Isn't this guy one of the most evil Final Fantasy characters? Why is he having fun on the beach?

Isn't this guy one of the most evil Final Fantasy characters? Why is he having fun on the beach?

Sometimes you just gotta do something like this.

Sometimes you just gotta do something like that.

>basically cheating on lucrecia

was FF7 the beginning of NTR?

I think your understanding of Hojo's relationship with Lucrecia is a bit ascew.

>yfw he is replaced by generic npc in the remake because this scene isn't edgy enough for hojo

FF7 is wackier than modern Square would have you believe.

A. Final Fantasy 7 is a VERY silly game. 5 is probably the only mainline installment with a breezier tone (X comes close, but a lot of that is accidental).

B. Hitler took vacations too. You have to understand that nobody is twirling their mustache 24/7.

Thing that gets me is the lab coat on the beach.

Sometimes you just gotta do something like this.


They coulve easily switched head with one of the beach npc for that. Either it was laziness of intentional, now we both have something to look forward too in the remake.

>Final Fantasy 7 is a VERY silly game

>being evil scientist
>NOT wearing your lab coat to the beach, or to bed, or to shower, or during sex
>insinuating you would ever take it off

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Just shut up and drink your god damn tea.

Evil needs a vacation sometimes too.

This guy are just gotta do something like this.

You know what I don't even want this Materia.

I just don't understand how a guy like Hojo gets unlimited resources and big booty bitches and Lucretia

you guys remember how one of his experiments was to try to get Red XIII to fuck Aeris because they're both endangered species

thankfully that will be fixed in the remake, I never could stand all those tonal shifts, the fanbase ad a whole is embarassed by them since they never discuss their existance when talking about the game

Cuckoldry did not start in 90s

>the fanbase ad a whole is embarassed by them
Speak for yourself, dipshit