This game is 9 years old

>this game is 9 years old

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I had to google because I didn't believe. I don't want to believe.

And a PS3 exclusive

How can PCucks, xBoners and Nintoddlers even compete with such gaming masterpieces?

And unfortunately it's still pretty shit.

Literally one of the most underrated games of all time.


what game

It's a fine game but it's obvious he didn't want to work on it.


>perfect scores from every publication


By actual people and not 9/10 it's okay.

I remember a lot of fans liked it a lot when it came out. Some probably still do. The game definitely had a large fanbase.

There aren't many things the game does that I care for, though. For the most part it sucks. Not even the first two acts do much for me, though they're maybe preferable to large parts or MGSV.

Actual people gave it 8.7/10 user...

the only people who hate it were meme fans who jumped on the bandwagon of MGS2 years after the fact just because they wanted to be in on the meme of the 2spooky4u deep ending.

Nah, man. Even disregarding the story I don't like MGS4 much at all. And its story has more problems than being merely unnecessary.

I still like the game's OST a lot though.


wtf i feel old now

Overrated, actually.
This is a 3/10.

It being slaved to the PS3 sucks. I want either an HD version the new consoles, or a PC version where I can pump up the resolution.

And still no PS4 HD Remaster.
wtf konami?

>The worst MGS game not counting 5
Why is it exclusive anyways? Every other MGS is multiplat


The only problem with mgs4 is the small levels and small gameplay slices in between cutscenes. Also some of the levels had poor level design which facilitated poor gameplay, some examples being the later half of the game.

It still has to go pachinko first

Even the first half is pretty bad about it. Acts 1 and 2 are more concerned with being cool setpieces than being actually compelling levels to explore and sneak through. The brief part at the beginning of Act 5 is the only good part in the game.

My mom thought I was watching a movie when she saw me not use the controller for more than 15 minutes.

4 > 3 > 1 > 2

I don't rate any other games in the series since they're all shit.

>the best
Why? I disagree with everything else too, but still. What's so great about MGS4?

It's got my favorite gameplay of the series. The Metal Gear fight was excellent, and the end boss battle is probably my favorite in all of video games. Seeing the end cutscene blew me away. I also think 4 has the best music in the series. For those reasons I put 4 as my favorite.

It's a fun game if you don't think to much about the plot

Nothing, it's just tricky fish hook the post

Is your pic nine years old also?

I love this game, even bought the Legacy Collection to finally play it. I don't even have a PS3.

I never understood the MGS4 was unnecessary meme. MGS2 ended on a huge cliffhanger and then 3 was set in the 60's and didn't resolve all of it. While I agree that MGS4's story wasn't handled the best and definitely could've used so better writing with less plot contrivances it definitely wasn't unnecessary.

Looks older, and using one of those plebbish lossy formats...
This is why you save EVERYTHING in lossless formats, people.

long time MGS fan, but for various reasons only just playing this game for the first time right now.

my only real gripe are the bosses: I hate pretty much everything about them.

no build up to them whatsoever.
not very good characters
each has a retarded 2nd stage finah former for no reason
have to listen to Drebin explain why they got there name via background narrative.

Rearly enjoying everything else about the game.

I still think the game looks decent and with a texture update can look nice at 1080p.

Fun fact: the ps3 didnt even render this game at 720p but rather 1024x576

But those weapon models are great, the ones you view in the menu

And it's amazing, if you do think about the plot.

Even MGS1 had a pc release and twin snakes is GCN.

Though maybe they dont wanna renew that ipod liscense

I'm playing through the series for the first time and it's surprising me how well it lives up to the hype. I just started Operation Snake Eater, is 4 really going to be as awful as it's made out to be? And should I even bother with 5?

>MGS2 ended on a huge cliffhanger
It was deliberately left loose, and it's loose in a way that's fairly satisfying. The post-credits dialogue even kills the only lead Otacon and Snake had.

MGS3 explored some of it (revealing that the Patriots are in some way tied to the CIA and that Ocelot has been their agent from more or less the beginning) but it still maintains the general mystery. Kojima said he hadn't intended on resolving everything, and I think that shows. MGS2 doesn't really beg for a sequel in my eyes.

yeah and it's just as horrible today

MGS4 is without a doubt the worst AAA game ever made

Did the same thing about a year ago. 4 is not as bad as people say. It has its Kojima-on-crack moments, but nothing too bad.

>is 4 really going to be as awful as it's made out to be
No. It does have loads of cutscenes but you probably like them if you like MGS.
>And should I even bother with 5?
If you make it through the rest of the series then probably

>4 really going to be as awful as it's made out to be?
Kind of. Depends on what you like and appreciate about the series. There are some interesting themes and ideas, but they're mostly lost in bad game design and self-obsession and reference.
>should I even bother with 5?
Why not? At least look up videos of it to see if it's something you might like.

Not really.

The only good MGS games are 1-3. Everything else is hot garbage, including this game. Too easy, loaded with overly long cut scenes (seriously, over an hour and you're past a comfortable cutscene situation), bad weapon system, they reintroduced some characters as lifeless husks of themselves, and it was honestly just depressing playing as old Snake the whole game.

Plus those bosses and their stories were just fucking dumb and felt completely out of place.

I kind of liked Old Snake, even if the game was too possessed by info dumps for his character to do much besides stand around and listen to lectures.

Also, I realize you said MGS and not MG, but the MSX games and GB are pretty great.

In my opinion, 3 is as good as it gets. The main complaint with 4 is that the gameplay to cutscene ratio is incredibly low with only the first two acts consisting of what you would consider MGS gameplay.

Play everything and make your own assesment of the series. MGSV is a good game gameplay wise but severely lacking in story.

I hope you're not killing everyone playing MGS

Does traqing people count as killing them?


But a fun technology bit, enemies you tranq or ko that land face foward into a puddle will cause them to drown, counting as a kill.

4 and 5 are good. Sup Forums hates good games, you should know this