Classic RPG thread, anything goes

Classic RPG thread, anything goes

What is the oldest CRPG you've played and beaten? I've tried many but the first person dance-shuffle type combat I just can't get a grasp of and makes me lose interest.

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I beat Ultima 7 but I used a guide since those games are fucking obtuse

I downloaded the Forgotten Realms Gold Box pack from GOG and I'm struggling to get through any of them. The easiest time I've had is with Hillsfar because you at least have the map on the screen and there's some actual distinctness to the buildings. Pools of Radiance and all those other ones though I get lost right away.

Eye of the Beholder 2 is pretty good except for pressure plate and teleporter puzzles.

more maps please

>What is the oldest CRPG you've played and beaten?

Something on Commodore 16. But I remember basically nothing about it other than that it had very little dialogue, which was good since I didn't speak English and would ave just got stuck.


Dragon Wars.
Namtar is a bitch

What happens if you help him? He seems like a nice fellow


Not sure. I'll go with Eye of the Beholder, since I remember the legendarily shitty ending.


you lend him a hand, but you don't get it back.

If he's a Spectator Beholder, he'll probably thank you and leave.

Playing through Darklands. Great game.


So what happens if you help him?

>ps1 Wizardry IV
>one of the first bosses is a little girl with a rod
>CLASS: Samurai

Fucking love this game.






Speaking of maps, there's this neat little mapping tool that even hooks into DOSbox for mapping and even tracking your party
You can even design your own original maps and export them for gamedev or roleplay purposes.

Wish I could find a "free" version though

Was M&MX any good?

>posts dungeon crawler blobber trash

Not sure if it counts but I just got the first Legend of Grimrock off my backlog, after having played 2 ages ago

It was k

I didn't play it. Some people say it's good and others say it's shit. I hear its more linear and gated than the previous games and also it takes place in Ashan which sucks.


grimrock 2 is much better

can someone list some good rpgs like
might and magic
ultima underworld

The Quest
Eye of the Beholder 1 and 2
Ishtar 1-3

Dungeon Master. It's also probably the only 80's CRPG that I ever really played.
These three games are completely different. Blobber with turn-based combat, proto-immersive sim and blobber with dance sim.

Arx Fatalis
Wizardry 8

Agreed. Still, gotta give the first one credit for the auto-weapon specials, and the puzzle final boss


its shit

Arx Fatalis, it's basically Ultima Underworld 3.
Make sure you use Arx Libertatis 1.2

dumb codexer