Is he /ourguy/?

Is he /ourguy/?

- doesn't take shit from SJWs
- proves SJWs wrong everytime
- makes actually good games
- cares about game industry

also general hype Kingdom Come Deliverance thread

Why would you wear that? That's embarassing..

They better figure out the CPU bottleneck issues

what's funny is you're probably a very insecure person who would be very self-conscious for days if someone said anything remotely negative about what you wore

>over 2 years late, Sup Forums is still shilling this fag


Potatoes, Racist.

>Open World
I'm good, thanks.

This. I played alpha and it ran like shit. Mind you my PC is also quite old, but other big games ran quite ok.
I still cannot decide whether I should bite a bullet, change my pledge and buy a PS4 since it has more games that interest me than on PC.

>Sup Forums's guy is a white cuck

Who is this nu-male?

How is he a cuck? I follow him on social sites and he is actually a opposite from a cuck.

Woah there user
We're all friends here

Daniel Vavra - guy who was a director n original Mafia, also did something on second one and is now a directing a studio that is making a medieval RPG that is more realistic than other games - no magic etc.

and you're one of those retards that wears shit clothes and smells? nice to meet you.. not

>I follow him on social sites

kys cuck

What the fuck are you talking about? Are you telling me it's not embarassing what he's wearing?

so a fag without imagination, talent or original ideas? k

>ripping off For Honor

what a fag

>doesn't post any argument why Vavra is a cuck


Ohhhhhh. You gonna take that user? Huh? Is your bitch ass just gonna stand there and take that shit? Pussy.

>I follow him on social sites


Well, they revealed the game like 4 years ago. So much for ripping off For Honor, user.

So is it ever going to be released or are you just going to jack this dude off and follow him on social media for eternity?

>For Honor made and released all after Kingdom Come Deliverance was under development and before it was released

Maybe he should focus on making his game instead of getting into internet catfights with SJW's

It should be reeased this year. And yes, I will follow him.

Yes, that is a valid criticism. The game should have been out in last year if I remember right. On the other hand if it is really that good, I will gladly wait.