"PC is so superior, buy PC, consoles are dying: and for peasants also!"

>"PC is so superior, buy PC, consoles are dying: and for peasants also!"

*buys gaming PC*
"OK, let me at this sweet world of PC games you were talking about! What sweet PC games are coming out I should know about?"

> uh listen guy it's not about new games and AAA, what are you a normie? we got these indies coming out, also here's the Nintendo Wii emulator, and check out Deus Ex

TFW you fell of the PC gaming meme

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Sounds like something a normie would say.

Nice falseflag

just like a consolecuck to only think about new shit

I use my 1500 dollar pc exclusively for indie games.

PC is the only place where you can go full autism simulation
or play with more than 24 player

>wanting AAA games

Of course you should get a console, you have shit taste.

PCs are for people who like gameplay and originality.

Get yourself Total War, some 4X games, Civ, and then start sampling the million billion good indies until you stop having shit taste.

Total War Warhammer is a better game than Bloodborne and PC gets Forza now, GT stopped being since 4 and Driveclub and PCars are hot garbage.

You forgot undertale.

Nice try consolecuck.

I did the same thing, got a 6700k and a 1070 and after a few weeks I'm back to playing PS4 and Xbone.

I recently built a PC about 2 months ago for the first time and the first month was amazing and now it just feels the same as a console but I can do other stuff with it so it's okay.

Kerbal Space Program was worth it though. I really like space though.

>spend 900+ on pc capable of 4k
>use it to play games you can run on a walmart i3 laptop


Forgot to add that building the PC and learning about computer components was really fun. I kind of know about different computer components now ans know what is good and bad, before it was all just jargon to me. It was fun putting it together to. At the risk of sounding autistic it's kind of like the same feeling you get when planning your build as planning a min-max build in an RPG.

>fell for the PC gaming meme ages ago
>still rocking my 560Ti OC edition
>still able to play all the latest emulators
>still able to play all the latest PC games worth playing (such as Berseria)
>literally no reason to upgrade, the only things I can't play are the latest AAA PS4 shitstains

It's ok.

PC has so many options and choices that I find it hard to believe anybody would say "nogames". Hell, 95% of the time deciding what game to play is the hard part

All the best PC exclusives don't require a strong PC.
Prove me wrong.

there is literally no reason to buy a high end gaming PC since every good PC exclusive can run on a toaster.

>tfw you aren't a retard and actually properly research your purchases

there is literally no reason to play multiplats on consoles unless you're poor

They will """""""run""""""" on a lot of computers, but even something like CIV needs a somewhat decent one to run properly. Stuff like ARMA obviously need a gaymen one.


Because 95% of Steam games are straight up shovelware.

It's really cute that you think the PC market even remotely matters to publishers.

Consoles represent 90% of all sales, hell The Witcher 3 would not have even been made if it wasn't for consoles

>What sweet PC games are coming out that I should know about?
Criminal Girls: Invite Only (Jan 11)
Caladrius Blaze (Jan 12)
Resident Evil 7 (Jan 23)
Panty Party (Jan 24)
Tales of Berseria (Jan 26)
Disgaea 2 PC (Jan 30)
Rosenkreuzstilette (Feb 3)
Mobius Final Fantasy (Feb 6)
Atelier Sophie (Feb 7)
Nights of Azure (Feb 7)
Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force (Feb 14)
Princess Maker Refine (Feb 17)
Berserk and the Band of the Hawk (Feb 21)
River City Ransom (Feb)
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 (Mar 7)
Zero Escape: The Nonary Games (Mar 24)
Operation Abyss: New Tokyo Legacy (Mar 27)
A Rose in the Twilight (Apr 11)
Yooka-Laylee (Apr 11)
Psycho Pass: Mandatory Happiness (Apr 24)
Operation Babel: New Tokyo Legacy (May 16)
Tokyo Tattoo Girls (May)
Tekken 7 (June 1)
Cladun Returns (June 6)
Ys VIII (Fall)
Ace Combat 7 (2017)
Ni No Kuni II (2017)
Freedom Planet 2 (2017)
A Hat in Time (2017)
Nier Automata (2017)
Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom (2017)
Wonder Boy and the Dragon's Trap (2017)
Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord (2017)

>Buy a platform without any games on your mind
red flag for a retard

if they developed for the PC only the game might look better, but without the consoles there would be no games in the first place so the whole argument is mute. If the witcher was a PC exclusive it would look better on a high end PC but it would also be way way less ambitious and huge.

This is the reason Horizon looks so much better and more ambitious than anything exclusive to the PC. Because people actually buy games on the ps4.

Let it be reminded

>not buying a multimedia machine that can do all of your gaming, web browsing, and whatever other hobbies you have all in one
>not investing more up-front in your hobby for a cheaper and better experience in the longrun
>buying a console, games at $60 a pop, and some shit like a Macbook instead
>paying a fee to use your own internet and justifying it with the shitty five year old """free""" games that come with it

Come on, OP, at least try.

ps4 pro masterace

Okay but how many of those are exclusives?

>implying pc has games
red flag for a retard

>lol the vast majority of games, multiplats, which are also generally the best games out right now, literalaly do not exist, because they dont fit my narrative that justifies spending my money shortsightedly

consolefags should really just kill themselves

Or usually like the same games on consoles????

>PC games
>almost all of these are ports, some of these are several years old

I feel like PC is going to kill video games. Phone games have been dead since the beginning, but this is actually something I care about
Thanks to the fedoration of redditors that subscribe to the idea of "PC master race" and other ironic shit that people take seriously, they are going to make it so that PC is a monopoly and that every game released every also gets released on PC

On the surface, this seems like a good deal
>"Ayy, I getz to play my vidyer so what's the problem user?"
Well the thing is, exclusives will no longer exist. Why you might cry in joy, that means that the quality of games will drastically drop. Now that you don't need to make people spend hundreds of dollars on a piece of tech, you have no reason to spend so much time trying to make the best game ever

On the other hand, PC is an oversaturated market. The only thing that succeed there is shitty pixelshit indiefart "games" because they cost nothing to make and ASSFAGGOTS and other MMOs. So Your niche JRPG isn't going to sell anything since it's not what people want. That's like advertising your cock rings between children's cartoons.

And not to mention the whole "Steamsale" thing. Again "blablabla it's good FOR ME, therefore, why not?".
Well because developers will no longer want to make games since people always buy games en masse when a sale happens so they buy them at %75 off, meaning the developer makes jack shit even if they sell a million copies

"But they have to approve it first!" you cry out.
Well the thing is, a copy sold is better than no copies sold. But the reason why no copies are being sold is because people expect AAA games to cost $10

It's like food stamps or other shit. While it's not as impactful there since you NEED to go to a super market, people getting shit at %75 off is going to crash the economy. Fucking Berniecuck logic

ALSO, the online community is even worse. Mainly because of reddit killing every multiplayer game