Horizon thread, goty edition

Only 9 days left. Who is excited for goty 2017?

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Not really open world, not interested.

Fuck off shill

im red boxing it asap

Hello, blz commens the shidposting

I am, I canceled my switch+botw pre-order and ordered a pro+horizon instead

>art for Aloy makes her look really cute
>but her character model itself makes her look like Dewey from Malcolm in the Middle

I can't wait, Horizon will be one of the greatest games this year.
>But muh Zelda
Botw will be a flop

I'm ready!

4 days off work!

My goty is going to be rdr2 tho


How do you take a neat concept like robo-animals, and miss the point by making the story mostly about humans?

What will you do the other 3 days?

Never understood collector's editions for new IP's. It's like you're tempting fate for it to be utter shite and a waste of money.


Since we can talk without memers here.
I think Aloy is an amazing protagonist. There's something about Aloy. I can't quite put my finger on it, but there's an enchanting kind of magic in the way she shoots a bow, speaks her mind and sprints across vast valleys littered with monstrous metal beats. Aloy is powerful and loyal, an underdog outcast who rises to glory on an epic scale, and it's impossible to not root for her. She's as clever as Hermione Granger, as though as Lara Croft and better with a bow than Katniss Everdeen and she's the reason I fell in love with the game. As is often the case, love hit me out of nowhere, when I least expected It. Horizon is not the typical kind of game you always see. I'm generally drawn to experiences I can play in bursts, like League Of Legends, TowerFall, Neko Atsume or Overwatch, and I've never been tempted to play all the way though a massive, open-world role-playing games like Dragon Age, Skyrim or The Witcher. I love fantasy and Sci-fi genres in general but nothing really caught my attention. But with Aloy everything is different this time. Aloy drives my infatuation with Horizon. Aloy is the kind of character I want to hang out for hours: compassionate, thoughtful, indipendent and warrior of the land. She radiates power and It feels marvelous to wield her strenghts and fight through her weaknesses. I simply can't wait to enter this incredible world created by Guerrilla Games and spend time with Aloy.

gotta pander to dem focus groups

>randomized loot
>level scaling
>hamfisted rpg leveling system
>dialogue wheel where you rarely have the ability to change the outcome and get railroaded by the plot
>protagonist constantly and inappropriately talks to herself
>cinematic story
>UI littered with bloat due to the absurd amount of systems they've lifted from other games
>gutter trash voice acting
>Ashly Birch plays the protagonist
>Aloy is also one of the most blatant Mary Sues ever
>terrible facial animation
>RPG weapon upgrade system for revolutionary +damage and +range modifiers
>don't even have to draw the bow back completely to shoot
>even though you have to spam arrows to win you have an arbitrary limit to them and have to craft more mid-combat
>stealth attacks are overpowered because of the terrible detection system
>Ubisoft towers
>backstory/endstory is almost entirely exposited through audio logs
>audio skip button is the same button used to interact with the world
>bamham scanning
>Obscuring fog everywhere
>Invisible walls
>world map lifted straight from Far Cry
>compass lifted straight from Skyrim
>Terrible ratio of gameplay to cutscenes
>Plot is literally Mary Sue saves the world by empowering the good AI created by an altruistic woman whose avatar is a nigress and kill the evil white man who runs a patriarchal tribe for an evil AI created by a redneck who thinks it's badass that it can destroy everything
>Empty world that's not interactive
>dumb AI
>somehow managed to make fighting ROBOT DINOSAURS boring arrow sponges

I keep finding things to add to this.

it would be funny, if BotW turns out to be the better game

>tfw i can't find the other videos for the other cutscenes



to be honest, you can say half of that about BotW too
and I am more in team Zelda

>That JP theme gets me EVERY TIME

Stream convinced me, i'm gonna be disappointed if i can't do a "naked enough" run

Some of us have this thing called disposable income and can afford to take those chances.

Feels good man

I feel like PC is going to kill video games. Phone games have been dead since the beginning, but this is actually something I care about
Thanks to the fedoration of redditors that subscribe to the idea of "PC master race" and other ironic shit that people take seriously, they are going to make it so that PC is a monopoly and that every game released every also gets released on PC

On the surface, this seems like a good deal
>"Ayy, I getz to play my vidyer so what's the problem user?"
Well the thing is, exclusives will no longer exist. Why you might cry in joy, that means that the quality of games will drastically drop. Now that you don't need to make people spend hundreds of dollars on a piece of tech, you have no reason to spend so much time trying to make the best game ever

On the other hand, PC is an oversaturated market. The only thing that succeed there is shitty pixelshit indiefart "games" because they cost nothing to make and ASSFAGGOTS and other MMOs. So Your niche JRPG isn't going to sell anything since it's not what people want. That's like advertising your cock rings between children's cartoons.

And not to mention the whole "Steamsale" thing. Again "blablabla it's good FOR ME, therefore, why not?".
Well because developers will no longer want to make games since people always buy games en masse when a sale happens so they buy them at %75 off, meaning the developer makes jack shit even if they sell a million copies

"But they have to approve it first!" you cry out.
Well the thing is, a copy sold is better than no copies sold. But the reason why no copies are being sold is because people expect AAA games to cost $10

It's like food stamps or other shit. While it's not as impactful there since you NEED to go to a super market, people getting shit at %75 off is going to crash the economy. Fucking Berniecuck logic

ALSO, the online community is even worse. Mainly because of reddit killing every multiplayer game

This game, man.
I barely thought it would live up to the hype, let alone exceed it. I've been playing for four hours straight across only two regionais and about five grasslands, and it has been absolutely and utterly humbling. My breath is being taken away at every turn.
I just drowned trying desperately to make my way out of a dark underwater cave on a cold, lonely, massive plain, with ominous growling startling me from far across some rocky, eroded mountains against the backdrop of a massive dark blue system. Earlier I was marveling at a herd of grazing antelope-like creatures on a little yellow paradise of a forest with a pink sky. Creatures were screeching in the distance and tinkling piano chords played in the background.
I very much appreciate the technical and leveling aspects such as mining and trading, but most of all, this game has been an extremely emotional experience for me so far. I could barely pull myself away from my first region once I acquired the bow. No matter what I'm looking at, I have this excitement and this wonder and frustration that I am inevitably missing so much. I have never, EVER felt this lost. The world just beckons, wordlessly. What a beautiful, beautiful, titanic game. I have no words.
Enjoy, everyone. And thank you, Guerrilla Games.

To be honest, 90% of this just flat out wrong or misinformed, but i can't be fucked to make a copy pasta perfect counter because you only have about 10 hours left until your demise.

>cinematic story
>Ubisoft towers
>Empty world
>dumb AI
These are the only ones I can maybe apply, we need to see more of the game than just the plateau for me to make a list like that.

I'm ready ready just pre-order today

It's really cute that you think the PC market even remotely matters to publishers.

Consoles represent 80% of all sales, hell The Witcher 3 would not have even been made if it wasn't for consoles.

I am in. Gonna need the right platform though.

You can't be fucked because you know it to be true and are trying to save face.

lol open world

That list is all observation from Horizonbro's stream last night.


I laugh my ass off at the beginning every time but that footage at the end looks fine.

HHHHHHNGH id only there was a way to reach my weapon!

Who the fuck sets a weapon right next to a prisoners cage?

I didn't see all the stream last night. What'd I miss?


>instigating shitposting/flamewar
But for what purpose?

Heard the story is really "progressive", so thats great. Cant wait to find out what caused the circumstances they are in.

Does anyone really decide whether to buy games or not based on threads like this?

>black GAIA wants to bring life to earth
>evil white guy took over HADES and wants to destroy the earth

Can you delete this,we will have a patch on release fixing it.

well, ad
>RPG weapon upgrade system for revolutionary +damage and +range modifiers

and maybe
>cinematic story
counts too, to a certain extend
(I am still team BotW)

a 45 minute cutscene

>even the model looks like a man

top fukken kek

Is it an upgrade system or is it just equipment attributes? Because there's a difference.

>add cinematic story
I did.

lel, I like how this game has basically become a gag for everyone on Sup Forums now. Only shills or falseflaggers are trying to hype this game now. The leaks are out, the game is bad. Farcry : SJW edition.

There was a really funny post summing up the plot, spoilers and such:

"Caesar's legion and robots are fucking shit up and you're the only white girl in a world gone black. Turns out the reapers killed the humans and all forms of life in a previous cycle, so a bunch of diversity hires went underground and made an AI designed to rebuild earth. The robots and caesar's legion are all part of a counter system, where if the new world is too shit then something kills it all to start again. Turns out a FUCKING WHITE MALE built the killswitch program, so naturally a "diverse" world (read; black matriarchy and nothing else) would instantly flag up as being inferior. In more recent events, Caesar tried to kill you, but like all villains gave you every opportunity to escape. So your negro amigo bails you out so you can live another day and preserve this SJW dystopia.

The real genre of this game is horror when you get right down to it."

The black, female mother goddess AI is also wearing a hijab.

Are you sure? Because I only see

>cinematic story
>gutter trash voice acting (that old woman in the trailer and treehouse don't give me high hopes)
>stealth attacks are overpowered (but they detect you pretty easily if you're not careful)
>Ubisoft towers(in the sense that they are towers and reveal little to nothing about landmarks or objectives)
>Obscuring fog everywhere (mostly on Wii U but switch sometimes shows off a bit of this)

Honestly, for a company just barely dipping their toes into the open world genre, they did it pretty well

Observations wit the
"I'm going to fucking hate this i'm going to fucking hate this"

Glasses on, most of it is flat out wrong or just ill-informed, like i said that doesn't anymore, not for long anyways.

the mother goddess AI doesn't wear a hijab, but the person she's based off of does

to be fair dude botw isn't out yet and this is things you can observe from the dude who was playing it on stream the other night

botw will probably be just as bad, but you have to wait to shitpost about it

I honestly have no idea why horizon vs botw became a thing, as it was obvious from the start that both would be blunders

sorry, didn't see that, that you add cinematic story

and about the upgrade system, I heard/read there is one (but I am not 100% sure), but you also have different equipment



Damage control is here.

>A 45 minute dialogue wheel which can totally be skipped btw


lol no it isnt

take off your fanboy goggles

there was 2000 of us watching the stream and you're lying

YAY ALOY DID IT! we only helped....

>A reviewer actually wrote this.

Will the patch fix this too?

lol they are paid to give good reviews what do you expect

obsessed by BOTW

because Horizon fags are the worst and deserve what's coming to them.

This is how delusional polcukcs like you legit view the game, it's actually kind of sad when you think about it

You're mixing up the Iranian scientist with the nigress god AI.

I don't even care about your console war faggotry I just like watching games leak. Game's a poorly executed Frankenstein of concepts and mechanics lifted from other AAA open world games.

What about this?

Yea trust me just keep the pre order (or buy it on release) and you will see.

I agreed with you until the latter half of your post where I realized you were retarded

>where could SHE BE?
>hmm what was that? i just ran into something squishy, better not react

>Cinematic story
How? What does this even mean? A game having a cutscene? oh wow!!!

>Ubi towers
horizonbro was filling his map without touching the tall necks once, what are you even on mate?

The rest, typical meaningless filler shit

Horizon fags please explain me this

Killzone was dogshit.
user who is streaming everyday it shows Horizon iz shit.

How can you be still hyped for this?
And before you will start bitching that I am nintendo or a pcfag nope, I have a ps4 but it is sure as hell that I won't buy this.

what is this?

>Crouch in _ to hide, then press _ to instakill
Are all modern stealth games dead at this point?

No, they are paid to review games.


You're such a baby

Because I'm a better play than him and I think that could make the game better. Still I like what I saw.

invisible walls, the game is LOADED with them

just like new vegas

>you can go ANYWHERE!...no not there, STOP, you have to go down this specific pathway we made just for you! no your not allowed there!

He's not referring to Horizon.

Does anyone have a link to the leaked streams? Not just webms, but some extended footage? I'd appreciate it.

I was talking about botw you know right

But I agree, both "ubi towers" and a "cinematic story" are retarded points to try to make against a game

camon this sucks hard

Or said person loves the character that much, but oh I forgot thats not possbile because muh sjw's or something.

you cant polish a turd

we seen the extent of combat last night, you have a bow, a sling shot, and an awkward melee swing that apparently knocks over 50,000 pound robots so you can stab it with your "spear"

you cant change the dialogue, you cant change the story

all you can do is make the game go faster, thats all you can change

Cause the game looked and played amazingly, the music and ambiance is point on, the story is actually mildly interesting and kept and audience of 3000 up for 7 hours straight.

What really sells me is just the sheer scale of the fights and all the mechanics taking place in some of the massive encounters.

I was also really impressed with the side quest, i missed the first have but the ending was climatic, it felt like the finally to a game.

I'm so exited for this masterpiece!

need more webm like this

>i have no words
>writes a novella

Cinematic story is a buzzword used by the AAA industry to mean "cutscenes every 15 minutes to break the flow of this open world go wherever you want game so we can pad the trailers".

Ubisoft towers meaning the devs couldn't think of a different or better way to create a vantage point so they litter the map with towers. It feels so fake.

It looked better than most open world games and I really like the story. Killzone 2 was a masterpiece.

And I'm fine with it. I love open worlds so I buy EVERY open world. I like the protagonist and I love to move in big worlds and explore them. When I got the game I will be able to say for sure if it's shit or not for me.

Damn, when they fucking dinosaurs was shooting fucking lazers killing all your allies as they shot rows of fire arrows at it and all the bandits coming at you.

Shit was phenomenal, It kind of sucked how horizonbro was mostly defensive, when i get this shit i'm gonna be setting up traps sliding under the dino and shit, the mechanics and animations during gameplay are so phenomenal the webms i make will be great, very very excited

What a fucking train wreck.



wow, what about old Tomb Raider?

the only thing i found interesting were the audio files giving little glimpses into the war against the machines

the rest of the story was dogshit

i wouldve prefered a game about the past war with the machines that when they kill you they devour you turn you into biofuel and more machines

>your the last one alive
>you see the swarm coming to eat you
>theres nothing you can do, you are going to be repurposed

I just want to see the main characters armpits. Seriously.

Null and void. Nice try though

>Still I like what I saw.
>I saw shit
>I liked it

top kek


Sometimes the towers are both explained and/or are a natural part of the environment. It's never bothered me but you're probably one of those "muh immersion" people

And Cinematic stories can be good if done right, they don't particularly belong in open world games but some devs have done it well enough to get around the stigma there