

There better be bikini armor


The stream last night showed me that it will be a buggy mess and that the combat and animations are stilted as all fuck.


Yeah, this or it comes to PC so people can mod it.

Can't wait, 4 days off work!


Its gonna be shit,cause its being made by fag ubisoft and its exclusive to ps4

oh god no nintenbros what are we gonna do?

After watching all these webms I have NO CHOICE but to buy a PS4 pro to go with my regular PS4 just to play this masterpiece.

I had to cancel my Switch order and throw my homebrew Wii U out the window in shame, theres no way BTFO can compete with this masterpiece. Have you seen the reviews? I'm literally crying.

Already preordered, it's gonna be awesome. I genuinely feel sorry for nintendrones, but I know they can't help themselves.

>Cis Horizon Zero Whites
>sexualization/fun allowed
Not in my current year, boyo

as someone with a fart fetish im so glad brapposting is a thing now

You can dodge anything by dive rolling to the right?


SJW trash, will have underwhelming sales and be forgotten within a week of release like Toom Rayder reboot, Mirror's Edge 2, and Dishonored 2.

>randomized loot
>level scaling
>hamfisted rpg leveling system
>dialogue wheel where you rarely have the ability to change the outcome and get railroaded by the plot
>protagonist constantly and inappropriately talks to herself
>cinematic story
>UI littered with bloat due to the absurd amount of systems they've lifted from other games
>gutter trash voice acting
>Ashly Birch plays the protagonist
>Aloy is also one of the most blatant Mary Sues ever
>terrible facial animation
>RPG weapon upgrade system for revolutionary +damage and +range modifiers
>Ubisoft towers
>backstory/endstory is almost entirely exposited through audio logs
>audio skip button is the same button used to interact with the world
>bamham scanning
>Obscuring fog everywhere
>Invisible walls
>world map lifted straight from Far Cry
>compass lifted straight from Skyrim
>Terrible ratio of gameplay to cutscenes
>Plot is literally Mary Sue saves the world by empowering the good AI created by an altruistic woman whose avatar is a nigress and kill the evil white man who runs a patriarchal tribe for an evil AI created by a redneck who thinks it's badass that it can destroy everything
>Empty world that's not interactive
>dumb AI
>somehow managed to make fighting ROBOT DINOSAURS boring arrow sponges

But at least it looks pretty and has a neat concept. It's focus tested garbage pieced together with concepts lifted straight from other games tied up with a pretty graphics bow.

It's from the Killzone guys, though if a game gives you the impression it was made by Ubisoft it's a bad sign.

Not everything, horizonbro got his ass kicked plenty even when dodging

Reviews will come out tomorrow, only a few hours left. I already heard from some insiders that a lot of 9s are going out. The threads all over the internet will be glorious. GOTY with the perfect feminist character incoming.

Inferior machine.

I love how the western is overdesigned trash while the eastern is good yet simple

I can't believe how soft my cock is right now.

Are we playing "scripted bullshot trailer vs real game"?

Saw the stream last night and it had all the shit elements of an AAA game. The story is basically White Men are Evil and Black Men + Females are good.

>horizon shills are this desperate

I think we've now seen enough gameplay, and it looks bad enough, that you have to resort to this.




hope the game fails desu

Shit like this is inexcusable.


>that delay on that fish in the barrel

>randomized loot
>level scaling
>hamfisted rpg leveling system
>dialogue wheel where you rarely have the ability to change the outcome and get railroaded by the plot
>protagonist constantly and inappropriately talks to herself
>cinematic story
>UI littered with bloat due to the absurd amount of systems they've lifted from other games
>gutter trash voice acting

I thought you were talking about TW3 for a second.

Sure lets play.

I'm getting both of their games.

I love robot girls!




>that UI and gamefeel
Looks like any Ubisoft game from the last 10 years

No you didn't


couldn't they have come up with a less retarded "hide in grass" mechanic
like make you quieter when kneeling, but you have to crawl at close range to be undetected like that?

because right now you can just shoot an enemy full of arrows, pop into grass and they and all their bodies will just mill around forgeting you exist



This is a fucking meme

Falseflagging console wars is truly the best thing to come out of nu/v/

>couldn't they have come up with a less retarded "hide in grass" mechanic



You still agree with me. You don't need to PLAY the game to realize it's shit. One gameplay video is enough.

Looks like a mashup from every single AAA game made in the last decade.





i dont like this UI, it has the same problem witcher 3 did, but witcher 3 has friendlyHUD mod, this doesnt.


This game will be forgotten about in a week after it releases meanwhile Breath of the Wild will be a generation defining master piece that is mentioned in top ten lists again and again.


for some reason in my mind this sounds like mancubus from doom

>horizon-kun is on the brink of suicide
dont push him, he'll kill himself before he admits that horizon is trash


Looks pretty fucking stupid.

This is what Nintenyearolds actually believe. It's literally Skyward Sword 2.0

>game made to be exact opposite of SS



shitty sjw game

>feminist muslims


>get ps4 pro
>turn on boost mode
>get bloodborn
>still git 30 fps cap

yummy. truly master race




If you can't kill the children, I'm out.

i know right? I had to sell my 2000$ pc and get a ps4pro, its hard to part with such epic games like undertale but i just felt like i had no choice, after seeing all these amazing webms of my now fellow ps4 bros, this game is truly something.


>Another generic open world with bases to conquer, items to collect and towers to climb
B-but this time we'll have legendary enemies to kill as-. Oh, they did that already?
Well, how about a cool upgrade tre-. Oh, that too?

>When you try to silently fart but the bed rumbles

The pessimist in me wants this in the finished product.

I wish.

"Critics" will still praise HZD despite it's retarded story and sloppy gameplay.

It's truly the BotW killer.

It is the final product.

>pop-in from 3 feet away
I think trash

this is the finished product


Probably going to be an ok game. Gameplay and quests that will become boring quick, but some nice features that redeem it a bit.

Probably around a 7 or 8 game. Will pick it up someday, but not for $60.


Everyone in the game has the shakes from eating too many people.


What will Sup Forums do once the reviews are out and the game gets positive praise and reception from everyone?

Cave in and call the game good?

Proclaim that those are all paid reviews? Or that reviewers are all flithy casuals? Make your bet!

the graphics are ugly as hell

the zelda killer is already out
its called witcher 3 goty edition

>still taking reviews seriously

Do people really do this?

almost every webm in this thread is from the finished project. A streamer was playing through it all last night. Every webm that has "azuba" in the top right corner is from the stream, but some shill is posting trailer footage


Sup Forums has already accepted that itll get good reviews because its diverse

I agree

I know bro. Sup Forums will be proven wrong.

Im kinda looking forward to the game, but from the gameplay I've seen it's far from a 9. If it gets louded as a 9+ game by many reviewers I'm gonna call bullshit.

Fucking JJ Abrams I hate you...