Holy shit these graphics. I love my PC

Holy shit these graphics. I love my PC

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What game?

the absolute madman did it again

You gotta stop shilling this hunting game. Nobody cares

it still looks worse than walking outside, what's the point?

I wish I was a shill. I have no job currently =(

I love Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All Out Attack!

If you do a reverse image search on Google with this pic it detects it as "nature"
Fucking amazing.

Mine detected as Tree

Try this one


Is it trully free roam or tiny areas with animals that conveniently come out when you reach them?

Truly free-roam

It's pretty and all but why do the plants shine so much?

No description. Just similar images.

holy shit

Also game is The Hunter

Never mind. Expanded image and got a fucking fighter jet.

>heavy bluring

no thanks, probably looks like ass up close


>PC game with good graphics doesn't have any gameplay

Really made me think.

This? The screenshots don't look nearly as fucking good.

I didn't even notice

well then go to the library and work on your resume

>The Hunter

oh fuck that game, you have to pay $$$ to unlock shit in it last time I played it.

>Flat textures with sharp specular mapping
>Ancient shader tech
This game looks like modded skyrim.

Not that one stupids.

OP said it was this in the last thread

Skyrim's already one of the greatest looking games of all time though that looks even better now in the Enhanced Edition coming soon to the Nintendo Switch and already available right now on your platform of choice?

While you're at it, why not give Fallout 4 a buy on the PC and try out our FREE hi-rez texture pack which basically turns it into a new game entirely...

It's made by the same people. How do I know they won't turn this one into a jew game too where I have to pay to kill certain animals or use certain weps?

So they fixed the jewery, but it's ultra hella buggy right now. Interesting. Whenever the game is in a playable state I'll gladly pay the money for it.

>dat 2d fog

LMAO you know nothing about graphics if you think this looks good.

>one of the greatest looking games of all time

₹1 has been deposited into your account

Anyone got any recommendations for any recently graphically demanding games that may have flown under the radar.

That pic looks even worse

just buy it dude

go back to your walking simulator.

You think I'm paying $30 for this game? No way m8, I'm just stating facts here.

>Skyrim's already one of the greatest looking games of all time
It is time to stop playing so much PC mate.
Skyrim is halted by its ancient technology.
You need to play one of these games with actual good lighting + PBR.

Right now you are embarassing to look at.

Don't mind me just the best hunting game ever passing through.

>You need to play one of these games with actual good lighting + PBR.
Such as?

How can MonHun even compete?

Why is the FoV around 60?

>pc game made by literally who
>better graphics than any console game
really makes you ponder

>one of

I'll admit Fallout 4 looks better

Realism is a meme
Real life is boring. Video games give you the chance to escape into a whole new world. Why would you just use video games to try and mimic real life?

Pic related is a better use of the power of the PC

I'm not into underage girls.

Where are underage girls? I only see fictional cartoon characters.

Loli is pedophilia and classified as such in many states.

But your into underdeveloped games?

PS2 graphics in 2017 are a meme.

>and classified as such in many states.
But not federally.
You lost me m8.

I don't care if I lost you or not. You're sexually attracted to underage girls so I'm really disgusted to even talk to you to be honest. I'm going to stop.

Okay, is this better then?
I just REALLY hate realistic graphics

that's the most relaxing game ever

The fuck are you doing here

good graphics arent necessarily just for realism you autistic retard it just means more polygons, higher textures, better lighting

No he's sexually attracted to fictional cartoon characters that have the appearance of underage girls, not underage girls. If he was sexually attracted to underage girls, he'd find underage girls in real life attractive too, as those would be classified under the general "underage girls"

Look at where you are nigger.

facts =/= your shit taste

>underage fictitious girls

How does the scope look

>post Atelier screenshot
>thread derails
I didn't intend for this

It's okay, the guy posting screenshots just so happened to be an autist.

The texture of the wall right of you is horrendous.

Stop being a fucking carmark fanboy and open your eyes. For fucks sake the fog is not even good looking either.

don't want to sound like a dick and all, but at this point anything in modern games that looks like a plain old bump-mapping straight from doom 3 should be considered a failure

I mean, that's not, how those small twigs would drop the shadow - the furrows can not be that deep on a trunk that thin.

like insurgency

this one isnt free to play

>f 14 tomcat

>For fucks sake the fog is not even good looking either.
Yea that what i'm saying, shit taste. Go play your walking sim with your 2d fog plz.

oh i see now
its the picture hanging on the wall

Just bought the game, went to shoot a deer I saw and it walked right through a tree while I was looking at it in my scope.

How am I even supposed to kill a deer that's clearly a ghost?

>2d fog
but its actually volumetric fog
maybe you should check your eyes

I like how you think I bought this game. Go shill somewhere else with your horrible textures and massive blur that you call 'good' fog.

it's your shit display connection via $1 chink hdmi cable - lower down the sharpness to a minimum in whatever display/gpu driver settings you have available.


>Sprites = volumetric fog.
Really makes me think.

How the fuck am i supposed to kill 2 fallow deer in the corn field? I only see other kind of deers.

>no fucking FoV slider

its always something

whether its that or some shitty vignette filter you cant remove

god damn devs are fucking stupid

You wait for them to come out of the corn field like you would in real life? Hunting is all about patience my friend, especially if you don't have someone to help scare them towards you.

Doesn't JAVs usually censor this kind of shit? Like books, food and stuff
Unless they didn't know it was vidya

you are blind, its not sprites, it volumetric. I pirated the game and played it for few hours, there are many things you can criticize it for, but graphics isnt one of them.

So just how buggy is it? Most of the reviews sound really positive on the game itself

Is there any promise that this game won't become a microtranscation hell like the other one?

Realism helps with my immersion though. Maybe i'm just a lesser human being because I find it harder to become immersed, but people like me are still paying consumers so you can't belittle us

wait for patches

You're buying a game in beta so yeah it's got a lot of issues, but seems fun. I'm just gonna wait a bit for them to keep fixing stuff.

Have fun waiting years for a port of an ancient console game.


No one likes you

Atelier Firis isn't ancient and comes out in less than a month on all platforms

>PC'ucks favorite game is a port of a then 6 years old PS3 game
>Sega abandoned PC entirely in 2016

I like him

a few crash for me so far, also there is no dmg from

There is a fov slider retard, it uses vertical FOV so 74 in game is 90

I'm genuinely dreading the days when the real-time rendering would look no different to the eye - those will be the days when machines will test (and, gradually, wear off)the lonely gamers' sanity.

Luckily, the shadow and lighting effects are yet to be perfected.


Please go post goldenfaces elsewhere or something. This thread isn't a platformwar thread

>Will there be in-game currency like in theHunter Classic?

>theHunter: Call of the Wild is a one-time purchase without micro transactions. We do have a currency in theHunter: Call of the Wild which is completely in-game and has no correlation to real-life cash. When talking about “a one-time purchase”, we also think it’s important to point out that we are committed to supporting theHunter: Call of the Wild and will add content in the form of optional free and paid DLC packages.

expect dlcs, steamcommunity.com/app/518790/discussions/0/133257324789832822/

Basically for $30 you get a better The Hunter, but buggy.

I've killed about 7-8 animals stuck in trees, bushes and small slopes. Idk if this a is a bug, but I got killed by herd of deer.

why did you post a picture of my gf?

>>Sega abandoned PC entirely in 2016
You do realize that Sega publishes Total War, Football Manager, and Dawn of War, right?
They probably make more money on Total War alone than they do on all of their console exclusives combined.