Cat = me

cat = me
hamburgers = video games


Aika (JP) = you
Aika (Hot Dog) = pirates

I wish I was tech litterate enough to do emulation.


>tfw neet and all the time in the world for vidya
>never play anything for longer than 20min
>sink deeper into crippling depression

should've bottomsipped diskette images individually when a particular game interests you instead of grabbing complete video game player libraries and getting lost in choices

That's obviously Pizza you fucking retard

>green onion
It's a leek
Her name is Miku

Are you retarded?

>can't find working downloads for the few games i want to play
>spend all day shitposting on Sup Forums instead


It's clearly cheeseburgers

>pork pickles

Yep, feels good being a PC player. Btw those are hotdogs

umm... so you don't have any videogames? i dont see any hamburgers there dude

A literal child could emulate games. What are you having trouble with?

You realize emulation involves downloading a client, then finding copies of the game online (usually a ROM), then clicking "file" > "open" > and open the ROM you just downloaded, right? It's actually the easiest shit ever.

Cats hate videogames


Dog = you
Woman = developer
Cracker = drm

And then you get "Could not initialize D3D context" and normies close the PC and go back to play Clash of Clans on iPad.

>replying to redditfrogs

cat = video games
yellow bullet = casuals

this bait

It's a green onion (negi) in Japan.

that's clearly a biscuit


i hate it when i emulate on my keyboard

>hamburgers = switch games


Now explain to me the process of getting Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze working on Cemu

but drm kills developers, not gamers

You = cuck
this thread = shit

Are you saying you have no games?

Christ, I had forgotten about bacon-wrapped hot dogs. When was that even?


>download emulator
>download rom
>open rom in emulator



Corgi = developers
Doughnut house = game company
Ocelot = EA

u kant downlod ram idiot even i no that..........