I'm tired of living Sup Forums

I'm tired of living Sup Forums.
What do?

I can't kill myself in a conventional way, I have family that cares and I don't to bring them shame.

Best I can do is sleep and expect never to wake up again.

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Play videogames

Where are you from? Worst comes to worst, we can make a suicide pact

There's this crazy new experience called "going outside and getting fresh air". You might just be going stir crazy/depressed from winter.

I just played 10 different games in a row, whenever anxiety gets me I quit fast.

These skirts give me a boner


Fucking kill yourself already then and stop shitting up Sup Forums

>that girl on the right

Either get help or self destruct.

Thin skirts and good thighs are God's gift to man

>these Asian girls appear to have actual asses
>in reality, they don't
The power skirts!

Man, I wish I could still bend my knee.

Don't do sports, kids.

I'm not a neet, I have a job, and actually working made things worse.

It'll be alright user. Why not escape it all, completely move away from where you live now and start over?

Alternatively, why not try and seek out some new hobbies, try some new sports. You'll make friends and, what\s more, you may find something that renews a desire to live within you.

You can do it user.

You have some money saved up? Travel.

Convert to islam and suicide bomb a synagogue, bring honor to your family.

try improving your life. unless you are dying from a terminal illness, you can always improve

Do it you lying pussy. Stop wasting my oxygen.

i laugh when people say this. the only way you can waste oxygen is to get rid of all the plants

Reminder that suicide is a permanent solution to temporary problems.


Get a cab to the countryside. Pay a random stranger to bury your corpse somewhere in the middle of nowhere after you shoot yourself.

There. Now your family will think you're missing instead of outright dead for years to come until they forget about you.

It will work better if you give them subtle hints about wanting to start over somewhere else, like another city, country or continent.