ITT: video game characters you unironically try to emulate in some way

ITT: video game characters you unironically try to emulate in some way
I want to become as handsome and honorable as Lobster man.

>implies to Corrin throughout all of Birthright that they're blood related even though he knows they aren't
>will only ever tell her if he wants her to suck his dick

Well then, commit sudoku OP.

I wanna be left Link
Being like him will make gf for me

For me it's Kefka. Intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor.

Not vidya but pic related.

literally this

literally me

Found the Nohrian scum. Your false propoganda has no power here.

I want to be as good of a trap as Lucina


a mix of gene, dante, and travis.

Impossible, no man in the modern era can have that much AMBITION.

Puberty did weird things to me. Fat started to deposit around my thighs and ass and now I have a 24 inch waist and 40 inch hips, and my thighs are ridiculously thick and curvy, but my calves are thin and my legs are absurdly long. My ass is huge. Probably sticks out 3 inches from my lower back.

My upper body is just normal dude, though.

I used to be ashamed of it, but now I think it's a blessing and I'm proud of it.

Found this picture of my nigga Link. If I had Hylian ears and blue eyes (and Postman clothes), I would literally look just like this.

I hope people find this attractive, or else I'm screwed in life lol

But your face must not be that cute.

Is anyone as cute as Link? Lets try and be realistic here



Not even joking.

did someone say AMBITION

good taste

>my face finding out she's Yandere as fuck and threatens you indirectly with a double murder if you ever look at another girl
Muh dick

Try and emulate dat ass


the actual "right choice" is to quit Fates and play a different FE game

t. tellius queer

never played FE, even though I've always had an interest, but she's CUTE. What game(s) is she in?

nice ad hominem

But you won't get good gameplay if you play another FE game.

However you must not be disastrous too.
btw I think I've seen very cute boys in the street

I try to be like Hopeman as much as I can


but beat all the others and have nothing else to play

and you won't get good gameplay in 2/3 of Fates' routes

and there are some stinkers in Conquest too, it has a few really good levels but some grating gimmicks and maps

Ryoma would take advantage of Elise's fatal illness to put Corrin in a bad position and force him to surrender or battle.

Xander on the other hand would risk his own life and standing to save an unarmed RYOMA from his own men because taking care of Ryoma that way would be the dishonorable thing to do.

Hi, Sup Forums. I have a problem that's not directly related to Megaten games/manga, but I don't think my friends know enough about Megaten to help me out.

I know that this is going to sound incredibly autistic, but I cannot function in social settings unless I imagine myself as a Megaten character. No, I don't go around saying "Hee-ho!" or try to summon demons or anything. I just feel myself with the overall demeanor of a Megaten character. I can pass off as a normie well with this.

I choose Megaten characters that already compliment my personality. My main 3 are Demi-fiend (When I'm feeling quiet but confident), YHVH (When I'm feeling a bit smug/cocky) and Nanashi (When I'm feeling a bit edgy). I also have a rotating list of Megaten characters that I can use. I've done Jack Frost, Yuriko, Metatron, Magatsu-Izanagi, Oni, Angel, etc...

But my problem is, I have a party with my co-workers tonight, and I'm not sure which Megaten character I should be. I want to be a bit more outgoing and talkative than usual, but not TOO much. I had a bad experience with Mastema this spring, when I got a bit TOO confident, so I don't want to use him. I'd like to try a SMTIV:FINAL character, but I'm not sure which once. I like Cleopatra, but I feel like she would make me come across as an autist. I was actually thinking about Raidou, but his chances of being in a new game hurts him a bit.

Do you guys have any ideas for a Megaten character that would be sociable and confident, but not too much so?

Yu Narukami

Usualy Joshua
When I feel edgy and want to isolate, Izuru Kamukura

>it has a few really good levels but some grating gimmicks and maps
So every FE game ever?

I disagree. Conquest is the only FE game besides 5 that all maps are enjoyable to play to some degree. No map is the same as the previous one and with Fates having thr best AI in the series means the chapters always challenges you in some way. Especially Lunatic mode.

Who I act like, either consciously or not: Knuckles.

Who I wish I was: Duke Nukem.

The protagonist from Persona 3, except it's actually purely coincidental
I didn't even know about the series until I entered high school, ended up making friends (even though I didn't want to, having friends fucked up my grades in my last school completely, but I'm apparently just too damn charismatic for people to stay away from me) and one of those friends was a huge weeaboo who told me that I'm just like some guy from his japanese anime shows
What with me being extremely short, having gay emo hair back then, always looking bored, having clip-on headphones and an MP3 player on me and always, ALWAYS keeping my hands in my pockets I'm not surprised he would make the connection
I started looking up info on the character only to find out that pretty much everything about his established personality matches up really accurately with mine.
Sounds really autistic I guess

nah, Fate is just garbage.

Caught me off guard

I take in a bit of the personalities of my favorite characters.
>Azama's Nihilistic care free attitude
>Henry's childish mannerism and masochism
>Reinhardt's manly man vibe
>Hades' /mischief/
>Kamina's raw enthusiasm.

is this b8

>Fate is just garbage
Just like your opinion :^)


I feel you, bro.


I've done my best to sit still in one place all the time just like my hero here


your hero is a brick wall?

yours isn't?

i'm more of a concrete guy myself


i usually try to emulate the way the good hunter runs in bloodborne, but there are also other characters whose run i try to emulate too.

someday i will also learn gundyrs roundhouse kick

I'm too fond of the warranted ego types despite despising unwarrented ego types so I can't emulate shit beyond certain little mannerisms

I'd emulate the FUCK out of Rance outside the whole sexually aggressive bit but then it wouldn't be Rance anymore, quite frustrating really

i emulate ryu with the whole self improvement thing

Run Dionysus with inherited Frolic and Null: Ice



>wanting to imitate in any way
Are you ok OP?


i just want to live a quiet life