ITT: Sup Forums timeskips 2 weeks

ITT: Sup Forums timeskips 2 weeks

I can't believe NieR automata turned out to be just a giant zip of 2B hentai, is Yoko Taro a true genius?

still no games on PC why did I buy this shit?

who /comfy/ here?

switch thread

Press F to pay respects

It was 9S shota hentai. you hag

So many games. How do I cope? I never should've bought a PC.

what's everyones impressions on BOTW so far?

>can't play BOTW on my steambox


>March 4
>Switch launch causes Nintendo fanboys to go nuclear, either because of how good it is or how bad it is, and wage war on the entire rest of Sup Forums
>Zeldafags and Horizoniggers are locked in a raging slapfight war across dozens of threads
>pockets of anons take refuge in slowly moving threads that aren't about consoles or exclusives
It's going to be pure chaos.

Wow, bloodborne really is better on PC

Stay mad sony cucks

I can't believe that Nintendo had the balls to say that BOTW on the Wii U was canceled just a day before launch!

>brought my nintendo switch to a lecture
>all the girls started laughing to me
>tyrone stole it in the afternoon
who thought this was a good idea? I thought the switch would make me cool

Actually there were two versions, like Replicant and Gestalt, one has 9S hentai, the other has 2B.

its been 2 weeks and i havent accomplished anything. boy do i wanna die.

Asians did 9/11

Hibana melts steel beams

>Tyrone plays MY Switch in class and all the girls think HE'S cool

Will President Pence make vidya great again, Sup Forums?

nice jojo reference

>there are people who STILL think Horizon is a shit game




this is a good webm

How does King Crimson work?!

How do you guys like the new Sup Forums/Reddit merge? Personally I think the discussion has improved dramatically.

I can't believe Nintendo included an anal option.

>not logging into 4reddit before commenting

Oh sorry, my bad... :(

OOGA BOOGA ROCK STOMP but in the future

haha plus +20 karma

I still hate video games

You autistic kids realize we actually didnt skip 2 weeks and you just all look retarded

look at this fag, he still think he's in that thread from two weeks ago, get a grip dude

Bet you live in the Berenstein dimension too huh.

I see Sup Forums still doesn't know how to have fun.

Wait.... Could this be..... a.....????

Blackroom demo is awful but holy shit, Adrian did a great work with art direction

Why do you think we're on Sup Forums in the first place?

Where were you the day Intel was kill?

I love Tomonews.

Unga bunga rockstop