Samara the Justicar

Samara was best girl.


>No romance, just a little kiss

>She rejects you
>Her daughter brain rapes you
>The mob boss was actually a lesbian

Why did they shove Liara so hard down your throat.

>he didn't fuck morinth and got a game over screen

>shep never got to nut on those breasts
Damn shame

>That jawline

She must give the most powerful blowjobs in the galaxy.

>can cast pull and singularity on your dick

Where are the Talimancers to disagree?

>accidentaly uses slam on your balls


Best alien milf ever created. My dick felt it many times

>this kills the earth-clan

>no turian waifu
>no salarian waifu
>no Samara

>dat face
I'd hit it with a paper bag.

i need an SFM video of samara getting face-fucked ASAP

>2 female turians in the entire series
>one dies
>the other gets one scene in a dlc
Why bother

Speaking of Asari, I just replayed 1-3 a week ago and I was wondering: Why the fuck does Liara suddenly change her personality going into 2?

In 1 she's very young and curious, mildly enthusiastic I guess. In 2 immediately she's a lot colder and somber, and that personality carries over even more in 3 when she becomes the shadowbroker.

Was it because of her mom in 1? It just feels really jarring and they don't explore it much with any dialogue.

I'd say it had to do with the Normandy blowing up, Shepard dying and his/her body sold to a terrorist organization and Feron betraying her and then being kidnapped and supposedly killed.

She seemed to take on Benezia's death kind of easy.

>got 2 sexy as fcuk gilfs on the board
>cant romance em at all
why even lif

Dr Chocolates :o

>Can't pick her over Aria to try and make Omega not a crime infested shithole run by mercs and gangs
What the fuck, Bioware?

the amount of Samara sfm porn is criminaly low

>Can't fuck Aria
What the fuck, Bioware?

Aria is gay, literally