How does Sup Forums feel about the upcoming sequel to the best game of all time?

I'm worried ;/

Honestly, I think it looks pretty good, but not as good as the first one... Obviously I'm going to get it, but will it be worth it. That will be a different story

this is giving me some Suchergebnisse
There Will Be Blood vibe. It'll be fucking great, no doubt

fug. i meant to say that this is giving me some There Will Be Blood vibe.

I don't believe Rockstar are capable of butchering a franchise like this one, I believe it'll be an amazing game.

I found the first one to be a very okay game, but not enough to justify being hyped for a sequel.
Might get it when it's cheap but I don't see what's so great about it.

It's obvious from how Grand Theft Auto 5 turned out that Rcokstar have their heads too far up their own asses to ever make another good video game again. The problem is compounded by the fact that GTAV received unrestricted critical acclaim and commercial success despite its awfulness. Rockstar will incorporate the "lessons" from GTAV into RDR2, it will be just as shit as GTAV was.

Based off the success of shark cards in GTA, I'm worried they'll try to pull the same thing in rdr2, considering they said it'll have a "new kind of multiplayer" and will be heavily multiplayer based.

> How GTA5 turned out
> GTA5 was shit
> Still hits the number one seller of the week 2-3 years after release

get the fuck outta here haha

I'm hoping it's not a bland empty desert like the first one

Run for a fourth of all over Europe again and the united nations of eastern European and African Americans in general

They will focus on the multiplayer, stripping the single player of any game mechanics that made the first one fun.

Haha, wie peinlich!

That's because ppl are buying shark cards it counts as a sale on steam you stupid peice of shit

Did you not read the post? He pointed out that GTA5 sold like umbrellas in autumnal Seattle despite being shit. That's the problem. Publishers pay attention to sales numbers and the fact that a shit game sold ridiculously well simply by virtue of being a Grand Theft Auto game is bad for all of us. It lets the industry know that they don't have to concern themselves with making good games, because shit games will always sell if they have familiar names attached to them.

you can't even quote me right, you can't even do that right and you expect me not to buy into your bullshit excuse.

I bet you pref'd saints row you absolute cock smoker

no way RDR2 will be bad

Why was GTA V bad?

It wasn't bad but it was missing things from earlier installments which I missed


But it did add the first person mode, which was a feature that I wanted in GTA for years.

In brief, Grand Theft Auto 5 has one of the most beautiful and meticulously detailed open worlds in gaming. That is where all the time and resources went. However, your player will soon tire of looking at your pretty sandbox and wish to do something fun. In that regard, GTAV has very little to offer. Brief flashes of fun are buried beneath innumerable flaky layers of faffery.

There are many story missions, but each mission is so scripted that each is more comparable to a tutorial than an actual mission. You'll see a Game Over Screen if you shoot a villain too early, exit out the wrong door, get into the wrong car, or take one step in the wrong direction. Despite, the game being so scripted, GTAV cannot offer any noteworthy story. Rockstar apparently think that they are too good for narrative elements like the beginning, rising action, conflict, or resolution, for consistent characters with arcs or payoff to teased threads. The missions are instruction-following simulators that consist largely of driving between cutscenes. Yet the game fails to produce a coherent narrative.

In the open world, walking feels like riding a unicycle, Falling six feet can kill you. Doing anything illegal, such as loitering or J-walking, will result in every police officer in the state converging on your exact location to run you over and shoot you dead for no reason, even if you are playing as one of the white characters.

No one uses umbrellas in Seattle unless you're a transplant or a tourist.

Not him but saints row 4 is objectively more fun than GTA 5.

Isn't this the case for like, every GTA game?

That's not much of an excuse.

I do now see how they could possibly fuck it up. Apart from not releasing it on PC of course but that remains to be seen.

Will it have forced leftist propaganda like Horizon Zero Dawn? Will Rockstar make a hilarious anti-Drumpf message like Watch Nogs 2? Rockstar seem to be able to rise above the regressive leftist urge but now /ourguy/ Trump won...

You forgot about the painfully unfunny and cringe-worthy satire.

>best game of all time
Are you underage?

>Namefag posts a retarded thread
>Nobody bats an eye

Sue Murry/Jock Cranley were 1:1 on the nose Hillary/Trump like 2 years before the races even started. Its scary how accurate Rockstar was.

>recently bought 1 after getting a ps3 pretty much for free
>that instant buyers remorse once i stepped out of the train thanks to piss poor performance
>drop the game before i reach the saloon
how the fuck do you tolerate the framerate? its like someones combing my eyeballs everytime i move the camera

Buy an Xbox 360.

Why is Redemption so popular? The combat was incredibly boring and most of the game felt like the boring parts of an MMORPG where you're travelling from point A to B.

I played the game to completion and can't recall any of the game apart from the few obvious iconic scenes.

The fuck is that picture

10 fps to 20 fps while double the framerate is still double the dogshit.

It had great atmosphere, and it's the only game to emulate a spaghetti western that's fun.

Stop being a complete faggot.

Things like a little to no care about them and they were not in agreement