What went so fucking wrong?

What went so fucking wrong?

New unit voices are complete shit compared to Brood War's


SP - shitty story

MP - better technology lead to better AI and other features and that lead to people realizing RTS aren't much about strategy, people need to micro like crazy in old games but they don't now and if you take that there's not much more to do

UMS - editor is too complex and convoluted (although powerful), the arcade section started with some horrible design decisions

Graphics - to much shine and blur and saturation and detail has nothing on the original, everything looks messy rather than crisp

Instead of seeking to make a fun rts with interesting and exiting mechanics and units first, they sought to make a board room approved, e-sports pandering, money milking sham of a game, that tried to emulate it's forebearer, without actually understanding what made SC1 good and engaging, to both casuals as well as Esports faggots.

Nothing? It's a great game. Had a great run. Was tons of fun with great SP and MP. Looks great. Plays great.
You're an idiot.



mobas happened

>all the esports retards moved to mobas
>Koreans moved to LoL
>people finally realize that Starcraft is shit

Feels good man.

Esports focus, Battlenet2.0, custom maps scene being way worse

Not enough sexy protoss chicks.


blizzdrone!!111!!! how dare u like a blizzard game they the wurst company ever!!!111!! how much they pay you shill????


Nothing. It was fucking great.

The only thing it was missing was a good UMS scene but Blizzard did everything they could.
They beefed the tools up, they made UMS maps free via their Arcade shit so you wouldn't have to buy SC2 to play it, and they set up streamlined sharing and showcasing of the custom maps.

But SC1/WC3 were from a pre-LoL, pre-DotA, pre-f2p era. Being able to buy the StarCraft Battle Chest or the WC3+FT pack and play online for free forever was revolutionary back in the day. But it's nothing interest now. So people don't play it when they can play high-quality dedicated titles that aren't UMS games like DotA 2 now.

But the single player was perfect. The cutscenes and lore and between-game ship lobbies and maps and army customization was all the best any RTS game has had to date.

i hate that new ums system. in brood war there was just list of games that were created. now people only play the same maps because they're popular. try something more obscure and you'll be waiting players forever because no one even knows that map exists.

other than that. nah pretty good game, not much to complain. had my fun with it. still haven't bought legacy of the void but might get it this year.


Its good they patched away this.

Bli$$ard destroyed it forcing the players to buy the same game 3 times instead of selling the single player as a DLC, as in consequence old players leaving and no new players coming in has finally killed it.

The arcade is still flawed because the lobby system is made for 30 minute maps and that all teams are full and everyone stays until the end.
And last time I checked you couldnt even rename the teams. Even SC1 had that.


Keep dreaming

The game had very little appeal to casuals. Unsurprisingly, a discouraged and shrinking casual userbase is unable to support a burgeoning e-sports scene.