Xbros feels thread

Thank you Phill, this really makes me feel less jealous of Nioh, Yakuza 0 and Nier 2(which has been confirmed never ever for the Xbox)

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This gen has been pretty rough on Xbots and nintenyearolds

Buy a better console next time

>also on pc


An 81 is a good score.

have you looked at user score?

>also on PC
You bought the inferior version. The only reason to buy a console version of a game is when that console version is the only one available.

Sony shills go play a game instead of trying to bring everyone down to your level

Holy fucking shit Halo Wars of all things got a sequel?

>Have you looked at a rating that can be easily taken advantage of regardless of whether or not you own a game and is well known to have several ratings from accounts that purposely sabotage scores to feel better of their console of choice

The only user score that matters is the Steam rating, everything else can be bombed to shit without effort.

>Nioh, Yakuza 0 and Nier 2

As if anyone who buys an Xbone is going to be interested in obscure weeb garbage

81 is the same score as Gravity Rush 2 though.

OP here. yeah it's a decent score but not a blow me away score, which is quite fucking honestly, what this console needs right now.

That and Nier not coming to the console. It's getting pretty dire here.

I'm not interested in weaboshit, I'm interested in good games though.

>Have you looked at a rating that can be easily bought out regardless of whether or not the game is good and is well known to have several ratings from reviewers who rarely give shit scores scores to get money and gibs from developers and publishers

Earnestly what is wrong with this game?

xbot dudebros are too unintelligent to play rts games

>Earnestly what is wrong with this game?
It's a RTS game. On a console.

rts games just arent that good

Stale formula, lack of potential, it's yet another Halo on a Halo console.

We really need new IPs and more variety.

terrible control system
units have very little difference to the way they are played
macromanagement is barely of import because lmao controller-led UI
shit campaign

>yfw xbox is literally retard class tier.

i'm saving up for a 360e though. backwards compatibility + great games.

So, uh, what have you guys been playing lately?

nioh and doom on pc

Halo Wars was a "success" because it filled a niche.
Now that it's on PC it's just another RTS nobody will play because Starcraft exists.

got to milk the golden tit

ps halo is dead

Shitty barebones campaign

turns out this tit is pyrite

Apparently Spencer is flying to Japan to bring games like Nioh to the Xbox.

I hope this is fucking true

Oh wait I read it wrong. Still, thats a possibility.


Also all Xbone games will run natively better on the Scorpio. These are actually exciting news.

>Halo Wars series
>The Metroid Prime series of Halo
Who cares if it's not a continuation of Master Chief's story, Halo 6 then it's not worth a buy for me, just like if Nintendo's next Metroid isn't a 2D Metroid 5 then who gives a fuck.

t. buttmad sonypony

>believing spencer lies

>gameplay and music was okay
Christ this is worse than IMDb

User score seems to be getting bombed by Waypoint babies upset they aren't getting their annual FPS release. Actual Reviews are from """Journalist""" playing the campaign on normal and then saying there's no strategy to it, not even touching the multiplayer

Metacritic is such garbage


fuck, i want to buy a xbox for Gears and Forza but i want to play the Yakuza titles for ps4 too

Let's be honest OP. You really don't give a fucking shit about Nier, do you? Or if you do, it's because you're a Platinum fan.

It's still the begining of 2017. A lot can still happen.



I'll never understand why Sup Forums likes Nioh so much when even Dark Souls 3 was confirmed a better game.

because it got samurais and all that weeb shit that people loves here

I prefer dark souls, but this picture is a bit misleading. DaS3 has 4 less reviews than Nioh. Another 4 reviews could alter DaS3s score a fair amount.

PS4 version actually has more reviews somehow.

It's not that bad. The first party offerings are better on the X1, imo. Sony doesnt Have a good response to Forza or Halo.

It's just the lack of third party Japanese games that get me fucking depressed.

The problem that Dark Souls 3 has same aspects from previous games, aka something that Sup Forums already enjoyed in the past and the fact that Bloorborne shits on DS2 and DS3.

Nioh is new and nothing like Bloodborne or Dark Souls games

>is not that bad
>has me fucking depressed


It's not like the situation is going to change anytime soon by looking at Japanese sales.

Its the lead version. Everything else is a port.

Nioh seems as far as weaboo as it could be. It's just feudal Japan with mythology involved. It even has a white man as mc.

Scalebound died for this.

Xbone drones actually exist!


>It's good that it's accessible but it's bad that it's accessible!
>The campaign is good but the campaign is bad!


I dunno, I don't care much for Halo, and Forza is just casual fun now and again for me. I'd like something different to what the 360 offered at least.

The PS4 version of games always has more reviews, it's the most powerful and most popular console and it reduces the chance that the reviewer runs into technical issues that are their own fault. Last gen the 360 was the most popular review copy platform.

Sup Forums isn't one person. It's
>shit posters
>le ebin trolls
>false flaggers
That souls post to bring down the quality of this board. Wish they gave sony or nintendo a board since 80% of all shit posts come from them.

blizzards being this delusional

nobody will play it because it's only available on the windows 10 store

Phil is doing the most thankless job in gaming, trying to keep the Xbox brand afloat when that previous faggot Don Mattrick thouroughly trashed it.

Like I said, I enjoy some things. As a owner of a nearly 300 X360 games collection, I am really pleasured to know I can play many of them on the X1. The snap feature makes it the best place to do it so.

But even I can't defend the lack of Japanese games there. I just hope Phil can manage some deals in the trip he's making to Japan.

Nigga they're drones that do this for every console


>Dark Souls 3 was confirmed a better game.

>Buying a fucking console this gen.

I mean hory shiteru. What kind of faggot do you have to be to do something like that?

You think he is "saving" Xbox but all he has done is put tremendous effort into PR, it's paid off but it's starting to backfire due to the lack of titles

Driving games and FPS games are trash though

You don't understand that the Xbox and PC version come bundled do you? I'm going to play it on my Xbox mostly, but on the road when I travel for work I'm going to play it on my laptop.

That's how Play Anywhere works.

Halo Wars 2, ESO, KI, and Gigantic.

I want to get back into Recore and Ori, but I've been busy. I tried out Trove last night, but it's pretty shit.

Wasn't GT really big on the PlayStation before Polyphony Digital shat the bed?

But whatever, I'm not here to discuss tastes.

How do we save the Xbox, bros?

Right now
>Halo Wars 1 and 2
>For Honor
>Xcom 2
>Gears 4
>Stardew Valley

On the back burner I got
>RE7 on madhouse

I got way too many games on my plate

>Not simply owning the console that has the most exclusives you're interested in

Feels good not being poor.

>mfw I got Halo Wars 2 for free anyway

I don't like the PlayStation. The first party offers turn me off and I never owned a PS3.