

Casuals and pussies.

Still love these guys, but I wish more structured content came out more often outside of reviews.

They cool

Best in the business. Finally i don't need to listen to old farts anymore that haven't had any fun playing video games since the 90's.

Ian is actually good. People who hate him are all alt-right losers.

Brad is bland, Don is barely in it, and Bloodworth and Damiani are autistic.
Huber, Jones, Kyle, and Ben are all great.

SJW central


Gametrailers reviews were some of the best around, I still watch EZA reviews when I remember they exist.

He annoys me sometimes, but he doesn't seem to have a chip on his shoulder so he's not so bad.

Fucking how? Besides Ian, they all seem apolitical.

I wish I knew how but its true
Specially kyle cant stop being offended by shit the stupid twat
Watch teh WiiU stream when he plays that rhythm game

>Specially kyle cant stop being offended by shit the stupid twat

like what? I don't regularly watch stream but he tries to stay away from controversial topics as with everyone in the crew

why is this shit viraled so hard here

By anything that might be an "insensitive" joke

>it's a "Kyle brings up Michael Flynn and Ian doesn't know who that is" episode

At least it's better than Funhaus

mfw Damiani rants about Zelda

>mfw Damiani

Manlets must go

That For Honor stream was fucking great

>kyle doesn't feel it's appropriate to tweet about video games because the world is angry about stuff

Where did he say that

In the middle of a stream somewhere, either a group stream or Pokemon TCG2 a couple weeks ago.


I dont know how I put up with them for so long
They seemed nice and cool but them slowly you realize how SJW and pussies they are.
Its sad but meh I have better things to do with my time anyways

the state of that guys jaw

>this month's anime podcast they'll be discussing JoJo
>despite Brad only having seen through part 3, Ben only having seen through part 4, and neither of them ever having read a single page of the manga

>that chest hair on Jones