It's a blind boss that just swings retardedly at everything

>It's a blind boss that just swings retardedly at everything

>It's a giant humanoid boss that you only fight the upper half of

It's a giant female boss with her tiddies out

>it's a giant male boss with her dong out that you only fight the lower half of

>Its a boss the same size as you

>The only way to hurt the boss is by attacking it with an object it throws at you during one of its attacks

>The boss keeps doing it

>You have to wait for its arm to get stuck after a certain attack

>boss is fucking enormous or otherwise much faster and more powerful than you
>very easy to avoid and always stalls out for a minute, exposing their weak spot

>It's a dumb subordinate that works hard for a shitty wage

>it's a giant boss who attacks by dashing at you like a retard
>the only way to damage him is to make him dash into a wall

>it's a shockwave boss

>it's a boss which is a head and two giant hands
>the head has one giant eye
>the hands also have an eye in the palms
>the eyes can shoot laser beams
>instead of keeping at a distance, the boss puts his hands close enough for you to hit

>boss has attack that stuns or injures him if he misses

>he keeps using it

>it take place at the top of a building

>halfway through the boss fight, the floor breaks through and you fight in a new area

name ONE game that does this

>boss opens himself to attack while taunting the player

>giant male
>her dong


>Boss can't possibly lose unless he does 1 specific thing
>He does the thing

Demon Souls

I love this

Lost Sinner DS2
Minibosses in Resi 4


Fucking Khezu

>boss makes duplicates of itself and keeps doing so

Anyone else think boss was really unnerving in the origin?

Especially the enviorment, it just felt.. wrong.

>you can use negotiation options on the boss
>"This is the battle that will decide the fate of the world... and you're asking me for money?"

>boss pretends to be injured and starts crying
>punishes you if you take pity

awesome shit

Name eight (8) games that do this

name five thousand and thirty two games (5032) games that do this

God Eater
TES with mods
Should be 8 in there

Fuck these are both my posts

God of War 2
Dragon Age Origins
Dantes Inferno
Senran Kagura PBS
Dark Souls (maybe)
there's probably more...

N-No More Heroes
only 5031 left to go...

Maybe the one in the picture for starters, dumby

>boss gives you a fetish

2 (dos (dois (ni))). Undertale

Dankest Dungeon
Don't kill Wilbur

It's a boss that's just a giant regular enemy wearing a crown.