon drops". Of course with how OP most epic armors are, now its not enough to get lucky and have the literal best weapon into the game fall right into your lap with no effort other than time and luck required. No, now you need full epic armor and accessories too. Hell mode was a mistake. And yet, in spite of all its flaws, I'm still playing it right now.

I'm actually playing that one, OP, you tremendous faggot

>mfw DFO threads

>implying there are ever DFO threads

It's been ages since I last booted the game up but playing DnD Cronicles of Mysteria really got my beat em up fever going.

Still, even if they've fucked up the endgame that doesn't stop me from enjoying myself while I blast through the story.

That's just what Contracts looks like.

It definitely still manages to be fun though, in spite of its many many flaws; and I say this as someone that's played since the open beta days of nexon


I came to realize that MMO's suck ass esp FF14, OW is a gamble to progress in ranked and enter the gungeon is okish for a few fuck arounds

Then what are you doing on a videogames board you silly sausage?

Persona 4 Golden
Thank fucking god Teddy isn't screaming at me in battles anymore I was about to quit.

I'll probably play League of Legends just so I can play my favorite champion Mordekaiser but damn if I don't hate that game and its shitty community and company and balance but boy does it feel good winning super hard.

Looking at ideas for my next AAA game

Playing Final Fantasy X and Resident Evil Revelations 2. I'm having fun.

Playing tomb raider legend.
Exploring the croft manor, solving puzzles.
I am having fun. A lot.

I've been trying to play some games today but the escapism doesn't really work for me anymore
I think I need to start working on my issues instead of avoiding them with games desu

The newest shit at Nutaku.
It's comfy

>What videogames are you playing today, Sup Forums?
>Are you having fun?
I haven't had fun in years and the genre has spoiled all other games for me.

DFO is fun until you hit the level cap. Then you realize that the only thing left for you to do is dailies and doing the same rotation for hours on end every day while getting no items because this game's drop rates are abysmally low due to it being korean and having an auction house.

Have you considered trying HoTS? I know it's 'meme game' status on Sup Forums but I found it a real breath of fresh air after LoL got stale and Dota was too involved to enjoy.

It's not too late I was once like you.

I'm afraid it's far too late. I've played LoL and Dota for over a decade now

dragon quest vii and rune factory 4 :)

I played League for 7+ hours every day for 5 years. Thinking back on it I never really played because it was fun, I just played because of the social aspect. I didn't want to play a game alone, I needed to talk to someone or have them see what I did.

Once you quit for a while and you're self sufficient you won't look back.

The worst part is that once you've been playing for a while, even leveling feels boring as fuck, so you don't really enjoy that anymore either.

Bought SFV and have been playing today. 6/6 wins in ranked with one perfect and one rage quitter.

Why does someone rage quitting not count as a win?

>I just played because of the social aspect
That's where we are different. I play to win and to perfect my gameplay, doesn't matter if anyone's there to see. I usually play alone with chat turned off.

The game just has really bad balance problems. Any class that isn't top tier usually needs great gear just to function.

Rushing through Disgaea PC so I can finally tackle Disgaea 2

>What videogames are you playing today, Sup Forums?

Ogerbattle64 and then GTA SA,

>Are you having fun?

Sure am.

No fucking kidding. Crusader is by far the worst offender though. Don't you just love how in a game of 40+ classes, literally EVERY serious raid party of 4 needs one crusader. Even better with how fucking boring a class it is to play in the first place

Berserk, Miku Future Tone, and Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing Transformed

Having fun with all three.

Still playing dragon's dogma

Determined to beat it, though I find since I'm not anywhere near max level I just spam periapts and bombs to win. It was more fun before everything was a damage sponge

Next I will play killer is dead



I remember those days, good times. Unless you actually mained brawler, then you were fucked.

kirby 64
zelda II
yes, I am having a lot of fun

>cykablyat idinahui
>dust 2 only
>Final Destination

Over 3500 hours.

Kill me

GTA SA would be fun if the multiplayer mod still worked but sadly got shut down

m brawler was my first character ;_;
i went into the game w/o any research

Every class needs great gear to function in the truly endgame shit. Except for maybe Crusader.

I feel so sorry for you user, especially because of how good mbrawler sounds in game without any outside research.

Haven't played anything yet today. Read for a couple hours this morning; The Tower of Swallows (Witcher novel).

Now shitposting and listening to music. Will get back to Nioh after lunch though, put in like 9 hours yesterday I think I'll be finishing it today or tomorrow. Anyone get the plat yet? I'm wondering if I'll be able to before Horizon gets here.

Is a controller mandatory for that? A JRPG itch has appeared in my head.

Bought both of the Breath of Fire games on the N3DS eshop, been playing through 1
Im really surprised that a snes rpg has a day and night system to it with changing npc activity at different times of day
Angered mode is the annoying as shit though, took me way too long to kill Gremlin while he was at 1hp


Comfy as fuck.