Why are you not playing PSO2 Sup Forums? It shits all over Overwatch

>b-but I don't want to download a VPN and patch the game 10'000 times

Um... No Try Again Sweetie. You just need to download the PSO2 Tweaker. It will download, install and patch the game for you:


>shit we actually killed off the big bad who's been plaguing this game series since day one what do we do now

Wait, is PSO2 s first person shooter now?

I'm not a manchild and therefore do not enjoy weebshit

Why the hell would you think that

You said it shits all over Overwatch, which is a FPS.

PSO2 is boring as crap. All you do is AFK in the lobby until the Emergency Quests appears then everyone rushes to do it and then AFK for hours again after it ends.

Trying to find a decent group outside of emergency quests is almost impossible. It's either password locked or Japanese speakers only that kick you if you speak any English.

Because the game is actually dependent on Latency and no NA servers means you get fucked in the ass.

Because if sega wanted me to play their online game they would have brought it over when it came out half a decade ago.


EP4 made me lose interest. I just log in for freebies now.

Played PSO2 since us westerners could play, and stopped when the Ocean came around because everyone stopped playing. Came back when we got Ultimate mode and Seabed, and had a bit more fun, but the game just stopped being fun with nobody playing. We all started on Ship 4, then supposedly everyone jumped ship to another ship (2, I think?) I couldn't bare starting over from scratch, so I just didn't bother continuing.

I want to relive the magic, but two things prevent me from doing so; starting over and nobody to play with.

Latency is fine even if you play from the east coast

SEGA wants you to play user it's just that if this game got ported to the west as it is the SJWs would go crazy and get it censored

Yeah, I definitely should go and shit up Japanese servers, just like the fucking Russians do here. This will definitely be a good thing.

Stopped playing because the game is still unsecured as fuck since day 1.

You can still speedhack (both movement and attack animations), teleporthack, TP-hack, auto-revive and so on.

SEGA still hasn't patched this shit and my account is still not banned despite solo'ing C-mode and cheating constantly. Fuck this game, fuck SEGA, there's no point in playing online if whatever you grind for can be achieved in minutes by cheaters.

Any new classes out? Last I heard Summoner was revealed but summoner sounds kinda eh

There's no point in playing online if whatever you grind for will all be gone once the servers shut down.
Applies to every MMO.

>if this game got ported to the west as it is the SJWs would go crazy and get it censored


>Had a hack that gave speed and godmode, dev was a cool guy who listened to us all on any bugs/problems we had
>Soloed Time Attacks for money every day, waiting for like 10 minutes or so before finishing the final boss of each TACO
>When I could play with friends, I turned off the hack and played properly

I can't remember what the hack was, and I wanted to download it again, but I just can't find the site I got it from.

There's tit sliders, bouncing tits, clothes with visible tits, underwear that shows tits, pasties that only cover the nipple and crotch, and so on. They'd probably just remove it all or make everything have ugly mesh bodysuits. Plus, one of the important story characters becomes a villain, and has VERY revealing clothes since they're not human anymore.

Join the official discord there are many people to play with

Ship 2 is the westerner designated ship. If Japanese cunts feel so superior and don't want to have a fun time with us they have many other ships to gtfo

Thats not as important in a PVE game. People that have honor will play the game fairly and low life cheaters will cheat

It's actually more important in PvE game like PSO2 than anything else.

Cheating in PvP can easily be detected in most games and when you get to a certain point (i.e. high ranks) you can't cheat anymore or you get banned fairly quickly.

In PvE, cheating just void the whole in-game economy, also there's just no point in having "the best gear" since that's attainable by anyone without effort. The whole point of PSO is grinding, if you remove that grind there's nothing left, it's an empty shell.

Most likely PSOHack.

>game so dead erp fags shill the game in \V\
nah, fuck off with your dead game

It's not because overwatch is dying that you need to project shill