Why must people try and use video games as a way to force their personal politics onto people...

Why must people try and use video games as a way to force their personal politics onto people? This is one of the only forms os escapism left and they're already trying to tear it apart.
>gamer gate
>life is strange
>tlou 2
> horizon zero dawn
I just wanna play games and not have this shit on my mind man

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This lack of self awareness in your post is funny but a bit sad.

You could just not play those games

By wanting no politics I'm pushing politics?

Because of Jews
Sup Forums is always right

Because politics is be injected into everything, since the country is getting weaker.

Video games are similar to books in the sense that both mediums can contain messages. And that's an acceptable practice.

Because videogames are a type of media. Media of every type has always been used to impose political and personal opinions on other people. To expect videogames being an exception is retarded. The best you can do is punish those devs who do this shit with your wallet, which is quite easy, since piracy exists.

Then just go play games. Nobody is stopping you.

Leave the internet while you're at it, as you're so averse to discussion.

Don't play western games.

Get out, Sup Forumsbabby

Good advice.

I agree with you. but politics made this opinion to be "of nasty bad-sided people" and thus we are in a rut.

I would like nothing more than having games made just the way makers wanted them to be. if that happend to be leftists ideals so be it, more power to them. the market will sort out what people want

except that's not good enough for some people.

It's because your kind advocated moot's lies and betrayals that gamergate was not allowed to succeed and end this madness. You are the sole reason games like lis, tlou2, hzd, etc. were allowed to exist. Don't call it a grave.

By saying that you want no politics, your message is that other people's topics aren't important.

Shutting down discussion on topics that you dislike is taking a conservative position.

But of course an anime poster wouldn't understand it.

>>life is strange

But I had nothing to do with it
I steered clear of it because it was an annoyance and too political for me.

Where did I say no politics?


Other people's topics aren't important you stupid fat twat.

>if you point out that vido games are over-politicized you're pol
Yeah, nah.

Head on back to your own board.

Climate change isn't political: it's a fact of life.

Or all political opinions are nor important

Neither is your irrelevant sperging.

>Where did I say no politics?
>Why must people try and use video games as a way to force their personal politics onto people?

>life is strange
>tlou 2
> horizon zero dawn
Did you actually play any of those games or are you just parroting Sup Forums?

>>life is strange
>personal politics

>Shutting down discussion
Because crying Sup Forums and calling people who disagree with you Nazis isn't shutting down discussion.

My irrelevant sperging is worth more than your entire being, as nobody has placed perceptible value into your existence while you have validated my factual statement through interaction.
You're a moron too, so I doubt there will ever be a change to your state of worthlessness.

This. If gamergate had won, we would have drived those SJW devs out of the business years ago. It was the last stand against leftist vidya and we allowed for it to fail.

>tlou 2

what the fuck

the game had one teaser, why are people drawing conclusions already, especially based on the fact that tlou 1 was hardly political to begin with

>Sup Forums and 8gag complain about people pushing their politics into places that they aren't wanted
Is this some kind of joke?

But it has a bulldyke female cuck jew protagonist!!!!

They are a perfect example of rotten SJW vidya. You must be a blind cuck if you don't see it.

Any game that uses an economical and/or social system is politicized.
It just happens that now people are making games that use politics you don't agree with.

How many Jew protagonists are there in video games?

It's their product, they have the right to implement whatever ideology or belief they want. Instead blame the people who support them.

Probably has to do with the developer openly saying they're going to shove politics down our throats.

I hate everyone in the thread, including myself and you should all kill yourselves.

The latter two aren't even out yet, so we don't know shit about story or gameplay.
What's confirmed is that Ellie has been turned into an ugly butch and that newspapers call Aloy the
>feminist video game hero we need.

Two of them aren't even out you cucklord.

That's a violation of the NAP

>the first one already had degeneracy in form of lesbianism
>the girl becomes a literal dyke in the sequel
You have to be a total idiot to not see what they are pushing there.

Too many! They control everything, and they're covertly committing genocide against the white race.

>2hu pic
>it's not a 2hu thread

See the 2000 election

>SJWs complain about shit in vidya
>Sup Forums says stop complaining and make your own shit if it's so important to you
>they do
>Sup Forums starts going into an autistic fit and screaming

Seek help.

When I look at the 2000 election, I see a climate change alarmist losing to a bumbling Texan. Is this your rebuttal of climate change?

Name one Jewish non-religious-video-game protagonist.

that's some advanced autism

What a shit thread.


if you cant detach a game's narrative from the protagonist's sexual orientation you're just as bad as bioware

Kill yourself, cuck. GG was all about removing marxist ideology from vidya, but it failed and this is what we get now.

This is your only argument and it's a shit one.
Some developers / journalism outlets have an admitted political agenda.
You're not the one pushing politics if you talk about it.

You do know I'm being facetious, right?

>I don't want people pushing politics in my hobby
>My god, that means you are personally attacking SPECIFIC PEOPLE'S topics!

Man, you really made an effort to take a neutral position and make victims out of it.

>GG was all about removing marxist ideology from vidya
I'm pretty sure it was about ethics in video games for all of 8 hours before you faggots from Sup Forums hijacked it into some FUCK WOMEN AND SJWS movement.

Horizon Zero Dawn has a black person in it, that is enough to trigger the Sup Forumslacks that spam Sup Forums

Im a virgin.

It's already rich in comedy of a mentally-ill coward who benefits solely on a welfare state incapable of independence let alone co-independence to be offering advice of emulation to any individual not following in their deluded cuckold fantasy of jackboot communism being embraced on a social level, but the implication that someone who sups on a higher state of intellect than thou should lower themselves to being a pathetic beggar allows it to become preposterously humorous.

It was still about ethics in games journalism, it's just that everyone got called sexist for it because the person that they cried foul on was a woman and playing victim is easy.

It's the same way a dozen news sites jumped on calling james rolfe a sexist and tying him to white supremacy groups in articles because he said he didn't want to watch the new ghostbusters because it looked like a lazy movie.

You can't take the THOSE PEOPLE AGAINST US ARE SEXIST RACIST MONSTERS! talk seriously because they'll call ANYONE those things regardless of what they did so long as what they did wasn't exactly what they wanted them to do.

>make victims
FFS not everything is a "personal attack" on you and your ideology.

The intelligence of Sup Forums has never been high. Or maybe a great deal of them lack common sense.

Didn't gamergate start as a way to stop those people from trying to force identity politics and SJW shit in our vidya, why are you listing it alongside the other shit?

It's fairly obvious since you don't know how to be facetious properly due to ignorance of the matters at hand.
Name one.

It was originally about revealing corrupt journalism for what it was and ending the practice of talentless devs getting good scores from various publications just because they're friends with somebody there, or they are owed favors in some way.

The fruit of this can be seen in the term "full disclosure" and how, if there are favors owed, reviewers or youtubers or whatever let you know about them.

An unintended side effect of GG was a culture war with leftist ideology, because the woman GG was originally in protest of was a woman.

That's fair enough, but I don't think that even the most brazen and delusional Sup Forumstard could have legitimately crafted some of the posts I've made.

This is an underrated post.

He's saying your playing the victim.


but they did win

I didn't do that, the person I replied to did.

Op didn't want political platforms made out of games for anyone, so that person then said he's trying to deny only certain people a platform.

He's literally trying to create victims where there aren't any.

Let's be honest OP, you just don't like it when political opinions you disagree with get pushed in your vidya.

It's also fitting that your posting animu. I think there's a show on right now this season that's rusting Sup Forums's jimmies because it doesn't appeal to their escapist fantasies about all girls being pure and actually depicts relationships realistically. In the same kind of vain you're getting riled up over depictions of women who don't fit into your narrative of how you think women should be (Horizon Zero Dawn, Life is Strange). So in other words, you just want video games to pander to you and not pander to other groups and thus it makes you no better than the SJWs you despise.

tldr: kill yourself

Kill yourself, newfag

They're called Sup Forumsddit now.

what mango is this?
reverse image searches give me completely irrelevant results

>OP doesn't like political soapboxing
>I better make out that he's a sexist

>It's the same way a dozen news sites jumped on calling james rolfe a sexist and tying him to white supremacy groups in articles because he said he didn't want to watch the new ghostbusters because it looked like a lazy movie.

>You can't take the THOSE PEOPLE AGAINST US ARE SEXIST RACIST MONSTERS! talk seriously because they'll call ANYONE those things regardless of what they did so long as what they did wasn't exactly what they wanted them to do.

The American culture war isn't going away anytime soon (regardless of what the MAGA CHUDs might think). If you find it exhausting--and it is frequently exhausting!--then go play games by people not invested in American pop culture. But keep in mind that there is no such thing as a cultural product that exists separate from the context in which it was produced. Using words like pushing, forcing, injecting politics into things shows that you don't understand how art is made. It can be done clumsily, and often is, but every work of art reflects the values and beliefs of its creators in some way.

Because western devs

>It's fairly obvious since you don't know how to be facetious properly due to ignorance of the matters at hand.
I don't understand. I failed to be facetious because I don't know about any Jewish video game characters.
I guess you could look at The Shivah or Wolfenstein.

How are these games forcing politics on players? Life is Strange was just a coming-of-age story from the perspective of a girl.
And what about The Last Of Us 2? Do you mean because Ellie looks like a tomboy now? Because to me that is just a logical consequence of what happened in the first game.

I don't see how games that focus on something or include characters that you personally might not be able to relate to 100% are pushing an agenda.
I think condemning games just because they are not tailor-made for your own demographic is much more of an agenda.

You didn't read my post. I didn't say OP is a sexist. I said OP has certain ideas of how women should and shouldn't be, and he's literally getting triggered when video games come out that depict the latter. That makes him no better than the SJWs that can't stand it when they see submissive or sexualized women in vidya.

If you can find any part of my post where I call him a sexist then feel free to highlight it. Otherwise you're just deflecting.

they did and nobody bought them because SJWs neither buy nor play games

Blazkowicz isn't a Jew.

>talking politics with ameriburgers

shut up leaf

t. Libtard cuck

Pulled directly from an article. I assume that when we talk about Jews, we're discussing ethnicity/identity.

and pol always loses

> I didn't say OP is a sexist. I said OP has certain ideas of how women should and shouldn't be

>I didn't say OP is a sexist, I'm just saying that OP has narrowly defined expectations of women and can't tolerate women not being shown conforming to that!

Did you even read your own shit?

>he thinks NTR is realistic
what a fucking degenerate I hope you get cucked

GG was a counter reaction to the problems you are pissing and moaning about, lurk more or kill yourself newfag.

>Marxist ideology
How is having minorities and gay people in video games Marxist? Can you explain this to me?

You are blatantly trying to insinuate that op has negative and restrictive views on women.

Reminder that people like OP do not want video games to be devoid of political agendas but rather cater to their own political ideals. Also, reminder to check my 5.

you clearly don't play Japanese games do you

so can he explain Yoko Taro's writing?

Whine more


King of GETS, turn back the hands of time, return me to the glory days of GETS.
