I bit the bullet and finally bought the game after years

I bit the bullet and finally bought the game after years.

Are there any FFXI players left on Sup Forums?

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There have been a lot of XI friends on Sup Forums lately
I'm sure another will pop up sometime later tonight
Just check later on
To answer your question though, yes
Quite a few

There's an ls on asura with Sup Forums players

>XI friends
I don't know why I typed that instead of threads, but whatever

there's a daily shill thread that happens at night. there's a Sup Forums linkshell on asura that tries to get people to join their dying game/linkshell.

any way to get into contact outside of the game?
I'm stuck patching and I dont think that the thread will survive it.

I saved up 60 dollars to buy this game and haven't touched it since like the 5th mission.

discord.gg/WCDVX someone in here will be able to invite you when you get on

You can download patched files online instead of through POL to make updating go faster by the way

I'm trying to download the patches from another site but its being gay.

Did they ever add any easier way to get spell scrolls or am I stuck just buying them from the AH?

I haven't played since the level 75 cap.

Is grinding fame still a big chore now? I'm remembering turning in dozens of Yagudo Necklaces in order to get enough for my Ninja scrolls. I'm trying to decide how much of this shit I feel like doing over again on a new character.

How do you think people put them on the AH? Every spell is available from a vendor or as a quest reward. Always has been

Well yeah, but some of them are pains in the ass to get aren't they? They have vendors now for easily getting gear and tools and stuff so I was hoping there might be that for spells as well

Still the same
Fame is faster than it used to be

I played quite a bit of xiv but I´m pretty bored of it, is xi more fun? Also so viable is solo since I don´t know anyone who plays?

Yes and no
Most of the storyline can be solo'd now
Same with a lot of older content
The more recent stuff might be solo'able with trusts, but you're gonna have a hell of an easier time doing it with an actual group of players

I´m sure I could find people by the time I get to more current content, also is there a sense of adventure? I was hoping to have this epic journey feeling in xiv but that fell flat.

How difficult is it to be decent for the more recent stuff? I get the feeling I'll be a total retard at this game and just rely on my trusts. Any job recommendations that are easier to learn?

It's a different game. FFXI is much slower than FFXIV. It's sort of like FFXII except your party members can be other players or NPCs you have no control over if you've played that

There's definitely more of a sense of adventure in FFXI in my opinion. The world feels much larger and varied

Starting a new account a few months ago after quitting shortly after Wings, fame grind is really easy now, a fraction of the effort.

In today's version of the game you will very quickly solo up to the level cap with NPCs and do the storyline at your own pace. Then when you reach endgame it will be mostly group stuff.

"more fun" is totally subjective, there is no shortage of people who will fight about it on Sup Forums to this day. I will say that FFXI doesn't hold your hand, there is no list of daily objectives to hit or markers guiding you towards something to do every step, you will have to explore and experiment with things. Where FFXIV lets you queue for an event and automatiically supplies all the party roles needed, with FFXI you will have to actually talk to other players with your words to get them together for something, and then form a strategy on how to succeed since you won't always have the ideal Tank/Healer/DPS trinity. In fact the trinity doesn't even exist, most jobs in FFXI have hybrid roles or more creative ways to use them which requires you to talk with other players and form a battle plan instead of just following the guide.

Do people ever give a shit about Conquest / Outpost control any more?

You can get by on any job.