Why is nobody talking about this? See for yourself

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but what does this MEAN?

Is it a Tegra X2 though?

so much for pascal, but I guess the old gpus have been heavily modified

>that fucking tiny battery

I love this meme question.
No, it's fucking not.

It says 4310mAh you stupid nigger. That's big.

maybe for a phone but this is a tablet anything below 6k is a fucking paper weight

Redpill me

Why isn't Sony or MS using cartridges instead of Blu-ray?


Price per GB is too high, increases the cost of manufacturing physical games. Ignore the retard that will inevitably claim that 64GB of NAND only costs a few cents, they're wrong and don't know what they're talking about.

cost more or something

So, which of these specs leaks were right?

>tiny battery
>literally taking up almost half of the space

>so much for pascal
nothing on the pic actually indicate what is arch or the chip

tho tha A2 is 2nd gen so might be a revised X1

They're expensive

fucking nigger, 64GB of NAND only costs a few cents

>32 gigs of internal storage
>26 after updates

And how can you tell?

>buying a SD card from Best Buy =/= buying that shit in bulk from korea/japan/taiwan

blu-ray disks are cheaper than flash memory


Any Phablet has a +3k battery, and they're 7mm thick and 2 inches smaller.

thank you

how is this a hard concept to understand?

people are going to lose their shit when they find out you cant actually play skyrim on the go for more than 2 hours

It doesn't say anything

It's a custom Tegra

A dual layer bluray is 50GB and cheaper. A switch cart is supposed to be around 16GB standard. Going forward the cards are going to get cheaper while the ps4/xbox won't support BDXL due to the lasers not being there.

>going digital

based on the images we can't tell

Same reason M$ used DVDs instead of Bluray last gen. It's cheaper, despite being a worse format.

Blu-rays are cheaper, and Sony and MS already have their fingers in the Blu-ray pie, so a percentage of their outgoing come back to them.

A) cheaper to produce
B) sony has his dick on the BD production so they get from it. they have no reason to change

oh ok.
At least it's not literally an X1

If they can get it for pennies, why is there only 32 gigs of internal storage?

Legitimate question, I know fucking nothing about this shit.

thats not how the blu-ray license works

You mean 29, and if you don't include at least 3GB for its system, it's your own fault.

You guys are fucking morons if you think the Switch is getting much better than an X1.

Hopefully it can at least beat the wii u's performance


I think the most notable thing here is that the battery should be easy to replace

You're just shitposting.

Its always been not is not literally and X1.

Look up the bill of materials for an iPhone, Apple, the world's largest purchaser of flash memory still pays $16 for 32GB of NAND and 2GB of LPDDR4 per iPhone 7.

So go fuck yourself dipshit, even if it were $3 per cartridge, that's a lot more than the $0.01-$0.05 for a dual-layer Blu-ray. Game developers use BINK because it's got a flat rate pricing scheme instead of using superior h.264 because that costs $0.05 per "license" to use in a game.

I don't get this. Is this good, or bad?

It was confirmed 25.8 out the box before updates.

No one uses Bink, it has crappy quality

Switch can use VP9, far superior to Bink garbage and royalty free

Don't quote me on this, but I think that Pascal chips are not square, but rectangular.

Depends on who you're shilling for

Whoopie doo, what does it all mean Basil?

Enough to go from 720p to 900p on demanding games

What if you aren't shilling for anyone?

It's exactly as expected for everyone except the ones who were clinging onto the vain hope that there wouldn't be old tech in it.

>what are gibibytes
Its still not all that impressive really


better than expected

Then it is the games that matter.

You can have fun shitposting for both sides then.

>a year from now we will have a functioning Switch emulator

Oh look, it's the shitposting thread where people post blatantly incorrect info and specs.

This is why Sup Forums is laughing at us.

just like that original xbox emulator :^)

>No one uses Bink

It is used by countless games, one of the worst recently was Quantum Break, which has fucking 73GB of optional videos you can download. It's actually only like 3-4 hours of footage but because it's 1080p Bink it takes up a stupid amount of space.

Hopefully more games start using VP9 because Bink has caused a lot of games on PS4 and Xbox One to be way larger than necessary. Developers historically have opted to pay the flat $10,000 license fee over paying a per copy license of $0.02-0.05.

The size of the chip is 10x10mm which again lines up perfectly with the foxconn leak that said Pascal.
Anyone saying otherwise is a sonycuck at this point.


Please answer my question Sup Forums senpai, I legitimately know nothing about Chinese manufacturing of flash memory but I don't see how game cards would be radically cheaper than the SD cards Nintendo could have but chose not to include for system memory.

Squareness has nothing to do with the underlying tech, it's just a consequence of a myriad of developmental decisions.
e.g. GM106 is rectangular and GP107 is square.

Waiting for the new switch that actually has good battery life and a real dpad

That would be good news, does this mean it's actually got 50GB/s of memory bandwidth instead of 25GB/s as the rumors claimed (making it equivalent to the X1) ?

mAh doesn't mean shit if you don't know the tension.

Just like that x86 PS4/XB1 emulator

>look mama I posted it again. you think father will finally come back home???

It only goes to max performance during the docked TV mode.

I forgot they did it that way for that gen.

It looks visually way too big to be a 16nm chip

Definitely maxwell

Parker is 23nm all together.

Oh man. How sad.

I am pretty glad that I don't spend time sperging out about stuff like hardware leaks anymore


Wished Nintendo could have waited for this

its a custom chip, theres nothing to compare to

Do you think they would have used it even if they waited? You do realize, we're talking about Nintendo here.

dead on arrival

I'm willing to bet if you rip open the new Shield TV that just launched it has a chip of identical size inside. Custom doesn't mean what you think it means in this case


Why even bother putting a fan at that size? It'll just break down even faster with the all the dust buildup. Just downclock it further

>we're talking about Nin-"can I get this cheaper"-tendo here

>people are going to lose their shit when they find out you cant actually play skyrim on the go for more than 2 hours

"On the go" doesn't mean no fucking electricity anymore. Almost everywhere has an outlet now. Even cars and airplanes these days.

"On the go" = tiny, carry in hand.

I'm not trying to make excuses for Nintendo. It's shit battery life for a game console, but I'm just stating why most people wouldn't care these days.

>people talk more about this dumb shit than actually playing the games

If that foxconn guy is looking at this same chip which we have pictures of now and we cannot tell, then how can he tell what is the insides of the chip?

its bad enough seeing someone playing a nintendo console in public now youre saying that theyre gonna be wasting outlets too?

What are you doing here, shitposting instead of playing games? Do you hate fun?

why so you faggots could cry why is not being sold for 100$?

I dont want anyone to think i'm a Maxwell denier but i have to play devil's advocate and say die size isn't an effective way to tell process node, especially in something so purposefully built as mobile chips.
Mobile chips tend to only fluctuate in size slightly as when more room is freed up by a die shrink the vendor usually fills it with more/bigger CPU cores or more GPU cores.
Hell even in the desktop market the GTX680 on 28nm was smaller than the GTX1080 on 16nm, there's just way more transistors in the 1080 and they run at a much higher frequency.

Do you really need to ask?

No, just like the wiiu emulator

As long as they don't stop this "innovative" Wii, Wii U, Switch bullshit Nintendo is going to lose.
All they have to do is create a normal and powerful console like MS and Sony are doing.
The only reason they're barely still alive is probably Pokémon and their handheld system, maybe Monster Hunter.

yeah why even have console generations anymore
lets keep making games for the Nes, hardware doesnt matter obviously

It's Maxwell
I've never been more certain about something

That's a pretty convincing comparison.

y-you cant know!!1 pure speculation!!




FOXCONN said it was the X2. everyone ITT is saying it's the X1 based on these pics. Can you prove it's the X2?

Also, Foxconn CAN'T be 100% accurate as Foxconn said it'd have 4G networking, and it doesn't, even if a mistake, that makes Foxconn not 100% accurate.

All this leads me to believe you're a lying piece of shit OP.

That's a better comparison.
Do you have a source for the picture of the shield tv board?

not with a nvidia graphics card. Good luck emulating that