Is this the worst game Bioware has ever made?

Is this the worst game Bioware has ever made?


I recently started replaying it because I thought back then Sup Forums influenced me to think it's shit. Nope. Holy fuck, it's bad.

Golem get ye gone!

Just wait for Andromeda, user.

At least Andromeda will look reasonably pretty. DA2 has worse graphics than Origins, shit's ridiculous.

I can't argue with this, actually.

Yeah, let's have the character models of DAI with the graphics of ME3. Gonna look great.

How could anyone fuck Merrill? She's like a little naive sister.

Yes, and?

Yeah, probably.

No, Inquisition is worse.

it looks fucking terrible

You understand that 90% of people fucked her for this exact reason right?

The game had its problems because EA rushing development but I still enjoyed it. The Bioware bashing on Sup Forums is ridiculous

can yuo repeat the question

>Flemeth is a regular old woman, which makes her being a dragon/witch more surprising
>Flemeth is a MILF in a leather costume with tits in your face

he says in a thread where the OP's image is a woman whose neck apparently has joints

everything after da:origin was bad

>Flemeth is a halfgod

Yes, since that pile of shit i never pre ordered.

The more you learn about Dragon Age 2 development the more forgiving you can be towards it.

11 months

That's all they had for this game, in comparison Dragon Age Origin had 5 years of development. Could you imagine a project from conception to release in 11 months? That's like 3 months of coding.

Yes it was shit but at-least they had an excuse. What fucking excuse does DA:I and ME3 have? They had all the time required and were objectively as bad.

Sera's horrible.
but those lips were made for sucking.