Well Sup Forums?

Well Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


AVGN you fucking parasite.


game grumps

who could hate such a lovable fellow.

that's /vr/ tho

New faggots and the bluepilled follow any kind of youtube celebrity

Lol you nerds get jontron don't even try to decry fact

Who else but our guy DSP

doesnt rlm have a gaming channel?

Pewdiepie :^)

Is Classic Game Room still a thing?

Only correct answer.

I dunno. I unsubbed to him once he started producing shitty uninteresting videos like who defeats. also here's my comic. also truxton xD

Dammit Mark.

He'd be more /vr/ though I guess.

No, dont play with my heart like that.


Pewdiepie, most people here are at his level of faggotry


I love my scum egg

Chris Chan is the one true answer.


It's shit.

Pewdiepie is LITERALLY /ourguy/


>/m/ is some numale looking faggot
>Sup Forums looks like the people who tried to get a role on home improvement but failed miserably
>Sup Forums is probably pewdiepie

Literally Sup Forums

As far as I'm concerned, anyways. Based 8.8 man.

AVGN, LTG or DSP leaning mostly towards AVGN

best answer


>Responsible for 8.8
>Responsible for the Kane & Lynch 2 Gamespot fiasco
Literally a decade old meme
Jeff is the answer of old-Sup Forums

Who are these people?

No one, Sup Forums are obnoxious hipster faggots and Sup Forums is possibly the worst board on the site.
But there is a place where e-celeb fags are popular and talked about constantly, why not go there?



>TFW 95% of neo-Sup Forums doesn't remember 8.8

what was his name again?

what's an 8.8?

NL is straight outta Reddit, though.

Since the /vr/ split AVGN and Arino is no longer ours. All Sup Forums have is terrible streamers and letsplay people.

Dick Shaking Phil


8.8 could refer for a lot of things. If I'm not mistaken, that referred to Skyward Sword? I remember that XIVs original release was incredibly shitty and got a low score, and I remember a review of Star Fox assault where the following issue gave readers a sticker so that they could improve SFA's score to something better. Does Sup Forums remember those? I don't, they may as well have been part of my imagination.

>If I'm not mistaken, that referred to Skyward Sword?
Neo-Sup Forums, everyone

>8.8 could refer for a lot of things. If I'm not mistaken, that referred to Skyward Sword?

>So autistic he spent over a year working on a sub 3 minute video recreating the intro to his childhood cartoon show in Mario Paint
>Calls a game shit because he sucks at it
>Spouts wrong things as facts
>Barely knows what he's talking about
>Best friends are a fat fuck and a balding numale with an SJW landwhale wife

Literally /ourguy/

>Sony dicksucker who's obsessed with figurines and Disneyland

Yeah fits the bill.

I really want this parasite to die.


That is nu-Sup Forums. Neo-Sup Forums would be knowing that it referred to Twilight Princess, but not being there to witness it.

>If I'm not mistaken, that referred to Skyward Sword?

Fucking kill yourself.