Have there been any games which justify a purchase of a VR headset yet?

Have there been any games which justify a purchase of a VR headset yet?


could you beat them?

Not sure, possibly.

So VR was a meme after all.

can you fuck them? if not then it's a waste of time and resources.

Of course you can, it's made by Illusion.

I hope there's a girl maker like in previous games

Too many nukes or not enough nukes?

WTF did I just watch. Jesus christ.


How can they be so shameless?

>doesn't react to you lifting her skirt

nice, I thought it was another one of those VR games where you just poke cute girl's cheeks and see how they react.

I think nihon got nuked just perfectly considering all this good stuff coming.

Based Japs.

based af normies btfo

>tfw VR will only get better and better, and we have game developers like Illusion making shit for VR

>tfw dolls are only getting more and more realistic

I honestly can't wait for the day where you dont even need remotes for VR and can interact with a realistic doll.

What's the point in even having women around? For only a one time payment of like, $500-3,000+, you get action whenever you want and "she" won't nag at you daily and suck your money dry like a real woman

PSVR doesn't support 3D SBS, do not buy.

fuck that's funny

fuck calm down stop jumping around the room jesus

Try $15k+ nigga, that shit is NOT going to be anything remotely resembling affordable. We're talking top-of-the-line animatronics, robotics, and materials, not to mention the incredibly sophisticated software it'd need to run. You're not exactly going to program a sex bot in your garage, at least, not one that will match your dreams.

You're delusional. They won't even cost 1k in 5 years.

I should've clarified that I meant currently. Dolls today only cost in the upper hundreds to about $3000+

But yeah, definitely will cost a lot more for more advanced shit.... But still cheaper than a real woman

Everything about that webm is weird.

man, Japan is fucking doomed for sure

>tfw you'll never get drunk and fuck a VR loli with a bunch of fun weirdos

I'm so fucking mad right now.

I fell for the "Otaku are shunned in Japan", "Don't learn japanese" memes and later one of my friends actually went there and got drunk with a bunch of girl at a guro convention.

guro or ganguro? fuck me if it's the former lmao

In America this could probably pass for performance art.

Guro. A convention called Ryonaket. Apparently a lot of the artists were cute girls. Fuck my life.

8, 9, 20, 29, 44, 45

>seriously pondered whether to get VR at some point during the hype
Really dodged a bullet there.

That sounds fucking terrible but then I hate guro/ryona.

This isn't like my animes. This isn't like my animes at all.

>japs have a convention for guro fetishes
I shouldn't be have any emotional response whatsoever at this point but my sides are in orbit
i knew that from 3D

You would still be a foreigner dude. You would never be accepted in their society.

I think it has promise but I never "early adopt". Early adoption is like a gullibility tax.

Well I thought about this for a long time and had a lot of arguments so I came to the conclusion that this isn't just about "early adoption" since this implies that there will be something better in 3 years which will have deeper market penetration, but that's just unlikely to happen.

VR is too performance hungry while requiring very advanced tracking techniques. You combine those two and you'll never reach a feasible entry price with a good VR experience in at least a decade and who knows how things will have changed until then. I am excluding smpartphone VR from this, because it's shit.

The problem with VR is that there hasn't been good good game design tailored specifically for it yet. Everything Ive seen looks based on amusement rides and scripted, limited action shit like OPs video.

After seeing the videos on this thread, I have no hopes that this will change anytime soon. To think designers are spending precious resources developing VR applications that do nothing but allow players to behave like chimps in heats gives me no hope. It will be 100 years before we have the VR-specific design equivalent to chess.

>VR is too performance hungry while requiring very advanced tracking techniques. You combine those two and you'll never reach a feasible entry price with a good VR experience in at least a decade and who knows how things will have changed until then.
I think your cynicism is a little unfounded. Three years from now actually seems right to me. What's needed is experience developing VR interfaces. All the games I've seen so far are only acceptable if they're cockpit games. But I think this is just a matter of a mid-tier studio getting an idea and working it which is then copied by other dev houses.

Still, if it ends up that I'm wrong and you're right I won't be surprised, either. It's sketchy tech for gaming.

Will there be forcefeedback on the controller when you touch the boobs?

Shame is for the weak of heart.

You don't have to be accepted to still live somewhere. Plus Japan isn't like other places, they will keep their disdain for you quiet, so you can at least pretend you're accepted.

As a die hard Resident Evil fan I found RE7 worth the purchase.

if i can't even hug her what is the point?

This is true of you're in a family type neighborhood. But if you go out to clubs or conventions in the city, they make fun of you and mess with you in front of your face. They'll trick into thinking something costs more than it really does or give you wrong directions if you ask for them.

You know this from experience?

The real problem is the controls. It's much easier to play an FPS game with a mouse because you can aim and react much faster than physically turning your head, but give someone the ability to really feel like they're holding and firing a gun instead of moving and clicking a mouse and the immersion of the experience would make up for the loss in reaction time, which eye-tracking tech can make up for and probably be even faster than a mouse.

Yes. I went to school there for two years.

I can shoot as accurately with a vive controller in H3VR as with another game using a mouse, but it takes time and muscle memory. You get to a point where you just casually fire from the hip and hit a line of cans several metres away.

I don't know if it's funny or creepy.

Yeah its brand new technology.
If you lose someone will enter your room and slap your face.

Have you ever considered that maybe you were the problem?

>Have there been any games which justify a purchase of a VR headset yet?
Almost all of them, assuming you are ok with vr hmd price

This guy here understands what's up.