Tfw kids younger than this voted in the recent presidency voting

>tfw kids younger than this voted in the recent presidency voting
>tfw i remember playing this when it first came out
>tfw i feel old


You mean me?

Regardless, I love MGS1 to death.

>kids born after 9/11 are having sex right now

No they aren't. They'd only be like 16 at the oldest.

Kids born yesterday are getting fucked, whats your point?

Everyone gets fucked with Trump in office, what's your point?

>he thinks middle schoolers aren't fucking

Everone gets fucked by the federal government, what's your point?

just bought this for five bucks at a used game place how did I do

>people born the same year as Link to the Past are in their mid 20's now
Jesus fucking Christ.

I'm 26

Super Mario Galaxy is as old today as Super Mario 64 was when galaxy was released.

>tfw the codec ringtone is my actual ringtone and most people never realize where it's from

>Middle schooler
Found the held back

2 out of 5 people at my workplace are MGS fanboys.
It's weird.

wow wtf i'm 26 too

you mean to tell me, that time, MOVES FORWARD??

We'll be in our 30's soon

tfw i'm 26 and you made me remember

>its a time moves forward thread
Fuck off and pass away already old man

You feel it too, don't you?

skeletons soon. we should hang out

>when someone says "10 years ago...", you still automatically think of the 1990s
>it actually now refers to the year goddamn Crysis was released! I the only one?

The 90s were fucking stacked for games.

It's impressive that those games were at most 3 years apart. Crysis still looks better than 90% of the games released today.

Video games were never the same to me after playing the opening mission. Could not believe how awesome this game was when it came out. To do this day my favorite game ever made.

>silent hill
>half life
>Super Italiano 64

Gonna have to ask you to delete that post on account of the overwhelming feelings and nostalgia that are currently wracking my mental and emotional state and driving me to suicidal tendencies.

Look at the bright side: With Hillary in office, you'd be bleeding to death in a frozen ditch 30 miles from Moscow right now instead of shitposting on an anime imageboard right now.