Why does Sup Forums dislike elves?

Why does Sup Forums dislike elves?

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Smug faggots

They are faggots.

Most of the time they're smug assholes.

I can fuck them like pic related

Because the west has shitty elves and Sup Forums doesnt play eastern games

Because they are slimy, greedy douches in almost every game I play.

They are sumg faggots who can't ever take of shit by themselves, despite having long lifespans and usually the best magic.


Their insistence on the sanctity of the Commons and lack of progressive tax system were key issues in the slowing growth and subsequent financial crash of the Free People's of Middle-Earth that led directly to war.


Those toes are fucking horrifying.

After having played FFXIV, I no longer mind elves.
There are much worse things out there.


"muh meme fetish elves" aren't any better you delusional weeb


They're alright.

What did they mean by this?

Because they are always pompous arrogants fools who meedle in other's affairs when not wanted and never help when actually needed

They are literally just humans with pointy ears.

It's as boring as a different race can get. They shouldn't even be a race, just humans with a tiny physical mutation.


They just need to be slapped around every now and then.

Because Sup Forums consists of mentally challanged children that get bullied in school by the good looking kids.

Because 90% of the time they're just humans with pointy ears outside of anything Tolkien.

No Beards. the only one's I like are the elder scrolls variety and they got beards

>anime elf
You faggots are worst than Pelinal-posters.

can I marry an elf?

Because LotR elves were meant to be a race of demigods. Like nymphs. That's why they were supposed to be a tier higher than humans and why they behaved differently.

In vidya, for balance, they aren't super powerful but kept the whole "better than you" attitude which is bullshit.

In most fantasy, elves are the cause of every problem.

It's a shit meme that Sup Forums is bandwagoning on

After playing Warhammer Total War, killing elves is now on top of my priority list in every game they exist.

Shut up faggots.
Enjoy your fugly elves while I get to play games with attractive ones.

Age old /tg/ meme of having something to treat as it were a nigger without having to resort to talking about niggers.

Haughty fucking faggots, always
>cannibalism is totally fine but if you hurt plants we'll beat you with swords MADE FROM PLANTS


I like playing as wood elves in Total War: Warhammer.

Enjoy your shallow and boring garbage whose only worth is that it makes your virgin peepee hard

>Enjoy your fugly elves

>with attractive ones
And that's all they have. Just good-looking humans with pointy ears.


Looks boring.

Cause fuck Elves and getting their own Tribal based planeswalker while most other old tribals besides like soldiers don't get that luxury.

elves are usually what erp fags play so it's only natural that decent, moral-abiding individuals frown them

Writers love to make them into Mary Sues for some reason.

Japan doesn't make shallow and boring garbage you nigger, and so what if I'm a virgin, I'm not going to spend my virginity on 3DPD you faggot

That looks fugly as shit

Shut the fuck up

Elves are disgusting


>Japan doesn't make shallow and boring garbage


You cant tell males and females apart
Look down upon everyone else as if they were hot shit
Tree fuckers
Cares not about anything than their forests
The world is already perfect to them, so they'll hinder any progress anyone else might try to achieve. But the only world they know is within trees

why do her arms look like they're dwarf sized


That makes my something very hot
My goddamned flamethrower because fire is the solution I see for that horror

>those feet
Brown redeemes it, tbqh.

>Japan doesn't make shallow and boring garbage
boring is arguable, but everything is usually really shallow

Dont you ever reply to me ever agian disgusting footfags

>liking elves

Tolkein elves are fine because they get their shit wrecked as often as they succeed. They are supremely talanted yet supremely arrogant. 99% of the people who include elves in their fantasy after LOTR miss that aspect

Ive been fapping to elves since might and magic covert art and then amplified tenfold by WC3 elf campaign menu.screen.

Crusaders can threaten me online all they want but I don't care.



what type of person plays dwarf? I'm really curious

Sup Forums is mostly working class or lower civilians. Generally poor and uneducated. Pretty natural they would dislike an elitist civilization whose stereotypes include always looking gorgeous, being filthy rich, immortal, and having awesome sex all the time.


>all thee people whining about cute alien feet.

go back to your grave, george

>just human hippies with pointy ears taking up a space for a potentially more interesting race (I want bug people fucking damn it)
>Almost always causing shit and making themselves out to be the injured party because "muh trees"
>Dark elves are always edgy faggots or played by edgy faggots
>short hand for "I want to make a fantasy world but don't actually want to try"

the list goes fucking on.

What video games let you marry qt brown elves?

It's okay, sexual is the only things are good for.
If you want creatures that have affinity with forests,nature, animals and the elements, there are better choices

Thanks for proving our point holy shit she's awful. Is that Bioware?

>all these faggots in this thread that know elves only as a masturbation-devise
>all these faggots that don't know how glorious they can be

>tfw no tall delicious brown foreigner gf


Absolute suffering.


Sun Dancers are really tiny in game too, small as dwarves and float in the air, making kind of creepy movements like birds

western designers a shit

Get your hippie propaganda out of here you filthy fucking knife ear.

truly the best solution is to take elves and have dwarves raise them

Because they take up spots that could be for interesting and unique races. Same for all Tolkien races.
>skinny pointy eared human
>stout short bearded human

Korean art is best art. They ride the line between anime and realism.

I'm a Sup Forums user, fuck Sup Forums

nigga that ain't no elf, elves ain't got enough testosterone to be growing fucking beards.

Instead of parrotting old ass Sup Forums memes you better grab yourself some Silmarillion and read about the most metal elves and glorious fuck-ups that haven't been surpassed since.

>cover thigh
>make it bigger
what is this censorism?

>Str. vs. Dex.

rather than look up that one type of elf maybe I could look up literally any Dwarf or Orc who've been doing the same thing for decades you fucking tree-hugger.

because Sup Forums are fat manlets


Thats the most stupid weapon i ever did see.
The head alone would weigh about 3 tonnes. If the person could lift that amount of weight he might just be everybodies favorite faggot Tom Bombadil or he could just rip gates from their hinges and throw those around.

Because fat, hairy manlets can more easily identify with dwarves than with the tall, beautiful elves.

Name some. Gotrek is a dwarf that comes to my mind. Besides the Silmarillion is a good read.



So this... is the power... of eastern character design...

Great taste


Name of this?

>in my Sup Forums

So, are you going to drop a name?

>that fucking plastic sword

Swords do wobble, weebfag