Let's get real for a second. It doesn't matter that the Switch isn't as powerful as people would like...

Let's get real for a second. It doesn't matter that the Switch isn't as powerful as people would like. It doesn't matter that the price tag is pretty steep in some regions. It doesn't matter that the third-party line-up will probably be pretty weak overall. It doesn't even matter that the online is a paid service.

The real problem is the lack of first and second parties. These are what people buy Nintendo for. Sure, there are some announced, but it's too little too late. I thought Nintendo spent the last 2+ years restructuring their handheld and home development divisions so we'd get a consistent flow of Nintendo content, something both the 3DS and Wii U lacked? So where the fuck are they?

They can ride off the initial BOTW hype for a few months but if they don't have some major bombs to drop at E3, I'm struggling to picture this thing retaining any kind of sales momentum.

What else do you want them to announce?
You have already got their big sellers Mario, Mario Kart, Zelda.
Next comes Xenoblade, Dragon Quest, SMT, Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Splatoon, Tales, etc.

The upcoming pokemon game for it

I agree that price is the main issue, but being weaker than WiiU when unlocked is inexcusable.

E3, though. If I were them, I'd hold back some titles to reveal there.

The system is sold out at launch, what would more announcements achieve? Double sold out at launch?

They're spreading out both announcements and releases to keep the Switch in the public consciousness.

>but being weaker than WiiU when unlocked is inexcusable.
Good thing it's not, then

>The system is sold out at launch, what would more announcements achieve? Double sold out at launch?

What the fuck does "sold out" mean? How many units? They would sell double that many units. Triple. Quadruple. "Sold out" means literally nothing, it's not like they can't build more.

>The system is undershipped to retailers
fixed that for you

Gamestop had to hold a public raffle just so people can get the privilege to PREORDER a Switch.

That fire emblem remake should have been on the switch.

>but if they don't have some major bombs to drop at E3,
Metroid next year, Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Monster Hunter. Boom. Nintendo has plenty of franchises that'll sell NS.

>but being weaker than WiiU when unlocked is inexcusable.
It shouldn't have a hybrid functionality in the first place, that's what pushed the price of 2006 grafix into $300 pricepoint.

It should have been a PS4 clone with Nintendo first parties, they should have planned the games BEFORE releasing it and it would have sold a shitton.

>they don't have some major bombs to drop at E3

i'm sure they do have one - Switch's yearly sales report

So far they have zero (0) titles that aren't the usual derivative nintendoshit. Oh wait, Skyrim. They have a last-gen 6/10 RPG.

I'm still waiting for them to announce an actual game.

>Metroid next year

Hoo boy, can't wait for Federation Force 2.

You just quadrupled all of Nintendo's development costs, good job user!

Competing with the ps4 would not do Nintendo any favors. Most people who want a strong console already have a ps4 and would have no reason to switch this late especially since all their friends are probably on the same console as well. The entire point is that it doesn't have to compete with the ps4

>The entire point is that it doesn't have to compete with _______

The only time that strategy worked for Nintendo was with Wii. And it's becoming more and more clear with every generation that Wii was a fluke. All other times that Nintendo has been successful, it accomplished that using Sony's exact tactics: by having a console that was just _better_ than the competition. Competition is good if you can win it.

If they showed off Pokemon on this thing, the hype would be through the roof.

I mean shit, Pokemon Go was a resounding success among normies. I'm sure I heard that Pokemon Sun and Moon sold faster in their release month than any Pokemon game ever has in the past. Mainline Pokemon on a """home console"""? I can already picture social media absolutely exploding over it.

>And it's becoming more and more clear with every generation that Wii was a fluke.

It's been one generation since the Wii you retard.

It's an obvious cash-in due to being able to reuse a lot of existing work, so no, it wouldn't make much sense on a new platform. That's why Switch is getting its own FE later.

There's only been a single generation since the Wii and they lost the two generations before it despite their consoles not being weak. Nintendo has already left the "strong console" market and with that they lost the support of games made for "strong consoles" like battlefield who instead decided to focus on platforms they know they'll have an audience on. Even if Nintendo made a strong console it might not be worth it for a company to put their game on it because the audience might just stay on ps4/PC. And the same goes for the people buying the console, why would they buy one without knowing if those companies will develop for the new console or just stick to ps4/xbone/pc

Why are white nintenbros such betas?

>It doesn't matter that the Switch isn't as powerful as people would like. It doesn't matter that the price tag is pretty steep in some regions. It doesn't matter that the third-party line-up will probably be pretty weak overall. It doesn't even matter that the online is a paid service.


There could've been ports of PoR and Radiant Dawn for the Switch. That would've been nice.

Nintendo probably plans their launch manufacture to release sooner with fewer to ship to
A) get it to market faster to get a concrete boost in revenue
B) not outlay a ton of cash getting them produced when they could fail
C) build hype with the hardcore and trendsetters by letting them have momentary exclusivity thru scarcity

Last I've heard, they sold out of the 3 million units they produced. Sounds okay to me, considering the PS4 sold a tremendous 4.2 million units to customers and had 1 million preorders before launch. Thinking that you can reach PS4 numbers and overproducing would be fucking stupid.
If the preorder numbers are actually true and only a third of the numbers materialize as sales, that would be a pretty great launch after the abysmal failure of the WiiU.

>Let's get real for a second. It doesn't matter that the Switch isn't as powerful as people would like. It doesn't matter that the price tag is pretty steep in some regions. It doesn't matter that the third-party line-up will probably be pretty weak overall. It doesn't even matter that the online is a paid service.

Actually all of this matters, the lack of support and the lack of games is just the cherry on the shitcake.

The switch is such a joke, hopefully it will make Nintendo go third party before 9th gen, so I'll be able to play their games on PC without having to get their retarded outdated and overpriced piece of shit hardware and rely on their embarrasingly outdated (now paid) online services.

>Wii U releases
>Switch is announced

god shut the fuck up already

Not only the Switch is absolute trash hardware wise, it also cannot compete as a home console because not only it's less powerful but it also has no fucking games while the competition has had 4 years to build their libraries, and after the recent news, there is also no excuse to support nintendo over Sony or MS, because not only they are the most backwars out of the 3 with their constant censorship and greedy tactics, now they also are guilty of paid online (while not even offering half the features MS and Sony offered for ages, such as in game chat, so why the fuck should anyone pay? What the fuck are you paying for?), day one dlc, hard mode behind paywall, the list goes on and on. Nintendo is literally the worst company right now, and by a huge margin if you consider they completely dropped their estabilished consoles and bet everything on an overpriced piece of shit gaming tablet.

As a Nintendo fan, I am hoping they will take such a massive loss with the switch they will go third party. At this point their games would be better on literally any other system, since none of the gimmicks justify the existence of the hardware anymore.

>Wii U
>no third party support
>no first, second, or third party support


>Pokemon go
>free on a device you already have
>Pokemon switch
>that'll be 300 for the console and 60 for the game, plus tip

Not really comparable.

nintendo is cornered and this is their last stand. their hardware sells less each time, their market is basically non existing now and they're resorting to all the "cheap" tactics which they claimed to be above before, like dlc and paid online.

after this fails, there will be 4 possibilites:
1) cellphones
2) consoles
3) pc
4) leave the market

they may do some combination of 1-3. i suspect they'll try to build a platform similar to origin/uplay etc and sell their cheaper games on android. it's what makes the most sense. they can even make their own peripheral controllers if they feel like it, and it would work for the most part the same way it already does.

that said, in the long run, this won't keep their market alive either. they need new games, new ips etc rather than releasing a new zelda/mario/pokemon every generation


>System isn't out yet

what did he mean by this?

I never said they were comparable. I'm just pointing out that there's still a GIANT market for normies who love Pokemon. Sure, Pokemon on Switch wouldn't hit Pokemon Go numbers but it'd still generate more hype for the Switch than just about any other game they can come up with (bar Zelda of course)

A console/company's reputation does not exist in a vacuum. It's "too little too late" because they've been stringing their fans along with dry periods on both the Wii U and 3DS and they still haven't rectified the problem for the Switch.

Nintendo needs to fucking go third party and fast.

The games on switch would be more enjoyable on PC, you don't need a fucking tablet with waggle gimmicks to play fucking Zelda or 3D Mario. Those games have always been the most enjoyable on a nice screen while on the couch, besides, long and complex games like Zelda don't work while outside because you can't get the immersion and concentration required, quick and easy games are better as a past time while outside.

There is literally no reason for those games to be on the fucking Switch. Not only that but on PC you'd have the following advantages:
>Better graphics not limited by the ridiculously underpowered hardware
>No bullshit like paid online on a fucking mobile device that can't even use public wifi (since public wifi requires a browser to register and log in)
>No retarded Amiibo dlc
>Again, not held back by Nintendo's retardedly outdated online services

If you buy a Switch you're the cancer killing games and you support the perpetuation of shitty greedy practices, censorship, and gimmickization of series that work best without gimmicks.

Yeah, Sega's software quality just SHOT through the roof when they went third-party, didn't it?

Oh wait

The Eurogamer leak was not true

1. just because it happened to sega, it doesn't mean it will happen to nintendo
2. sega is doing better now than they were during their hardware days
3. nintendo's current situation is unsustainable. either they'll be forced out of the market for having no one to sell their systems to or they'll have to migrate to a platform that isn't theirs

Sega has always been shit. Nintendo is still good sometimes (see the new Zelda). But they'd have to give it to me for free if they want me to play it on their shitty tablet.

Hopefully based Cemu will deliver the goods once again.

>1. just because it happened to sega, it doesn't mean it will happen to nintendo
ok guy
>2. sega is doing better now than they were during their hardware days
they were dying and had to merge with sammy to save themselves.
>nintendo's current situation is unsustainable. either they'll be forced out of the market for having no one to sell their systems to or they'll have to migrate to a platform that isn't theirs
they have already done that by expanding into mobile.

>Sega has always been shit.
spoken like a true underage.

mario kart deluxe should be a launch title delaying the game is retarded

Underages aren't content with "Sonic was never good" anymore, they've escalated it to "Sega was never good" and "Nintendo was never good".

I can't wait until "gaming was never good" so we can just get it out of the way and purge this board altogether.