Wii U 2.0

So the Switch is just an improved Wii U. It's going to have slightly improved everything. Graphics and games. The tablet is just a cleaned up gamepad that goes further.

Nintendo liked and still likes the concept of the wii u. Even though it commercially failed they have learned from some of their mistakes like terrible names. The switch is easy to understand. And lack of advertising. Super bowl ads, using social media.

Will the wii u 2 succeed? Is it a good idea?

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See you page 10 loser.

fucking hell, same threads over and over again, day after day

just fucking kill yourself already, retard

Welcome to Sup Forums
The same hate threads
The same shill threads

>improved everything
Well, I'm sold, I thought it was going to be the same.

stop with this cancerous shit

>hate something

>like something

this place is a shithole

Good. I liked the wii u. Ill probably like the switch

yeah not even I'd say it's a worse version of the Wii U because almost no interesting game are announced for it.

A successful launch should have included:

>New Metroid
>New Skies of Arkadia
>New Chrono Trigger
>Seiken Densetsu 4 (I'm sure none of you fanboys even know what this is)
>New Donkey Kong
>New F-Zero
>New Star Fox
>New EarthBound

But instead we always get the same shitty franchises:


>>New Metroid
>>New Skies of Arkadia
>>New Chrono Trigger
>>Seiken Densetsu 4 (I'm sure none of you fanboys even know what this is)
>>New Donkey Kong
>>New F-Zero
>>New Star Fox
>>New EarthBound
They arent trying to sell to overweight nostalgia fags.

They want casuals and most casuals donr even know what most of those games are and if they didnt wouldnt want them

>Wii U 2

I can believe that nintendo thought about using the name for the new console.

All hope is lost then

gee i wonder which one of you forgot to sage

That was me, sorry

Why don't you want to face the truth Nintendo is fucking us in the ass. There are literally no games for the Switch

>There are literally no games for the Switch
E3 will have games

>do you want to take this Switch or this MacBook?

I wouldn't fucking know

What is your end game OP autist?


Is your meme gimmick switching sides each time you make this thread?

but that means we will have to wait at least 2 years to have a decent library since BOTW is coming on Wii U there is literally no reason to buy a Switch right now

>a launch with several good games

you have no idea how to milk consumers dry do you

I didn't hear any arguments from you as to why someone should buy the Switch when he has already a Wii U?

>but that means we will have to wait at least 2 years to have a decent library
Welcome to every console ever made


Here is your (You)

There's no need for arguments when you're not serious when it comes to making these shit threads.

The Switch is no WiiU2.

If only because it does not have its core feature: The second screen.
The Switch is a single screen system.

>stop with this cancerous shit
As bad as it is that any time you praise a game, you'll get branded a shill, the fact that the companies have had people on here doing that such thing, at some point, means it's not going away.

Nintendo/Miyamoto already said that the Switch was what Wii U could have been but it was not the right time back then.

I'm not the one who made the thread and I still haven't heard any arguments other than you projecting your insecurities on a console. What's THE reason to buy a Switch if I already have a Wii U?

This. I want the real Nintendo back

The fact that I see more posts on the switch just means that people are excited about it
Sup Forums loves the switch and there's no denying it.

Why do we love the Switch?

>I'm not the one who made the thread

Then who the fuck cares about you.

You apparently weren't around for the Wii.
The situation was completely different.

Should have made screenshots back then.

It'll be easier to hack too.

I hope it gets broken wide open after Mario comes out. I want this to play every Nintendo game ever released

>Will the wii u 2 succeed?
No, it will sell worse than the Wii U

Nintendo is dead, and switch is doa. Launching a new console at the same time as great games like Horizon and Nier is getting launched, kek what a stupid move Nintendo

It's already hacked and disassembled. It's funny to watch Nintendo crash and burn

>Sup Forums loves the switch and there's no denying it.
Fuck off drone, no one is exited for underpowered hardware. The switch will fail and the console will destroy Nintendo as a Company

But in all seriousness we can let Nintendo get a hand on the Nuclear codes.

Switch will fail. Overpriced underpowered handheld with a weak lineup for several months

>>Seiken Densetsu 4 (I'm sure none of you fanboys even know what this is)

Careful guys this guy REALLY knows his stuff.

I stopped caring about graphics along time ago kiddo. If the game is fun to play its fun to play and there is nothing that you pc neckbeards can do about that.

That's why I'm not buying one.

I bought a wii u. I don't want to buy a more expensive wii u to keep playing wii u level crap that could have just been made for the wii u.

It's like they are just arbitrarily taxing me to keep playing the same level of shit. I won't do it.

You sound autistic, I bet you bought a wii u for zelda.

actually saged

The problem isn't that the graphics are bad. The problem is that THERE ARE NO GAME WORTH BUYING FOR THE SWITCH IF YOU ALREADY OWN A WII U

Its already over

Nobody owns a wii u.

>I have no arguments so I sage

Nah its nothing like the Wii U.
The whole point of the Wii U was asynchronous gaming with two screens. The switch abandoned that.

you may not care about graphics, but underpowered hardware drastically affects how well your games are made.

>Will the wii u 2 succeed?

It's going to sell better then Wii U probably. Is that considered a success to anyone else?

weeb culture is dead. move on.

still here

Ok but move on to what?

SJW shit like horizon

I ll keep my weeb games thanks

>They arent trying to sell to overweight nostalgia fags.

Well there goes their whole remaining audience.

Casuals like nintendo. They just got their fill of mario with the wii. Its been ling enough they will buy this thing

>So the Switch is just an improved Wii U
No, the switch is an improved Vita without a D-pad

The Wii was only a big deal because of Wii Sports, not Mario. It was the latest normie trend, like Pokemon was when it first came out.

Wii was a success because it was a one-off example of the console selling games, as opposed to the general rule of thumb that games sell consoles. Time will tell if enhanced motion controls and portability are enough to power Nintendo back into the normie market. I doubt this will be the case however.

delete this immediately

Did you really think Nintendo could develop a brand new console in time to replace the Pii U so soon? All they did was improve what they already had.