Why does this happen?

Why does this happen?

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Lack of art direction and knowledge of color values

What is wrong?

New one actually looks better and more fitting though. Old looks tacky.

t. Activision

Not sure but it reminds me of garbage like this.


>2 giant torches
>no shadows

How come, whenever a game gets remade, the designers always have to make everything brighter and more toy-like?

What's the problem?

>Top example
>Fitting contrast and color

>Great Detal and Color
>Contrast? Fuck that shit - REMOVE ALL SHADOWS

Why does everyone hate this? I think it looks great. It would be amazing to play an entire OoT game with that style.

Remakes often have a goal of making things "stand out" so that's what you get


However the slight change in architectural design makes sense. Presumably the "dark dungeon" levels were made by the same culture as the Sunset Vista levels, so should resemble them I guess. The Maya-Aztec mock style


What's the problem?

Problem with the bottom is that theres no shadows, its too bright, and the floor looks different.

top looks better in this example though i like crashs look.

not even a nostalgiafag but while bottom looks better, top has an amazing dark atmosphere. if they could bring tops atmosphere to bottoms artstyle it woulbe great.

To trigger autists like you, op.
Now care to elaborate on your problem with that picture instead of being a huge memelord?

there's probably 2 more torches behind the camera

>Justify their own employment. It takes fewer staff to just reuse old assets and add an HD veneer.
>Source code got lost and now you have to remake everything from scratch. No time to make something that actually looks like original asset so just model some toybox shit XD

One of the few cases where the remake looks leagues better? Not too sure OP.

>remake of shit game looks like shit
Who knew. You get this for being entitled shits who think they deserve having their shitty franchise brought back from the toilet.

>that dingus in the last thread who said they make the game dark and uneven textures to match crash's personality

Show me a better looking game from 1996

Just paint the bottom a mossy green colour, add spiderwebs and make the snake a more pronounced blue
The snake in the bottom one looks truly fucking retarded.

Basically these

Also, the lack of cobwebs, the brightness, the lack of cracks in the architecture makes it look too "new". They're supposed to be ancient ruins that are relatively poorly lit.

>oh so you're saying bright colors are bad
no but it's a situational sort of thing. That sort of brightness wouldn't be unwelcome in the pyramid levels of Crash 3, but in that location that's supposed to have that dark, ancient sort of atmosphere, relatively undisturbed and overrun with wildlife, yeah it is

>No lighting whatsoever.
>Lime piss filter on textures.

>Texture color reflects light source.

>t. doesn't know shit about colors/lighting.

Top still looks so good. As far as PS1 games go I'd say these are some of the least deserving of a remake


>lime piss filter
>what is moss?

>Moss grows indoors.
kek. Stay retarded.

because nintendofags are retarded

Because it's hard to transfer the original aesthetic when it was designed around a lower level of detail. That plastic look is just the go to aesthetic when unimaginative devs want to make use of high res textures without going the realism route.

Oh honey, i coudln't care less about how it looked back then. It played like shit then and so it does now. Crash is the poorfag version of Mario even with its Kart attempts. Don't worry, keep on whining, i'll be here busting a nut for every self entitled fag like you who doesn't like his shitty remake.

Because some of us actually have taste AND degree in visual design.

>B-But muh Muhryoh

It's an extremely easy aesthetic to work with, especially if you're bad at keeping visual consistency

Doing shadows and hair are really dificulta, and this is some budget production so don't expect too much

HD textures are more expensive, so they need to cut costs with something

Top has texture and atmosphere; makes it actually feel primitively and ancient; Only looks relatively bad due to the old graphics but otherwise has the proper art direction. Lower is higher quality in resolution and poly count but has less detail over all; gives it a polished toy-like look.

and i tough autism was a meme

It's a budget kid game, what was you expecting exactly?

>all this (((ironic))) posting
Great thread, now go back to redd.it


this p much