ITT: Games that were forgotten about almost immediately

ITT: Games that were forgotten about almost immediately.

Other urls found in this thread:

inb4 Remember Me

>that ost

>inb4 obvious irony

Almost every game released nowadays.
Seriously, just look at the last few years.

The only ones that don't are games with already formed communities, like Yakuza or Souls.

Just let it die already


Kind of cool that the only reason why this game is still being talked about on Sup Forums is its name.

mattress edge 2


I bet Insomniac learned a valuable lesson during all that.

So basically, any game who had a chance of forming a community and having a sequel

That game was so pathetically easy that I got through the first quarter of it blackout drunk

>Thread is forgotten

>Let it die
>It dies

Dishonored 2
Mankind Divided

That game did even worse than ea gave it credit for.

>remember me
>you don't remember it

I guess it's a curse if you ever decide to name a game something like that

Didn't the game hit 2 million downloads recently?
I wonder how many players out of that are still active
It's a shame because I thought the game was pretty fun, but sorta cheap with some of its design tactics
Having to farm for mushrooms to kill certain bosses wasn't really fun and neither was getting fucked in the ass by level 50 characters as a level 1

Yeah. I got bored and it was a shame because I liked the balence of the humor and sense of isolation

There was this one post apocalyptic PS3 game that came out before The Last of Us, where you played a dad looking for his family (I think), and you could use an empty gun as a bluff to threaten thugs. Any one remembers it? I was going to post it but I've legitimately forgotten it.

I remember there being a post apocalypse game called I Am Alive with a dad and a baby on his back. You just climbed stuff though.

Let it die and remember me are the best titles for games that were forgotten instantly

I didn't forget about it

actually I was playing it an hour ago

I'm just waiting for the next 40 floors senpai

People kept going on about it for months before release, then it came out and some meme videos got made and no one gave a shit a week later.

Yeah, that's the one. They showed that thing with the gun all the times during previews though. It's got quite the title too.


I actually enjoyed the game a bit

Honestly it kind of sucks Remember Me is totally forgotten. The God Hand/Transistor style of "make your own attacks" is something I wish more games had.

I never finished the game but I remember said scene with the empty gun happening early on and then there were some long ass climbing sections. It was so incredibly boring.

It was fun for like 10 floors but turned into a slog pretty quickly after that, senpai.

Would totally buy a rebalanced retail release though.

They need to fix the carnival floors. Durability runs out so fast and enemies start becoming obese with HP. GOTO is a pretty rude awakening but at least you can use mushrooms on him. Failing that you can cheese everything with the iron but that's not fucking fun in a game with multiple weapons.

This game looks like it would have been fun if it wasn't FTP bullshit

>get level 3 fighters before having good enough weapons
>getting steamrolled by rank 3 fighters everytime i go to a floor

can't do anything


It was horribly implemented in that game. You just had to make a decent chain and never change it again.

The thing I always remember about that game is a thread on neofag saying that everyone should buy the game because it had a niggress protagonist. I think that was around the time I figured out what kind of shithole that was.

2 million downloads
1.4 million active players only because of world wide access and it being a reasonable F2p

Wait do you mean the first goto on floor 11?

No, the one after the Jackson fight in Crowley's area. His health skyrockets and you can't make any of the upgrades for those floors until you beat him, because all the black metals spawn after his fight.

>never dead
>was never alive

>rbi baseball 2016
>lichdom battlemage
>agatha Christie
>sebastian loeb rally
>brunswick pro bowling

Saw 0 people or adverts for any of these games

I never got it. I picked up ME1 like a month after it released for ten bucks and I loved the shit out of it. But nobody else bought it. It's got a cult following but the cult was never large enough to make more of the same really sell, much less changing everything up and banking on the market value of a game every ignored the first time.

It was pretty popular through out December. The difficulty turned off a lot of casuals, but there was nothing wrong with the game itself.

I just got bored after beating Gunkanyama and didn't feel like grinding for materials just to make further grinding easier and waiting for floors 41-50 to open up.

I actually enjoyed this game somewhat, shame it got savaged by critics and bombed hard.

I wouldn't mind playing it if it was b/c and at a good price just to see how bad it was

>too human


I had never heard of Lichdom Battlemage until Digital Foundry's video about how awful it performed on consoles, though apparently it's been fixed since then.

>lumping in Folklore with Recore and Too Human

A solid majority of the game of the year contenders from the last 5 years fit the bill (Last of Us, Bioshock Infinite, etc).

>already 70% off

What about folklore

and im still debating whether to get it or not. God damn, im a cheap bastard.

No one has forgotten about those, but of course you know that. Have a free (you).


Still remembered.

I loved Dishonored 2 but I burnt out after one run. To be fair, I fucked up my no-kills and saves, forcing me to replay the first three missions. I also feel like the sequel wasn't as good as the first game in some aspects (like story and bugs). I'll definitely come back to it at some point, for DLC if nothing else.

great game but lack of content for now. there is a big content update coming soonish though so the numbers will jump up again

Speaking of original Prey, why is the new Prey even called Prey? It didn't even start development under the Prey name as far as I know, and not enough people really remember Prey enough for there to be much point in drudging up the name for brand recognition--I think there are more people who remember being hyped by the trailer for Prey 2 and disappointed by its cancellation than there are those who actually remember Prey 1, and those people are mostly just mad that New Prey isn't Prey 2.

I bought it for half off during the winter sale and still haven't gotten around to actually playing it.

Fuck's sake.

i only played a bit of that game but kudos to the art team, they made some fucking awesome looking enviroments

This game was fucking amazing.

I think I only played to floor 19 so far. Lost all my medals at one point and it was a hassle playing forward. Haven't started it up in a while

Most MMos. GW2, that gay furry space mmo with robot characters, blade and soul or something like that.

I played it for a while and the general was pretty active for a few months.

It was more fun in the beginning. The cost of dying at the top and reliance on anti-fun mushrooms killed it for me. Plus the constant expedition sending and the tedious shit that entailed.

I had fun until the 10th floor, then I just kind of stopped caring. The platforming on the train was too irritating to bother with and every time I failed it was 8k coins to come back.

>what happened to this
I will never not be mad.

My "fuck you I liked it" game.


Last I checked its community was still pretty solid but outside of that the game seemingly doesn't exist.


Not many people talk about these games I only played 2/3 of those games but noone talk about them

Most flavor of the month games like besiege

You would have gotten outside after that, or I mean there would have been no ceiling anymore

Probably has something to do with them needed to use or lose the IP I would imagine.

Care to elaborate?

Because the faggot devs took two entire months to fix 80% of the quests being broken and there's still no sign of any content updates.

Nigger what? Even if you do manage to fall off the train you just take a small bit of damage and get put back at the start of the section.

The gameplay here was rad but it just suffered from not having a big enough audience when it released. Any game would involve you playing against people from all over the world and so the lag problems were constant.

This was the original trailer for the game.

Then they decided to do focus testing and they listened to literal 12 year olds and we got the cancer known as Fuse.

The player numbers for this game on steamcharts really fires my neurons.

My problem is that I kept getting knocked off by the lightsaber robot guy and/or getting hit by it. I feel like if this game had some sort of parry mechanic I wouldn't be having that issue.

Same. Stopped me from getting just cause 3 xl. Ended up buying hitman but itsehh

I have never forgotten about gw2, but for bad rather than good reasons.
>tfw no gw

let it die, let it die, let it shrivel up and die

It does have a parry. But I only realized it exists when the guy in the arcade mentioned it once

you can do perfect blocks that will make most things recoil off of you giving you free hits

it's pathetically easy to do with the Red Hot Iron, that thing essentially trivializes the game

I only knew this existed because of some nude mod you can only get advantage of by jumping a skyscraper's window

Its a pathetic game.

I don't think spending sixty dollarydoos would have made the combat any more fun.


It died pretty fast, hell, even lightning's games got threads years after release.

Loved the original but the new game must be really fucking bad and SJW bullshit everywhere. Glad to see it flop. Just looking at that mongolian fuckface makes me vomit

"Corporate spite" is a real thing, for example Tom Rothman intentionally not allowing a third X-men movie to be made- jeopardizing the future of FOX in the process because it was their tentpole film franchise- because he wanted to force Bryan Singer to quit due to ongoing vendettas against him and comic books. Also why he let Deadpool flounder in development hell for a decade. It's not out of the question Bethesda is doing it for similar reasons given the history.

I want to breed Lightning

I dunno. I still play it everyday.

proof that waifus are never a bad idea


This. The endless farming made me want to kill myself

man we really did let it die

Does the farming start after floor 20? I haven't really needed to farm anything so far, I mean I'd probably do better if I did but I've been alright. Heard it starts throwing a lot of shit at you between 20 and 30

>Make a diablo style game
>Shitty controls but...after like 5 hours you could end playing it.
>But hey, let's put coop online only
>And hey, let's make you and your coop partner share the same screen


They could have made offline coop but nooooo

I've been playing regularly, i plan on making it to the top without paying any money, usually i farm for a few minutes and try to reach another floor.

could you please give examples of SJW influence besides Faith's face?

you don't NEED to farm
sending out expeditions frequently will supply you with everything you could possibly need to beat the game. still tedious, but not nearly as bad

the farming comes in when you've finished it and want to make cool armors and weapons