What was your "AWESOME" moment in FF15?
Are you excited for the story dlcs?


Ifrit fight was cool, loved when Shiva showed up. The airship setpiece in chapter 11 was cool too wish they had more of that.

>awesome moment
There weren't any, just completed the main story last night. It's pants on head retarded that they give you some of the best weapons and open up better features after you've already beaten the game.

Not to mention that the story was a literal copy and paste of FFVI.

Yet if I'd have to say there was any moment that got to me a little it was hearing stand by me play during the credits and noctis level with his bros dropping the honest truth that he's gonna die and doesn't really want it to come to that.

Noctis would've lived if Nomura had stayed in charge, he hates cliche jesus sacrifice endings.

All I can pray for is the story updates dramatically redeem this massive disappointment. Hell with 70% of their development staff working on DLC and tabata having come out and said that the ignis DLC will "impact the story" I can only hope that it will open up an alternate ending or something like that.

Hell at the very least add luna as a party member and give her some life. I felt nothing when she died.

Best fight in the game, they should've modeled all their boss fights off of that one. I was hyped as hell for leviathan and it was a grave disappointment.

>first meet ardyn
>wants to go rest in teh caravan/rv
>they all pile in to fuck promptos boi puss

what a bunch of fuckbois.

no not excite for dlc.

ohh yeah the ifrit fight was awesome... really hated to fight against Ravus

Noctis was always gonna die, the story was always poised as having a tragic ending.

>tearing up right now hearing stand by me play in my head and the journey they went through
This stupid ass game, it's a hulking mess and yet at the last possible second it manages to make feel. Damnit, this game was somewhat successful.


It was subtle, mainly because it was so poorly written you couldn't quite tell what was going on until after reading up on it.

But again I am interested to see what Ignis' story brings. The fact that it will "impact the story" intrigues me. It's like a book, once the script is laid out you can't really change the outcome, only add additional details. Yet he stated it will impact the story, which leads me to believe it will change the series of events leading up to the ending. Maybe even creating a whole new ending.

I don't think it's changing anything, I think he just meant you'll see how he got blind which is something that has an impact on the group dynamic later on in the game. But they did say something about alternate ends for each DLC episode or something.

>dlc costumes delayed so they can be redesigned because they look too much like the costumes in that shitty power rangers movie and Haim Saban is the greediest Jew alive

If they just took off the helmets they look cool enough.

>What was your "AWESOME" moment in FF15

Nothing honestly. The game was completely lackluster. The only part where I thought "this is cool" was the train attack, but that lasted 5 minutes, and the game went back to being boring.

Will Noctis's friends, Luna and the Dragoon girl become playable ?

Will they improve the final chapter ?

Honestly want to buy FF XV but all lot of people claim it's unfinished and somewhat dissapointing.

There is DLC episodes where you play as Gladio, Ignis and Prompto. They are adding some Gladio playabe section within chapter 13 too. Aranea, Cor and Iris are gonna be playable in the coop multiplayer thing.

If they didn't say anything about them adding in new story stuff I'd tell people to just play it, but since they are I think it's better to wait until it's all there.

>best boy ignis doesn't even have a date set for his episode dlc

feels bad man

>alternate ends
I'll take what I can get

>adding arenea, luna, and iris as party members
This game would be so much better in my eyes if they did that. They might get to it eventually, they did say this was going to be a "year of final fantasy xv dlc"

but then again luigi had his own year...

Hearing the music
That's it

I don't think it's alternate ends to the main story, rather alternate ends to their DLC episode.

Easily the Leviathan fight.

So the DLC episodes can have different endings? that seems overly complex

Saving the best for last. I'd like to see his dlc episode be where you have to fight blind only seeing bits of the screen where your enemies are for a second.

I think it just means say Ignis DLC for example might have an ending where he maybe doesn't go blind and it just wraps up there, while the natural progression of it is what leads to what happens where he does go blind.

I guess so, still interesting that they would include that in the first place, feels superfluous. What would be awesome is if they tied the DLC directly into the game. That is to say, at a certain point in the game it actually triggers his DLC and based off your actions in the DLC it impacts the overall game.

Like instead of going blind in the fight for alticia he keeps his sight and is able to stop ardyn from killing luna

My awesome moment in FF15 was when I pressured Sony's customer "service" into refunding this piece of shit by making threats that I would press charges for false advertising and deception because the game is nothing like that was advertised.

Not sure what you are on about since gameplay and events they showed in trailers all throughout 2016 was in the final game. Not to mention there was multiple demos from 2015 through 2016 where you could see the updates, changes and improvements they were making each time.


downgrading inbetween every demo is hardly an improvement, shill

The game was upgraded each time though.

ED2.0 was upgraded from ED1.0 by adding in directional inputs, improved performance and visual, some added on tour quests, more attack actions and so on. Plat demo added in manual weapon switching that let you manually control the weapon flow now, the Titan demo was the same just against Titan, then the August demo/judgement demo was a slice from chapter 1 of the game which had improvements from each of the demos, then the final game came out and had improvements over that too.

And the graphics and performance got worse every time.

What an improvement, goy

It was improved each time though.

I think you have brain problems or something.

ED was 900p 25-27 FPS
The final game was 1080p 30FPS and is getting a 60FPS patch in a few days for PS4 Pro.

Oy vey its bazztek.

Final game looks nothing like that and oyu fucking know it, coon

The final game looks exactly like that and I recorded that footage myself from my own copy of the game for both. Why are you in denial?

Man you're dumb.

Sure you did Azztek.
Meanwhile in the real world, we can see that the final game looks worse than Lightning returns, a PS3 game.

You gonna dox me and threathen to rape me now?

stfu u double nigger
it looks like that

>What was your "AWESOME" moment in FF15?
These threads

No, it doesnt.

My god your denial is hilarious.

>so triggered by the upgrade XV received he's denying them now
My sides

Yes it does, holy shit man.

Has anyone ever been more BTFO than this guy?

Man XV threads are dead as fuck

Nice framerate kiddo.

Thats like 15 or something.
Was it intentional? Final Fantasy 15 frames per second?

baztek gets btfo on an hourly basis by life. He's a fat nigger with a disgusting semi afro and a legit case of down syndrome

This looks a lot like shilling senpai. A lot.

what else is there to discuss? cup ramen ending was pure unadulterated masterpiece.

Multiple fights with monsters in the hunts. Certain vistas. The game's just fucking pretty and certain moments converging onto a single point make it worth it.

I just got to Venice. It fucking sucks. These shitty little corridors, the needless bridges connecting everything, the boat rides. I fucking hate this place. Going to get my Ghost in the Painting hunt done then warp the fuck back to Duscae.

That said, I'm sad that SE is apparently dropping this engine. For a first go round, and not being entirely sure what they were doing, there are moments when the game looks absolutely stunning. Work out the water problem, touch up some of the frame rate errors, and you've got a solid, beautiful engine off which to build your next RPG. Square has no fucking management sense. Kingdom Hearts 3 still looks like graphical shit. This engine would have served it better than Unreal.

Despite all its flaws, XV is still pretty great in my book. I love the combat, enjoy the characters, find the world and its inhabiting monsters to be beautiful, and enjoy going through all the hunts. It's rough, but it's been a product better than the sum of its parts.

The DLC options are lame. Just give us a new continent with new monsters. I'm interested to see what the online co-op looks like when it arrives. I couldn't give less of a damn about Gladio and Prompto's DLC. Prompto is one of my favorite FF characters, being that he's essentially Vivi 2.0 with a little more hop in his step.

Seeing how fucking big Adamantoise was and executing his parry where they jump off his back.

The fight itself wasn't fun and pretty fucking tedious. But damn if I wasn't marveling at how fucking huge he was.

The first time I flew was also surreal.

I've completed all the quests at this point, hoping that they add some good hunts come Tuesday.


I'd like to see the open world filled with more high level monsters. I know there's a few, like the Bandersnatch near hammerhead and the Griffon somewhere in duscae, but I was hoping to see roaming Behemoths and Jabberwocks.

That, and add quest that actually take place in the world as opposed to just running back and forth between hunt locations and outposts.

Broken down cars and helping out hunters is lame.

Hell, I actually wouldn't mind helping out a hunter if he was pinned by a big ass Kujata or something.

Tabata's been pretty good about feedback though, so if the community makes enough of a ruckus it could happen.

Yep. There are certain touches that make the world feel nice and organic (like "wild animal crossings") and others which mire it in a sense of stasis (the hunts being as you describe). But I feel like the prototype for something truly magical is there. I just wish Square would realize that sometimes a first rough draft can lead to a polished sequel. XV has created a very solid groundwork.

I also give props to Tabata choosing to make the animals lifelike. A lot of people on Sup Forums were giving the game shit for not having "reads," but the enemies and the way they animate and behave has been one of my absolute favorite things about the game. They were wild, violent, desperate animals that animate like frightened and agitated creatures. They certainly have reads, they're simply not as obvious as what you expect in a typical action game. And being that XV doesn't need such precision anyway, I love it. In terms of enemies and the individual natures you can see evince by their animations, it's by far my favorite FF, if not one of my favorite games for that aspect. The crocodile creatures by the streams, the hulking crustaceans, that giant rainbow lobster slug thing I recently killed for a hunt, the giraffe things, the fucking unicorns... whatever. I never bother to look up their names. But they're magnificently designed monsters, and they animate beautifully. Square needs to recognize that there is still a vast bounty of untapped potential in this engine, these creatures, and this world. I hope their dumbasses don't just toss it out for the next thing.