Top five zelda games

1.Wind Waker
2.Ocarina Of Time
3.A Link To The Past
4.The Minish Cap
5.A Link Between Worlds

1) A Link to the Past
2) Twilight Princess
3) Link's Awakening
4) Ocarina of Time
5) Oracle of Seasons/Ages

t. Someone who has bought every mainline Zelda title on release day since the original

1. Wind Waker
2. Oracles
3. Between worlds
4. MM
5. OOT

Twilight princess HD
Oracle of Seasons
Ocarina of Time
Majora's mask
Minish Cap

1. A Link to the Past
2. Majora's Mask
3. Twilight Princess
4) Ocarina of Time
5) Link's Awakening

Are the Oracle's games good? I've been slogging through Ages and I just find it boring. I'm just before the fourth temple and cannot get myself to continue,

1) MM
2) Oracles
3) lttp
4) links awakening
5) TP

I like dungeons.

1. Skyward Sword (bite me)
2. Majora's Mask
4. Twilight Princess
5. OoT (OoT was solid, I just think others are better)

1. A Link to the Past
2. Link's Awakening
3. The Legend of Zelda
4. Ocarina of Time
5. Adventure of Link

ALBW would be up there if it weren't so derivative of ALTTP.

I unironically agree.

1)a link to the past
2)oracle of seasons/ages
3)Minish cap
4)Links awakening DX
5)Ocarina of time

my niggers. If BotW doesn't come with any dungeons it will be boring as fuck.

SS was good sure, but not better than Majora's Mask you deluded weeb

1. Link to the Past
2. Links Awakening
3. Minish Cap
4. Ocarina of Time
5. Twilight Princess

>all of these twilight princess posts

How can anyone enjoy wolf link?

oH mY I forgot how cute SS zelda was...Why do I hate this game again?

Wolf Link is a pretty small portion of the game. I rate Twilight Princess so highly because I value dungeons over all else in Zelda. For that reason I also really enjoy Skyward Sword.

It's already confirmed there are dungeons, the question is how many.

Because Sup Forums told you to.

Twilight Princess
>best side character
>coolest link
>hottest bitches
>double clawshot and gust boomerang
>huge fuckin story with 10 dungeons
>scary af bosses
>and hero's shade
>nuff said

1. Wind Waker HD
2. A Link To The Past
3. Ocarina Of Time
4. Minish Cap
5. A Link Between Worlds

I loved Twilight Princess, but yeah, Wolf Link was the worst part of the game.

You must be right at 30 years old

Skyward Sword's dungeons were literally cool as fuck. I actually got stuck, and shit was beyond creative.

Just personal opinion:

1. WW
2. OoT
3. MM
4. LttP
5. LoZ

I unironically think the original still holds up today. There's still really no other game like it, in terms of freedom of exploration and forcing you to choose your own path. BotW looks to change that.
I wish I could enjoy TP more, but it just didn't have the same magic the other 3D zeldas did for me. Maybe because I played it when I was older, idk.

its like Werewolf Sonic, just try to enjoy the half of the game that doesn't have it. Still bad design tho.

1- OoT
2- Zelda 1
3- LA
4- ALttP
5- MM

I'm 29

That LOZ freedom and emphasis on exploration is what has me so excited about BOTW.

Zelda 2
Zelda 1
Majora's Mask
Twilight Princess

Not even trolling, I fully believe this.

Me too. Im op. Our lists are about the same. So is our age. Hey are you getting a switch

You know what I miss? Threads like this where guys can post opinions and not have people screaming insults like bait, troll, shill, etc. They don't come around often enough anymore.

1. MM
4. WW
5. TP

Behold my supreme taste.

Yup, got one preordered. Excited for BotW and looking forward to ARMS and MK8 Deluxe (didn't grab all the DLC on the WiiU), then Project Octopath and Spla2n, later on Xenoblade 2 and SM Odyssey and inbetween maybe Disgaea 5 and SMT V.

Honestly it's looking pretty good though I'm not sure I like their whole "use your phone to do lobbies and talk to buddies" idea, but whatever.

I hope a Monster Hunter is getting announced soon too.

1. OoT
2. Wind Waker
3. Minish cap
4. Link Between Worlds
5. Majora's Mask

I ordered mine from outside the united states. Having some anxieties about that.

And that whore use your cell phone to chat was a lie i think

1. A Link to The Past
2. Ocarina of Time
3. Twilight Princess
4. Skyward Sword (Call the cops, I don't give a fuck)
5. Majora's Mask

No particular order:

A Link to the Past
Ocarina of Time
Wind Waker
Majora's Mask
Link's Awakening

29 here too. Times are tight right now, so no Switch for me yet, but hope you guys enjoy yours.

I've never played a 3d zelda past majora's mask are games after majora's mask any good?

Zelda: Boats was meh
OoT was just a 3D ripoff of A Link To The Past
Minish Cap was fucking awful

This is one of the worst Zelda "best of" lists ever

Well, from what I understand now it will probably be like this:

You can fire up games like MK8D and Spla2n and play random online matches/join random lobbies just fine without the phone. But you need the phone to send out game invites to buddies or voice chat with them.

I wish they'd have another direct on it all just before launch to clear things up to be honest.

Think of it this way: At least you will be able to buy one of the much cooler limited bundle editions later on that come with more bang for your back for less money.
Would kill for a limited MH bundle that comes with a pro controller.

>(Call the cops, I don't give a fuck)

why so worried user, I recently played Hero mode and will probably emulate it soon. The only downside is how much the wiimote needs batteries...

I couldn't get into wind waker or OoT to save my life, but there's nothing wrong with your list.

I liked minish cap.
I also liked oracle of ages an twilight princess though. How's Link between worlds? I've been meaning to play it when I get my "new" 3ds to replace my hacked 2ds.

1.) Oracles
2.) LA
3.) LTTP
4.) WWHD
5.) OoT

WW is controversial for a number of reasons, but it's definitely worth playing. I think most would agree it has the best story in the series.

Honestly I loved link between worlds. I enjoyed how you could choose your own path throughout the game and the whole painting on a wall mechanic was cool. I played it over the course of like 2 or 3 snow days I had in a row 3 years ago and that was probably the comfiest I've ever been when playing a video game

Friendly reminder if your 1. isn't A Link to the Past, then you don't know shit about video games, and you need to hang yourself without delay.

Also, Ocarina of Time is shit.

Personally I think Twilight Princess is the best 3D Zelda. Skyward has some of the best dungeons in the series, though the motion controls are very divisive. Wind Waker is my least favorite due to having what I consider the weakest and fewest dungeons, and I prefer field overworlds. They're all very good games, though. Even the "worst" Zelda is worth your time.

Yeah, I'm gonna get one eventually. I got married Oct last year so I'm focusing on home repairs these days.

How contrarian of you

not even close. Story was the most boring thing about it. Once sister was saved, i couldnt give less of a shit.

>I got married
Haha yeah right.. us 29 year olds with the wife and the kids
kill me I'm lonely

Good for you though, really, hope you're enjoying every moment of it.

Ocarina of Time's Water Temple
Ocarina of Time Master Quest's Water Temple



Friendly reminder that if you worship one of the most mediocre zeldas you're so stuffed with nostalgia that you'll never grow up

Thanks a lot, my friend. I met here in Classic Warcraft in 2006. Met up a few times, then moved from VT to OH in 2009, got a house together in her hometown. Should've married her sooner. I think I'm the luckiest man alive and must've done something extraordinary in a previous life to deserve her. No kids! Hope all is well with you and yours.

Joke's on you, I never played it while I was young. I played most of the Zeldas in the same year, Ocarina was an incredibly huge disappointment, while AlttP was a very pleasant surprise, especially if I take its release date into consideration. I would say my judgement is the most objective in the thread.

>us 29 year olds with the wife and the kids
29. No wife. Had a vasectomy so kids never ever.

Have you seen the world? Dont make kids

i think you'll enjoy the freedom and atmosphere of Wind waker, very comfy game. Overworld is kinda tedious to sail through and there's a limited amount of dungeons.

TP is more gritty, doesn't have many sidequests and has the wolf form, but dungeon design is top notch, combat has a bit more depth and is kind of a callback to OoT. The HD version is currently the best looking Zelda game.

SS is a return to the cheery almost cartoony style and a good list of sidequests, overworld is bland, but everything below clouds is great. Lots of focus on story since it's the earliest in the timeline, combat is 1:1 with your hand movements and dungeons are solid.

Minish Cap is hands down the shittiest top down Zelda besides the DS games.

In fact, its a pretty quick way to see who's an underage around here.

>I would say my judgement is the most objective in the thread.
Of course you would.

Every single 2d Zelda > steaming pile of dog shit > 3d Zelda

Reminder that Windwaker only had charm/personality going for it with it's amazing OST and artstyle. The combat was also improved from OoT/Majora's Mask but enemies die way too fast to take advantage of it.

Everything else about the game was pretty bland as far as Zelda games go.

>Crappy wind mechanics for sailing, constantly have to stop to change direction

>Worse dungeons of all the 3D zeldas

>One of the worse padding segments in all of the Zeldas with the triforce hunt

>Exploration was a chore due to the crappy fast travel system and wind mechanics mentioned above

It seems that almost every 3D zelda after OoT has some major flaws or design decisions in it that prevent it from being the "best" zelda.

>I would say my judgement is the most objective in the thread.


1) A Link to the Past
2) Link's Awakening
3) Oracle of Seasons/Ages
4) Ocarina of Time
5) Legend of Zelda

Agreed. I think Zelda II is great, too.

Not an argument.

The Wind Waker was a huge step down from the Ocarina I'll tell you that.

1. LA/OoS/OoA
2. OoT/MM
4. WW
5. TP
If you don't see MC here, don't worry that's because I didn't play it through yet :^)

I've superior taste because I put more than one game on the same place.

Neither is yours. By what standard are you determining your post is more "objective" than anyone else's? Do you actually think no one else in this thread with its myriad rankings has played through the games recently? Or do you just think that highly of yourself?

I agree with you that ATTP is the best, by the way.

1. BoTW
2. BoTW
3. BoTW
4. BoTW
5. Link to the Past

Redpill me on Link's Awakening.

1. A Link to the Past
2. The Legend of Zelda(NES)
3. A Link Between Worlds
4. Links Awakening(Not DX)

IDK the rest are all about the same, those i've mentioned are the one i really liked and consider at least above average.

1. link's awakening
2. i never finished any other zelda game

Basically has the most interesting world/lore of all the 2D zeldas, and is pretty good for being a 2D zelda game on gameboy. It should definitely be played through if you like ALttP/ALBW/Minish Cap

I like your style.
It's an odd game, visually. It's just very distinct from the rest and has an interesting mood running through it. The overworld and dungeons are also some of the most fun but never get annoying for me in the way that the Oracle games do. These are my () reasons for loving the game.

1.) Ocarina of time
4.) ALBW
5.) WW

Thanks, I guess I'll give it another chance then.

1. MC
2. MM
3. ALttP
4. OoT
5. LA

Objectively wrong. Minish Cap is like ALttP but better in every way.

I thought it was kind of tedious. I haven't replayed it in a long time though. I remember thinking the gust jar was a cool idea.

Best 2D zelda and possibly best zelda. Children don't know or don't remember it was developed after LTTP which was an early SNES title, so it contains all the wisdom of LTTP's design. There are even technical improvements, like the fact that it's the first zelda where every dungeon has its own music. Impressive for zelda's handheld debut.

Dungeon design - excellent
World design - excellent
side quests - excellent
graphics - made excellent in DX version

It's really one of the best video games of all time. A must play for any self-respecting 4channer.

newfag of zelda.

link to the past the the best zelda game.

Ganon I fucking know its you