PlayStation 3 thread

Have you played your PS3 recently, user?

If yes, what did you play?

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Persona 3

My PS2 is on the fritz

I've been playing through the MGS series for the first time. About 3 hours into Snake Eater, not sure if I want to tackle 4 after this or not.


haven't touched it in 3 months. was planning of pirating the english patched Tales Of Berseria but then the pc version was cracked.

just came from playing Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD. Looking forward to Persona 5

Yes, you do. But you shouldn't rush this series.

Drakengard 3
Witch and the Hundred Knight
Wipeout HD

I think I'm gonna play through Crash or Spyro after I beat 3 for a palate cleanser. Both are pretty short and mindless.

Funny you should mention that, I'm ripping it to my PS3 right now. Got a 1TB hard drive yesterday.

Where do you find ISO's at?

I've been playing Resident 1-3 from the PSN.

And enjoyed it immensely.

Goddamn, games are shit now

I recently finished Catherine and Ni No Kuni. Both were excellent.

Okami HD is my favourite game on the console though.

Time Crisis Razing Storm.

Best exclusive.

playing yakuza 4. it's my first yakuza game, i like it


Drakengard 3
Nier: Automata is close

Last game I finished on it was Tales of Vesperia. Haven't really touched it since except for watching movies and shows.

I was going to play Odin Sphere on it but I started the game on my Vita instead and I can't transfer my save over to my PS3 because of PSN issues.

Yup, have been playing Tales of Xillia. I've got Kingdom Hearts 1.5 & 2.5 to go through after but I think I'm more likely to get Xillia 2 and play that first.

Been looking to get Nier but I kind of want to play Drakengard before I do.

you clearly don't even own a jailbreak ps3 so what's the difference.

Played Bulletstrom

PS3 games can be repackaged as ISOs.

Try again

I just got a new ps3, how do I make my new one the primary?
I want to put the old one in another room.

I was thinking this, deactivate old ps3, activate new ps3, then activate old ps3.

Will this make my new one the primary where I can use the ps store?

Why can't they just add rumble support for DS4, I never want to touch a DS3 again

I played Nier!

Of course, I always find something to play on my PS3.
I finished Tales of Xillia recently, I will play Devil May Cry 4 next, and then probably start up Xillia 2.

log into PSN on old PS3, deactivate the console on it in account settings, log into PSN on new PS3, activate the console on it in account settings. done.

I play it all the time, Yakuza 5 was the last game I beat. i'll probably get Persona 5 on it even though I don't like Persona games in general, just to get the last game for the system.

Made over 250$ selling GTA accounts modded by my trusty PS3. The damn thing paid for itself, best investment I had ever made.


Still my favorite console. Played fight night 4 and am watching Carl Sagans Cosmos on my 2tb hd that's hooked up to it.

Still no regrets not buying a current gen console.

Thanks, after I then activate the old ps3, will I be able to use the store from both, or only the new ps3?

Not sure what you mean but im running 2 ps3's side by side right now. One for movies and one for games. I can sign into psn on both.

the old ps3 won't be able to use your purchased PSN content until you reactivate it. I think you can have both consoles activated at once but I haven't tested it out myself since I only have 1 PS3.

alright, cool, I thought there would be issues
I did read you can activate at least 2 ps3's
Just wanted to make sure I could use the store on the new one

>Why can't they just add rumble support for DS4, I never want to touch a DS3 again
Most likely because the rumble system is too different on the DS4.

I just bought my first PS3. It has CFW and arrives on Wednesday.

>Played fight night 4 and am watching Carl Sagans Cosmos on my 2tb hd that's hooked up to it.
Which file system do you use on that 2TB HDD?

>Tales of Berseria PS3. English patch just dropped.
>NFL 2K5 with the latest NFL rosters.

Both are great games. CFW PS3 is the best console I have ever owned.

How good is a PS3 without CFW?
Worth getting?

I'll be in the same boat soon, friend. What're you looking forward to playing?

sure I mean games are dirt cheap now and you can find a PS3 cheap too since everyone sold theirs to buy a PS4

Definitely worth it. I don't have one because I got my PS3 for free and it's not moddable but I kinda like collecting games. Some titles have been getting expensive lately, though, and you don't have to worry about that with CFW.

Bought pic related because i always felt the ps3 was the best, turns out most games didn't age well and also shows insane jaggies on my newer tv with gamemode and downscaling.
Also certain games lag and underperforme on the last and latest ps3, Arkham city for example lags and looks/plays horrible.
>Also side note the latest version sounds literally like a jet engine, why oh why did my slim die on me ?
>played dark souls and arkham origins for the trillionth time

Lent it to my qt lesbian friends after I got a PS4. It still gets played by them rather than sitting in my closet collecting dust, so that makes me happy. I also like to think that they sometimes use my controller as a vibrator for both of their clits at once and that makes my peepee hard.

>playing ms pacific rift
>jesus built my hotrod starts playing

Not in a while. I was going to try tonight to see if it works

Ps3 fat 80 GB was the last good console.

After that, PC became undisputed Kang

Played RDR and Undead zombie to get hyped up for RDR2 (RDR3?)

I got a PS3 new last year and became my favorite media player. It even reads various media files burned to Bluray disc.

I've been using my PS3 as a media center. I got CFW on it so I can install Movian on it and play every piece of media on it. I store my anime MKVs on my PS3 and it plays it just fine.