IIT: Post actually-

IIT: Post actually-


character designs

Why dont you start, OP?


What's Hanzo doing with a sword instead of a bow?

>he picks one of the worst mitsurugi costumes

That's not SC2. That one was terrible.







always liked this design

haohmaru is better





Also thought Ershin was a good design
also my favorite Nina design.

BoFIV cast looked good in general.

I thought his shirt was a loss edit






>Neck belt

The rest is fine though.

Better version


Both designs are great. Weren't Mistsuragi and Haohmaru based design wise off of an actor?

Nice vest.



maybe if you have shit taste.



Who is going to make the first response ITT?




>durr he grew a goatee
>wow he looks 10 years older guys!


Still looks better though



I'm convinced every design in Tactics Ogre is perfect. Not only are they always reasonably armored and functional, but they are colorful and ornate as well. Best of both words while sacrificing none.

I'm starting to warm up to this version, now that I look at it again.


Not enough belts


we know Mitsurugi was based off of Mifune. Not sure about Haohmaru.

>everyone in this thread

Better than the headband one.

Move over, old-timer.

go back to your mom kid




If one thing Persona has really nice designs when you do robutts.

he was like a real person dropped into a FF game.


Nothing personnel, kid

>No FFXIII Sazh Returns


Very few designers can change the basic silhouette of attractive women without: a)making them heavy, or b) eliminating their femininity.


Personally I love what they did to Birdie.





You're in too deep user

Best class

I'd agree if it weren't for the lack of dick protection



More western game characters, please.



find some that don't suck, please


>playing western games

The wenches need to see what he's packing.


here you go.


I love all of them.


That's a collar.


Literally perfection

Yoshida's artwork is godly.


>Hey, bro.


love how all the main wonderful ones' masks are slightly different


Best version


Best outfit


Literal perfection