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What people fail to realize is that all game were trash back then, but being children, they couldn't realize.

>people complain about Pirates ruining future games by encouraging DRM and always online
>people don't complain about idiots who gobble up DLC and season passes that encourage companies to keep locking content behind said things

Back in ancient times, I bought a game called "Dirty Harry" for the NES, obviously licensed from the movie of the same name even though a Dirty Harry movie hadn't been made in years.

Anyways, I'm playing this shitstain of a game and nothing makes any fucking sense in it. I eventually walk into a room that has no exit. A near empty room, that had the words "HA HA!" written on the walls as a fuck you from the game designers. Nintendo's "Seal of Approval" was shining on the cart.

That was the "Everything you wanted and needed was put on a cartridge" era. They even put a lot of shit on there you didn't want.

>all games were trash back then

Really? Why do you think that?

>expansion pak

who cares videogames are more fun nowadays

100% accurate
you can buy this on a ps4 now:
if you were a retard that couldn't inform himself at the time it's not the game's fault

>he didn't have randnet

what a pleb

How so?

Yes I sure do miss having to pay full price (80$) for DLC

The currency ($) goes before the value kiddo.

>didn't have internet connection
The SNES had the Satellaview, the Master System had Meganet, and the Genesis had Sega Channel.
>on a cartridge no exceptions
Sega CD, god fucking damn, what petulant child made this shitty meme?

>eighty dollars
>dollars eighty

poor thing

>disconnect from internet
Doesn't seem that hard.

The N64 had an expansion cartridge though.

yes, that's how much games cost back in the 90s.

ff7 was 90$

Sonic 3 & Knuckles was physical DLC.

N64 was kinda crap take your nostalgia goggles off.

I do miss this. I had a bad experience yesterday.
>buy game on steam
>downloads and installs
>have to sit and wait for 4 HOURS for the game to download and install a mandatory update bigger than the game itself
>just wanted to play singleplayer anyway

What? This wasn't released back then with the original OOT. This was released with windwaker and the 3ds version right?

Yeah, I'll go hop in my deLorean and remind 24 years ago me to hop on the internet in 1992 and inform himself.

I'm guessing you're not talking US dollars, because in no way does 80$ make sense over $80.

>mandatory update patches mostly broken singleplayer because lol, company broke it to prevent piracy.

Stop kids.

>people itt are seriously defending mondern consoles over the old ones


It's a repro, Master Quest was never released on cartridge.

I think you should fuck off back to Facebook where people find photos like that compelling.

Yes, just like how in Spanish you put the question mark at the beginning of the sentence so the reader knows it's a question from the start. You put the dollar sign before the number so you know the person is talking about currency as soon as you see the number.

How was N64 crap you nigger?

>inb4 hurr durr under powered

like I'm letting a fucking Mexican tell me where to put my American dollar sign

Low storage capacity would have been my reasoning.

>facebook normies REEEEEEE

Calm down turbo autist. The image can be relevant to how people feel about games on this site.

how fucking dense are you

And then if there was a problem with the game you had to go out and buy a new one when they reprinted a patched version instead of just downloading it

ahh... the good old days...

>use the internet to get FREE Nintendo 64 games
>they're just as shitty now as they were then
yeah I really miss the good ol days

I certainly miss the days when actual talent went into the final products.

I miss the days when "art direction" meant something.

I miss the days when games had more than 4 varied locations because less rendering overheads.

>all game were trash back then

So just like now? At least they didn't have DLC, internet connection or privacy invasion.

>N64 emulation

>Buckley tries to make a meme

The image is irritatingly safe and hollow. It's trying to seem insightful while saying fuck all.
I couldn't give a fuck about normies, what I hate is dumb cunts trying to seem all wise.

Who needs DLC when you can just buy the same game again at full price?

I think there is an expression that covers this

___ __ ____ ________ ____ __


Consoles started being a problem for the vidya when they tried to imitate PC gaming.

Prove me wrong shitbrats.

Good thing there isn't a single N64 game worth emulating.

So, you say dollar eighty? Weird. Where do you live?

Shit, I've bought that damn game 5 times now.

>DS lite had exclusives
Nigga where

How does "It's ok when Nintendo does it" apply if Sony does NOT do it? Also addons and revisions aren't necessarely bad.

You wish.

I think he meant DSi which had like 4 exclusive games.

Misguided opinion.

Game development houses have always been trying to find ways to nickel and dime the customer. Early era games were fucking trash, I'm thinking of Amiga era stuff, they are even games of the era that are literally and purposefully impossible to complete. The games were made deliberately impossible.

NES and SNES era wasn't much better, and had awful shovel ware and movie tie ins to boot.

All that's really changed is that scamming the end user is easier then ever now.

Tell me why the N64 generation had about two dozen 10/10 games while the current generation has Z E R O then you underage retard.

>implyinh that the pro doesn't fix a major issue of the PS4
it makes the games run outside powerpoint when it doesn't make them worse

Name these two dozen 10/10 N64 games. I will even go easy on you and accept 1 dozen.

>NES and SNES era wasn't much better
>then ever now

Ay ay ay user jr.

No one complained about the PS4 pro OR any of those Nintendo revisions.

Retarded fucking console war fanboy, kill yourself.

Name 2 dozen N64 games.

>The N64 was the only console in the N64 generation

Shows how much underages like you know.

>Nintendo fans didn't complain about Nintendo asking for more money


Not him, but

>Wonder Project J2
>Bomberman Hero
>Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon
>Goemon's Great Adventure
>Mischief Makers
>Getter Love
>Hybrid Heaven
>Super Robot Wars 64
>Super Robot Spirits
>Harvest Moon 64
>Beetle Adventure Racing
>Ogre Battle 64
>Rakuga Kids
>Star Soldier
>Off Road Challenge
>Dezaemon 3D
>Rogue Squadron
>Denryuu IraIra Bou
>[insert any of the many great AKI wrestling games]
>Snowboard Kids 2
>Shiren 2
>The New Tetris

Have in mind I didn't include any 1st party Nintendo or Rare game, and also I tried to be variated with the genres, I didn't include many platformers.

every cart version of OoT would like to have a word with you.

Everything corporations took away, they did so with the permission of their customers. You made your bed.

t. millenial

>first game listed is some gook shit no one has heard of

It has an english translation though (you still need an everdrive and real hardware though, emulation has a glitch that prevents you from finishing it), also Wonder Project is rather known, not very obscure, I mean again, it has a fan-made english translation.
Do you even video games, user?

It's an Enix game, it's not that obscure, kid.

>buy game on steam gog whatever
>have to download 50+ gigs
>pirate game
>have to download 50+ gigs
>pirate repack
>have to download 30 gigs
>buy game physically on console
>still have to download updates day one patches and all that shit
seriously starting to piss me off

The other user didn't specify the games couldn't be imports.
N64 has some really good japan-only games. I didn't include on the list because it was published by Nintendo (although developed by Treasure), but Sin and Punishment is quite possibly one of the best games of the entire 5th generation.

>I'm ignorant so please allow me to use the fact I'm retarded as a counterargument
You must be 18 years or older to post.

The Switch doesn't a web browser and uses carts so we're getting close to it again.

>you share the board with those retards

I agree completely. I also miss when games weren't broken at launch, because if they were, they'd have to do a recall. Now, the general public are used as beta testers, and they just take it.

Calling it the n64 generation when it was the psx generation


What's more, people are honored to be beta testers.

The PSX was a 6th gen console though

We're ignoring the fact that Nintendo has been behind by a generation every single time.

But during 5th gen Nintendo was definitely ahead. It wasn't until late 1996 that PC could match N64's graphics thanks to the 3dfx cards, and the only PC game that could match N64 was Quake (ironically, released 1 day after the N64 launch in Japan).
During 6th gen, Gamecube was also better than PS2, and only behind the original Xbox.

How young are you, user? Do you think Nintendo is just Wii onwards?

there are tons of N64 games that I've only played recently (I'm 22) that are fucking amazing
you should just stop posting for a while

>you still need an everdrive and real hardware though, emulation has a glitch that prevents you from finishing it
Ewwww so much for that.

>During 6th gen, Gamecube was also better than PS2

Yeah it's a very enthusiast-only game, but it's worth it really.

>using SJW reaction images

Oh, user...

Anyway, I was talking about hardware only. PS2's catalogue is obviously better (although it has MUCH more shovelware)

Sonic 2 had a glitch where if you got all chaos emeralds, had 50 rings, and jumped after passing the sign post. Sonic would hang mid-air and the only thing you could do was power off the system. It was not fixed until it was re-released in a game collection.

Try playing games that are multiplat, like Viewtiful Joe or Killer 7. The Gamecube versions are much better.

Another obvious example: Resident Evil 4.

PS2 was the most mediocre console of 6th gen, hardware-wise.

pretty sure you're the one baiting user
games were indeed usually of a greater visual quality on gcn vs ps2
take a look at the "down" port of RE4 from gcn to ps2 for a great example

glorious idort back then, all I buy these days are nintendo, sony and my GTX 1080

don't bother arguing with Sup Forums sonyggers, they can't into logic and they feel offended if you insult their first childhood console (the PS2)

>people have more money than brains
I thought this was obvious.

If it was so mediocre why did it sell more than all of it's competitors combined? Are you sure you aren't just still made that Sony is the four time undefeated console war champs?

Amerifags do everything the other way, going the nonsense direction with everything. Pretty much like the Japanese, but the latter add cute/colourful to that. They just feel this irresistible need to be artificially different. I know it's retarded, but what are you gonna do.

>literal "no games" of the mid/late 90's
there are a couple gems sure, but come on now

user, do you know what "hardware-wise" means?
>four time undefeated
Pretty sure the PS3 didn't fare too well against the 360 or even the Wii.
Not to mention PS4 is struggling to keep up with fucking WiiU in Japan, kek.

Sonygger, please go back to gaf.

>Not to mention PS4 is struggling to keep up with fucking WiiU in Japan, kek.

The PS4 outsold the Wii U lifetime sales in a matter of months. God you Nintentoddlers are delusional.


Sonyggers... were a mistake of the universe.

if the gameboy was such a fucking monochrome brick, why did it sell so much?
newflash: consoles do not sell on their power or features, they sell and always will based on their marketing, brand recognition and other secondary shit

first post best post

nintendo is the biggest gaming company to rely on nostalgia

Other secondary shit like games, you know, not important at all

>implying I'm a "nintoddler"
I don't give a shit about the WiiU, but PS4 sold like shit in Japan.

I hate nintendo fans, but I hate sonyggers even more, you people ruined this hobby.